Wednesday, October 24, 2007

How Not to be A Gospel Coward By FR Powell, OP

Sunday, October 07, 2007
How Not to be a Gospel Coward
27th Sunday OT: Hab 1.2-3, 2.2-4; 2 Tim 1.6-8, 13-14; Luke 17.5-10
Fr. Philip N. Powell, OP
St Paul Hospital and Church of the Incarnation

Click to listen!

Are you a gospel coward? Is your heart weak and your spirit faint? Do you cringe or flinch or whine at the first sign of opposition? Do you think it always best to find a way around or between or under adversity? Do your hands and arms get rubbery at the thought of conflict, the mere mention of offense? Does your brain turn to mush and your strength drain away when the enemy approaches to confront you? Maybe you are a coward in more subtle ways—surrendering to fashion out of fear of exclusion; giving up the fight because your cause is ill-defined or poorly lead; retreating in the face of superior reason or more extensive experience? Do you abandon your gospel witness? Do you manifest cowardice when what is most needed is courage?

How easy it is for us to be ashamed of our “testimony to our Lord”! Paul admonishes Timothy “not to be ashamed” of the witness he himself makes to the gospel of Christ. Rather than being embarrassed by the prospect of telling others about the Lord’s freely given gift of forgiveness in mercy, Paul urges Timothy to “bear your share of the hardship for the gospel with the strength that comes from God.” We are either ashamed of the gospel, burdened by the adversity its preaching brings, or we are strengthened, en-joyed, made joyful by the “sound words that [we have] heard from [Paul].” The faith and love that are in Christ Jesus are our inheritance, our trust fund of grace and life, the exceedingly rich treasury of gratuitous help that we receive for no other reason than that our Father is Love and loves us always. Paul goes on to order Timothy to “[g]uard this rich trust with the help of the Holy Spirit that dwells with us.” Reminding, testifying, bearing-up-under, strengthening, hearing and seeing, guarding, and preaching—all of these we do now and tomorrow for the sake of Christ and our eternal lives with him. Thankfully, we do not do any of these alone, none without help. Our help is the Holy Spirit who dwells within us and among us.

Brothers and sisters, we have work to do. And there is no room for a coward’s heart in a soul filled with Spirit!

We have work to do. And with this work, we have the Holy Spirit filling us with the power of the Word Made Flesh, the fire of truthful witness, and the assurances of God’s promises written in stone and flesh. The Spirit dwells in me. In you. In us. Calling Timothy “beloved,” Paul reminds Timothy: “Beloved, I remind you to stir into flame the gift of God that you have through the imposition of my hands.” What is this gift? For the Church, Timothy is a bishop, ordered to apostolic authority by the imposition of Paul’s hands. His gift is the grace of leadership, the gift of standing in front, between what has gone before and what is coming. Timothy is the focal point of salvation history for his local church. He is the crux, the crossroad for what is and what is not authentic testimony, what is and what is not truthful witness. With the Church, Timothy is a man of faith, burning with courage and strength, called to service to the exhaustion of his gifts, and lifted up as one with authority to lead. Timothy is himself a gift to the Church, a grace given to serve us in peril, without profit.

With Timothy’s strength, with Paul’s strength, with all the saints living and dead, and with the unfailing help of the Holy Spirit and the whole Body of Christ, we, cannot fail in preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather one of power and love. Therefore, to be ashamed of our gospel testimony is to be ashamed of Christ himself. Why would we add this hardship to our burden? We have enough work to do in pursuing holiness, in keeping away from sin, in feeding the hungry and clothing the naked and healing the sick. Why would we do any of this and fail to claim the power and love of the Holy Spirit? Why would we do any of this and fail to dig deeply and excessively into the treasury of graces freely given to us specifically for this purpose? Why would we plow the fields of the world and tend the world’s sheep and do so without humility and eagerly welcoming hearts? Why?

