I was talking to people at work... One day I may actually work at work! Anyway, we started talking about "Fantasy Lists". Do any of you have one. I am guessing no. This list is a list of famous people that if the famous person was OK with it you could have an affair with and your significant other or spouse would not get angry, mad, or upset.
So women at work are talking about "fantasy" guys and I mention that this or that guy is good looking; however, I would not "do" them. In fact, a few years ago (after seeing a episode of "Friends")I decided such a list was stupid and retarded. It says to your loved one you are not enough. I have to live this fantasy to be fulfilled. This makes me feel that most people are more empty.
They then told me that I was silly for not having such a list. I was also told that my boyfriend has one so I should have one. Well I can tell you that any man of mine better not even think I would be OK with such a thing. Why would ANYONE go for this. It seems too close to an "open" relationship to me.
I had friends that had an "open" marriage. The rule was as long as they ended the day together in bed it did not matter who they spent the day with or what they did. This seems to be an abuse of marriage. I see this list as close to that. It also seems kind of like idolatry as well as adultery.
So many times a day I think...
1. I am SO happy I am a Catholic!
2. What is WRONG with people?
Friday, September 28, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
The Chapter Room
Hello all! I know some may think I am crazy; however, some friends of mine and I have decided that we need to start a Catholic Utopia! If you go to the blog the Chapter Room you can see all of the wonderful discussion about this.
If you are not Catholic, but still want to give respectful advise, or to see if such a community is right for you, just come and check it out!
If you are not Catholic, but still want to give respectful advise, or to see if such a community is right for you, just come and check it out!
Friday, September 14, 2007
I am 51 and worthless!
This story is not about me... obviously for those who know me...Anyway I read this article "Why don't I ever get asked out?" Well here is her question, the rest of the page is professional and un-professional people giving advise...
Here is my response. First of all if you are 51 years of age and feel that life is ONLY worth while if some other human likes you, you are living a VERY sad life! This should be something that people learn is false earlyish in life. At 51 you should know that the best things in life would be the things that got you though the last 51 years!
Second, why would you want someone to "want" you? Why would you not want love. Sad thing is one person actually responded that she should "LOWER" her standards! I would say they are TOO low. Unless she just wants a hook-up and not a relationship then by all means drop away!
Third... Well I am just going to stop! This makes me SO angry I want to spit! Why do we tell women they are only worth what other humans think you are worth!
My entire adult life, I have gone out to all the places you're told to go to meet someone special. Nothing. I never even get asked out. It's like I'm invisible, and my life has wasted away because there's not a damn thing I can to do to 'make' someone want me. I'm no size 0, but I'm not an elephant either. I have a great personality (that one again!), but I can't get my friends to understand that I simply refuse to put myself through more pain and humiliation by going to a dance and never getting asked to dance. I feel like such a damned freak. Can you help me?" -- Shelby B., 51, Atlanta, Georgia
Here is my response. First of all if you are 51 years of age and feel that life is ONLY worth while if some other human likes you, you are living a VERY sad life! This should be something that people learn is false earlyish in life. At 51 you should know that the best things in life would be the things that got you though the last 51 years!
Second, why would you want someone to "want" you? Why would you not want love. Sad thing is one person actually responded that she should "LOWER" her standards! I would say they are TOO low. Unless she just wants a hook-up and not a relationship then by all means drop away!
Third... Well I am just going to stop! This makes me SO angry I want to spit! Why do we tell women they are only worth what other humans think you are worth!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Miami is the "Thrid World Nation"
Man or man, my job makes me wonder more and more every day how humans got to the top of the food chain! I mean really. HOW. I guess the best answer is God. If he did not put us here… well we would not have had a chance!
Today I received a complaint letter about a cable company from a woman who lives in Miami. In this letter she indicated that Miami was a “THIRD WORLD NATION”!!!! Yes folks she said it was a third world nation even though it was on the US soil.
Well I decided to get some information on what a third world nation was. According to Wikipedia… Yes I know not the most reliable; however, according to them these terms First, Second, and Third world nations is how economically developed a country or area is. Just based on that MIAMI is nowhere NEAR a third world nation!!! Who comes up with this crap? Does she really think?
OK, for the like 2 people who MAY read this? What do you think she was referring to when she said that Miami was a third world nation? A co-worked noted that she could be referring to the influx of Spanish speaking people; however, they are also from first and second classifications...
Today I received a complaint letter about a cable company from a woman who lives in Miami. In this letter she indicated that Miami was a “THIRD WORLD NATION”!!!! Yes folks she said it was a third world nation even though it was on the US soil.
Well I decided to get some information on what a third world nation was. According to Wikipedia… Yes I know not the most reliable; however, according to them these terms First, Second, and Third world nations is how economically developed a country or area is. Just based on that MIAMI is nowhere NEAR a third world nation!!! Who comes up with this crap? Does she really think?
