I would like to introduce you to a “friend” of mine. Though I have never met him in person, I have had many conversations with him. He IS a great man. He led a very holy and respectable life. He became engaged to a woman to find out that she became pregnant by another during the engagement.
He was going to break off the engagement; however, he became aware of the fact that it was not due to a sinful act by her. In fact, the child was a great gift from God to the world. So he chose to accept the reticule of his peers and take her into his house as his wife.
He stood by her during her pregnancy as any honorable man would his wife. Comforted her, attended to her, and ensured her safety and comfort. He was with her for all of the pregnancy except when she went to help her elder cousin with her pregnancy.
When his wife returned to him he was overjoyed to see her; however, due to being late in her term many questioned her purity and dedication to him. He did not. He stood by her and loved her. Then they found they needed to make a very long journey, so away they went, he by her side. She ended up giving birth when they were away. The trip must have been so hard on him. The worry and concern over what stress this journey would have on his young wife. Though she did not seem to mind very much, it was very tiring to him. The trip home would have been even harder on him. Now he had a newborn child to look after as well.
Before they reached home he was informed that people wanted to kill his son. So as any father would, he took his wife and child to a far away but safe place. He left his life, family, job, and home simply to save the life of his foster child. He and his wife had a hint of sadness for the loss of the company of their families; however, the life of any child is worth the sacrifice, especially this one. They did not return to their home till the threat was clear.
Though it was not his child, he raised him as if it was his treasured first son. (He has not yet told me if it were his first.) He supported his wife in the education and rising of the child. When the son was old enough my friend to him to the workshop and taught him a trade. He worked to ensure his adopted son had everything he needed from the time he was born till the time my friend passed away.
Also, this holy and just man never took his wife into his bed chamber for marital activities. She was so special because of her calling to be the mother of his foster son, that it was out of the question to deflower such a perfect woman. He remained chased and loving. Never wavering, simply staying in the background and let his beautiful wife and son have all of the light.
He knew he raised a good and righteous son by the time he was a teen simply because he was so strong in the knowledge of God, the laws, and he also had a very keen mind. Though the child had a powerful will he always obeyed his parents. Yes even as a teenager!
Though my friend died before he had a chance to see in person the true strength of his adopted son, he died in the arms of his loving wife and son. As many of you know already I am speaking of Saint Joseph. He is the protector of the innocent, of the young virgins, of workers, and others. He tried so hard in life to have the ability to take care of his perfect wife and son, he denied himself the basic pleasures of life to ensure the wellbeing of the both of them, and he has been there with them ever since. He would never leave them as long has he had the choice.
My devotion to this great man comes from my love, respect, and image of my father when I was a kid. He was an honorable man. Read his Bible every morning at breakfast, loved his wife, and child. He too took in a child that was not his and raised her as his own. (Sometimes I think she was raised better than his own.) He treated his step children as if they were his own as well. He did not play the “it is their father’s responsibility” game. He was at church every Sunday morning and night (between running me back and forth from Indianapolis and Fort Wayne) also he was there Wednesday night bible study and Thursday night visitation with the pastor. No matter what happened later, this is the man who raised me, loved me and my siblings. He and his new wife also allowed my brothers from my mom’s second “marriage” to come and stay. All this was done for me, the apple of his eye.