Cowardice, that’s why. Fear of hardship. An aversion to difficulty. A distaste for “offending.” We might be called names. We might be ostracized. People will think we are being exclusive or discriminatory or intolerant. If we make any hard claims about the truths of the gospel, we will be seen as aggressive missionaries, or worse—missionaries of aggressive religion! Thus, we must blend in, mingle, disguise ourselves. If we stand up, stand out, or in any way distinguish ourselves as gospel witnesses, we must be claiming exclusive possession of The Truth. We must be preaching One Way, The Only Way to heaven. We must be vile little buggers who lust to see the heathens burn! If we flinch at these accusations, batting a single eye for a single second, and change one word of the gospel out of fear being called bigots, we are, in fact, cowards; cowards deserving the label.

Now, before any of you think I am calling for the reinstitution of the Inquisition or a rallying of the Crusades, let me say: we work as servants. Not inquisitors. Not soldiers. Servants. We serve. That’s what gospel people do. Secularists expect us to come charging out of Mass with swords drawn and torches lit and force them all to the baptismal font and confessional. My suspicion is that this is exactly what they want us to do, thus confirming their own bigotries and prejudices and giving them every excuse to continue their already well-oiled and ever-so-sophisticated persecution of the Church. No, I’m not being an alarmist. Nor am I issuing warnings or dire cautions against the evils of the secular world. The evil we need to be worrying about lives already in the heart of every man and woman who lays claim to the suffering, death, and resurrection of Christ. Our worst enemy is not the state, not the Supreme Court, not the ACLU, and not other religions. Our worst enemy is the weak heart of compromise, the fainting spirit of accommodation and assimilation. Our worst enemy is the Christian heart that believes its soul is impervious to charitable work. Excused from profitable service and witness. This is the restless heart of a Christian that will not search for and will not find its rest in Love. It cannot. Because it suffocates the Spirit in disobedience and fear.

Ask these hard questions this way: is the Lord to be grateful to us b/c we have done what he has commanded us to do? Is he supposed to pat us on the back and send us on permanent retreat b/c we completed the work we vowed to do at baptism? Because we have said “amen” and “thanks be to God” at Mass? Or, are we to say to our Master, “We are unprofitable servants, Lord; we have done what we were obliged to do”? Even better: we have done what we promised to do because you died for us, making us heirs to your kingdom.

We are already well-paid servants. We’ve used all of our vacation days. All of our comp time and sick days. The Christmas bonus has been given and spent. The heavenly 401K has been cashed. The time clock is still ticking and we haven’t yet punched out. If you are going to be a witness to the gospel out there, then know this: our God did not give you a spirit of cowardice but rather a spirit of power and love and self control. His Word has been proclaimed to you and his Word remains forever.

Brothers and sisters, put on your apron. We have work to do!


What is fairness? I am sure everyone knows the world is not "fair". However, is anything "fair"? My response is NO. There is NOTHING that is fair. Someone will always believe something is fair if it goes in his/her favor, but unfair if it does not go in his/her favor.

Taxes: People want to pay the least amount of taxes possible. The rich are upset that they pay the largest amount of taxes of any other group of people by far, but the poor have to pay a larger % of their earnings in taxes (except for the "poverty" poor). No one will ever feel that the way the government obtains money is fair. However, no one wants to take over in personally paying for what the government does. IE it would cost less money if each person paid to plow part of the neighborhood; however, we don't want to pay for that, so we pay for the government to plow the roads for us. Then we scream that it is unfair for them to tax us so much.

Work: Everyone feels they do what they need to do to get by at work. Some people have a higher mark of what "get by" really is. At my job, most of us get paid the same amount weather we work high above or below. (far below may not get a rise so we will not count them)People think it is unfair for some who cannot work as fast and as efficient to miss out on raises, but the top producers want to make more than the slower people. We will not even get into the fairness of promotions and how they are looked at.