OK, for the like 2 people who MAY read this? What do you think she was referring to when she said that Miami was a third world nation? A co-worked noted that she could be referring to the influx of Spanish speaking people; however, they are also from first and second classifications...
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Often I am amazed about how little credit we give each other and ourselves! Why do we sell short the creation of God? Are we afraid that if we push ourselves we will fail? Well here is to pushing yourself!
For example, friends have a Long Walk. Several walkers have attempted to finish a 55-mile walk in 24 hours. It has yet to be finished, but there is next year. They do not quit, they do not give up, and they do not say it is pointless they just try! Others think the pursuit is silly and just stay home. But at least they are trying.
What brought on this thought process was talking to people at work. Yes I am beginning to think this is a dangerous thing. However, this is how it goes. My good friend John wants to have more of a communal life style instead of a self-centered one. This lifestyle would include several families with like values and morals living together in one home (I guess it has to be a VERY big home). Anyway, the key would be for the men to go out and do “man work” and make all of the money. The women stay at home and do the “woman work” (I think we women have a better deal). However, instead of having personal property, everything belongs to the entire community. We would not have personal possessions to get in the way of our spiritual growth.
I know there are many things that can be argued against this way of life, including pointing out that it could seem a bit “creepy” from the outside. However, the argument my co-workers pointed out was the fact that the chances of husbands and wives cheating would be higher!
COME ON!!!! Really???? What the….
One girl stated that it is a bad idea because if my husband and I have a fight and he starts to talk to one of the other wives they will be come too close and then he would end-up sleeping with her. Or some such thing! Well that is an interesting thought. First, why would he go to one of the wives instead of one of the other husbands? Second, why would he harm his “sister,” wife, and “brother” so grievously as to sleep with her? Not to mention the harm done to the children and God! It just does not seem logical. Then my next set of issues is why would my friend, the wife of a friend, and sister have sex with my husband? Do these people think that all humans have a total lack of self-control and have to have sex with any and all two legged females?
Then I was reading in “Girls Gone Mild” about the same issue. Wendy Shalit indicated women tend to feel that all women are competition and cannot be trusted. Is this what my co-worker was referring to? Of course this gets my little head working. I surly hope that my roommate Katie would NEVER even think that I would harm her in such a way! I cannot imagine what demon possession would HAVE to have occurred before John or myself harm a family unit like that!
So why would this occur? Well because people are hateful, vengeful, and lustful. Theses types would not be allowed in the utopia of John and Katie’s world!
For example, friends have a Long Walk. Several walkers have attempted to finish a 55-mile walk in 24 hours. It has yet to be finished, but there is next year. They do not quit, they do not give up, and they do not say it is pointless they just try! Others think the pursuit is silly and just stay home. But at least they are trying.
What brought on this thought process was talking to people at work. Yes I am beginning to think this is a dangerous thing. However, this is how it goes. My good friend John wants to have more of a communal life style instead of a self-centered one. This lifestyle would include several families with like values and morals living together in one home (I guess it has to be a VERY big home). Anyway, the key would be for the men to go out and do “man work” and make all of the money. The women stay at home and do the “woman work” (I think we women have a better deal). However, instead of having personal property, everything belongs to the entire community. We would not have personal possessions to get in the way of our spiritual growth.
I know there are many things that can be argued against this way of life, including pointing out that it could seem a bit “creepy” from the outside. However, the argument my co-workers pointed out was the fact that the chances of husbands and wives cheating would be higher!
COME ON!!!! Really???? What the….
One girl stated that it is a bad idea because if my husband and I have a fight and he starts to talk to one of the other wives they will be come too close and then he would end-up sleeping with her. Or some such thing! Well that is an interesting thought. First, why would he go to one of the wives instead of one of the other husbands? Second, why would he harm his “sister,” wife, and “brother” so grievously as to sleep with her? Not to mention the harm done to the children and God! It just does not seem logical. Then my next set of issues is why would my friend, the wife of a friend, and sister have sex with my husband? Do these people think that all humans have a total lack of self-control and have to have sex with any and all two legged females?
Then I was reading in “Girls Gone Mild” about the same issue. Wendy Shalit indicated women tend to feel that all women are competition and cannot be trusted. Is this what my co-worker was referring to? Of course this gets my little head working. I surly hope that my roommate Katie would NEVER even think that I would harm her in such a way! I cannot imagine what demon possession would HAVE to have occurred before John or myself harm a family unit like that!
So why would this occur? Well because people are hateful, vengeful, and lustful. Theses types would not be allowed in the utopia of John and Katie’s world!