Employment/wages: Some are saddened that a CEO can make $1 Million/year when the entry level employee makes $8/hour. Then we see ball players getting $45 Million contracts then endorsements on top of that! Well that certainly cannot be fair. What makes one job worth $1 Million plus benefits when another is only worth $20,000 after weeks of over time, no benefits, vacations, exec. Where is the fairness that one person with a 4 year degree and smart makes $40,000 and another makes 100,000? Why do some children get to make more money as they enter the work force because the mom and/or dad have contacts? Why could I not have had contacts?

Death: Some die young (in the womb and shortly after), some die old, some die peacefully, some in pain, what is fair with this? Would it not be more fair if each of us had 80 years exactly and then expired on that day? Of course not, some people are not wanted (aborted babies, the homeless, the impoverished) and society does not want to care for them. What about the criminals, many would say it is not fair if they have as much (or more) time than an law abiding person.

Justice: In the US they try to make Justice available for all, but it does not happen. People with money still get the best lawyers, the poor still get stuck being more guilty. The famous get out of jail time due to status; however, it would be more dangerous for them inside than a nobody. The uneducated say and do things that make them seem more guilty than someone with a silver tongue and golden words. Then on both sides of the case there is unfairness vs. fairness. A person is "messing" around and hits someone with an auto. The person hit dyes. Is it fair to the person who says it was an accident (everyone makes mistakes) to do 80 years in jail. However, it is not fair for the person who lost a loved one that the person responsible should go free. The time spent in jail is also unfair. Someone with 10 pounds of weed may have to spend a considerable amount more time in jail than someone who helps to kill his/her only child! Then the woman who kills all 5 of her children is allowed less than 20 years and is pregnant again...

Looks: People who have better looks and a better outward appearance are usually considered more intelligent and better suited for the position. The better looking the waiter/waitress, the better the tip. The better looking the applicant, the better chance of the position. This does not just include nice clothing, but everything about the appearance. Therefore, if you are not attractive, you have to work 3 times harder to look presentable for a job interview or anything.

Afterlife: Then after a lifetime of things being unfair to one or both sides of the coin, we die. Here is the ultimate showing of unfair. Jesus came down, became man, and died a painful death so that we may have the option of spending an eternity with God in heaven. Then there are people who spend a life time of trying to live as God sees fit, they get the same reward as someone who, up until death, has lived in the darkest pits of sin. Some may say that is unfair. Though to look at it, we are all miserable compared to God, he gives us everything we have, he allows us to be in pain and glory. So we must accept what he gives us, work with it, and praise him. This system was not set-up to be fair. Of course there is no "fair" anyway because someone will always think it is unfair if they do not get what they desire. So since Jesus had been treated the ultimate in the unfair category, let us stop complaining and start living for him...

Saturday, October 06, 2007


Here are some Lyrics... I am not sure I like them... I like the beat of the songs, but not the idea behind them. Though I must admit I have felt this way before...


"Lips Of An Angel"

Honey why you calling me so late?
It's kinda hard to talk right now.
Honey why are you crying? Is everything okay?
I gotta whisper 'cause I can't be too loud

Well, my girl's in the next room
Sometimes I wish she was you
I guess we never really moved on
It's really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words it makes me weak

And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel

It's funny that you're calling me tonight
And, yes, I've dreamt of you too
And does he know you're talking to me
Will it start a fight
No I don't think she has a clue

Well my girl's in the next room
Sometimes I wish she was you
I guess we never really moved on
It's really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words it makes me weak

And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel

It's really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words it makes me weak

And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel

And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel

Honey why you calling me so late?