Monday, September 03, 2007
As my current boyfriend is playing his new video game, I have some time to write. I will steal this time from the time I SHOULD BE working on my Abba, Father newsletter! But instead I will write about why we should not need law, and how the body of Christ is Broken…
As members of the body of Christ, as a people who are required to live above the law and live in love, we should not need laws to live. I am getting frustrated at our fallen nature that commands we need laws to keep each other from killing one another, when the law of God commands that we love each other as we love ourselves… Now I understand that all are not Christians, or moral… But why can’t we be? No real need to answer that because I know the answer. But recently I have been talking to people about the “problems” with the Novas Ordo (NO). They seem to think that it lends to abuse because it is not spelled out point by point. However, I feel we should not need for someone to say we need to refrain from stepping into a Barney suit for a blessing or any such craziness. I feel that a priest should know better! A priest should not need to be told that he should stay in his vestments till mass has ended! I mean REALLY. Do we really need rules to tell us that we need to dress properly for mass? No, everyone KNOWS what is right to put on before mass, but people chose not to do it. It is not that we need more laws, rules, exc. We need a conversion of heart, mind, and soul! Now this leads directly into…
If the body of Christ was not currently broken here on earth, we would not need the laws to tell us what we already know. If all were united in loving and caring for one another, then it would be fine; however, we (Roman Catholics) are SO busy trying to keep priests in their vestments and out of the newspapers that we have problems fighting the demons that are attacking the church in every way possible! The Eastern Catholics are fighting for recognition, the Protestants… well they are SO busy standing on rocks screaming that they are the only ones who are right…
Now you can say I am not being fair, because I am not. However, this is to depict what we are doing instead of praying for the end of Abortion. Instead of teaching our children right from wrong we are allowing them to do whatever under the lie of “freedom”! Why, why do we allow Christ’s body to be broken again and again? Why do we not tell the evil one to depart from us? Why do we insist in making God in our image?
As members of the body of Christ, as a people who are required to live above the law and live in love, we should not need laws to live. I am getting frustrated at our fallen nature that commands we need laws to keep each other from killing one another, when the law of God commands that we love each other as we love ourselves… Now I understand that all are not Christians, or moral… But why can’t we be? No real need to answer that because I know the answer. But recently I have been talking to people about the “problems” with the Novas Ordo (NO). They seem to think that it lends to abuse because it is not spelled out point by point. However, I feel we should not need for someone to say we need to refrain from stepping into a Barney suit for a blessing or any such craziness. I feel that a priest should know better! A priest should not need to be told that he should stay in his vestments till mass has ended! I mean REALLY. Do we really need rules to tell us that we need to dress properly for mass? No, everyone KNOWS what is right to put on before mass, but people chose not to do it. It is not that we need more laws, rules, exc. We need a conversion of heart, mind, and soul! Now this leads directly into…
If the body of Christ was not currently broken here on earth, we would not need the laws to tell us what we already know. If all were united in loving and caring for one another, then it would be fine; however, we (Roman Catholics) are SO busy trying to keep priests in their vestments and out of the newspapers that we have problems fighting the demons that are attacking the church in every way possible! The Eastern Catholics are fighting for recognition, the Protestants… well they are SO busy standing on rocks screaming that they are the only ones who are right…
Now you can say I am not being fair, because I am not. However, this is to depict what we are doing instead of praying for the end of Abortion. Instead of teaching our children right from wrong we are allowing them to do whatever under the lie of “freedom”! Why, why do we allow Christ’s body to be broken again and again? Why do we not tell the evil one to depart from us? Why do we insist in making God in our image?
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Solo Saxophone explination
OK, again there are SO many things I want to cover with you…
1. Solo Saxophone
2. The body of Christ broken
3. Why we should not need law
At this time I will blog about #1 and hope I get time to write about the other 2 later. I guess I put them in this post so I remember I wanted to do them!
OK, the post about the solo saxophone is not really about me and any particular person, nor is it about 2 specific people. What I meant by posting it is for people to have the song for the situation it brings up.
When I listen to this song, I think of a man and a woman meeting, falling in love (love at first site is always romantic), and then holding onto each other like it is the last night they will ever have. Of course this is how we should be with our spouses! We are never guaranteed tomorrow so don’t take your love for granted. Let your spouse know you love in a very deep special way. Treat them tonight or tomorrow like it is the last night you will ever have together because you may not have tomorrow! Don’t let more than a few days go by without SHOWING how much in love you are, and take time to listen to one another.
All this coming from a single girl who never knows what end is up in a relationship. Though I have some good examples!
1. Solo Saxophone
2. The body of Christ broken
3. Why we should not need law
At this time I will blog about #1 and hope I get time to write about the other 2 later. I guess I put them in this post so I remember I wanted to do them!
OK, the post about the solo saxophone is not really about me and any particular person, nor is it about 2 specific people. What I meant by posting it is for people to have the song for the situation it brings up.
When I listen to this song, I think of a man and a woman meeting, falling in love (love at first site is always romantic), and then holding onto each other like it is the last night they will ever have. Of course this is how we should be with our spouses! We are never guaranteed tomorrow so don’t take your love for granted. Let your spouse know you love in a very deep special way. Treat them tonight or tomorrow like it is the last night you will ever have together because you may not have tomorrow! Don’t let more than a few days go by without SHOWING how much in love you are, and take time to listen to one another.
All this coming from a single girl who never knows what end is up in a relationship. Though I have some good examples!
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