Avril Lavigne
Girlfriend (Katie do not read)

Hey hey, you you
I know that you like me
No way, no way
You know it's not a secret
Hey hey, you you
I want to be your girlfriend

You're so fine
I want you mine
You're so delicious
I think about you all the time
You're so addictive
Don't you know
What I can do
To make you feel alright
( alright alright alright)

Don't pretend
I think you know
I'm damn precious
And hell yeah
I'm the mother fucking princess
I can tell you like me too
And you know I'm right
( I'm right I'm right I'm right)

She's like so whatever
You can do so much better
I think we should get together now
And that's what everyone's talking about

Hey hey, you you
I don't like your girlfriend
No way no way
I think you need a new one
Hey hey, you you
I could be your girlfriend

Hey hey, you you
I know that you like me
No way, no way
You know it's not a secret
Hey hey, you you
I want to be your girlfriend

I can see the way
I see the way you look at me
And even when you look away
I know you think of me
I know you talk about me all the time
Again and again
( Again again again)

So come over here
And tell me what I wanna hear
Better, yet, make your girlfriend disappear
I don't wanna hear you say her name
Ever again
( Ever again again again)

She's like so whatever
And you can do so much better
I think we should get together now
And that's what everyone's talking about

Hey hey, you you
I don't like your girlfriend
No way, no way
I think you need a new one
Hey hey, you you
I could be your girlfriend

Hey hey, you you
I know that you like me
No way, no way
You know it's not a secret
Hey hey, you you
I want to be your girlfriend

In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger
'Cause I can, cause I can do it better
There's no other, so when's it gonna sink in
She's so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?

In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger
'Cause I can, cause I can do it better
There's no other, so when's it gonna sink in
She's so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?

Hey hey, you you
I don't like your girlfriend
No way, no way
I think you need a new one
Hey hey, you you
I could be your girlfriend

( No way No way)

Hey hey, you you
I know that you like me
No way, no way
You know it's not a secret
Hey hey, you you
I want to be your girlfriend

Hey hey, you you
I don't like your girlfriend ( No Way!)
No way, no way
I think you need a new one (Hey!)
Hey hey, you you
I could be your girlfriend ( No Way!)

Hey hey, you you
I know that you like me ( No Way!)
No way, no way
You know it's not a secret ( Hey!)
Hey hey, you you
I want to be your girlfriend ( No Way!)

Hey Hey!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Life anyone?

I know there are those out there who are especially touched by the issue of abortion. For those of you I pray. I love you and I wish not to harm you in any way; however, I feel this must be said.

Abortion must stop because it damages our bodies, our minds, our spiritual lives. It causes us to have some of the biggest problems. We try and trick ourselves into saying, my child is better off having never been born. Sad thing is after the child exits the womb, a parent would never say such a thing!

I do not care what language you use when talking about abortion; however, there is nothing you can say that does not make it murder. When an abortion is done you are intentionally stopping a beating human heart.

Then we need to also talk about contraception. I know there are those who may still be reading this who are with me to this point and I will lose them here; however, here are some facts about contraception (especially the pill). Here it is the same as the surgical abortion and the "Plan B" pill, the mother holds the ability to have sex with whom ever she wants when ever she wants at a higher standard than her child. She feels it is her RIGHT to put herself in front of everyone and everything on the face of the earth. By doing this she loses her rights. I know that sounds silly; however, here it is.

When I was 15 I had a boyfriend that I really liked. All of his friends wanted us to have sex, so I did. It was not special, it was not magical, it was just there. In fact I still remember watching TV during the first encounter, it was a special on Rasputin (the crazy Russian guy, sorry if I misspelled it). When he and I broke-up he blamed the break-up on me. It was my fault because I said we should do this. I was hurt because I did it for him. Now he and I no longer talk, we cannot even pass a friendly hello.

At 15 what did I know about life? At 27 what do I know about life? Do I know so much as to say I want my child to die so I may live as I see fit. Will I still think it is fit in 5, 10, or 15 years? But like all decisions it is an irreversible one...

If you are still reading, I am sorry for this; however, I had to post something, here is some videos on why we must try and stop Planned Parenthood. In Indianapolis we are doing a 40 day prayer campaign, there could also be one in your area as well. Take a look at the information at

Fraud in Aurora

Protecting statutory rapists and threatening a young woman
Disussion of abortion on Scrubs

PP Promote choice?