Monday, September 03, 2007


As my current boyfriend is playing his new video game, I have some time to write. I will steal this time from the time I SHOULD BE working on my Abba, Father newsletter! But instead I will write about why we should not need law, and how the body of Christ is Broken…

As members of the body of Christ, as a people who are required to live above the law and live in love, we should not need laws to live. I am getting frustrated at our fallen nature that commands we need laws to keep each other from killing one another, when the law of God commands that we love each other as we love ourselves… Now I understand that all are not Christians, or moral… But why can’t we be? No real need to answer that because I know the answer. But recently I have been talking to people about the “problems” with the Novas Ordo (NO). They seem to think that it lends to abuse because it is not spelled out point by point. However, I feel we should not need for someone to say we need to refrain from stepping into a Barney suit for a blessing or any such craziness. I feel that a priest should know better! A priest should not need to be told that he should stay in his vestments till mass has ended! I mean REALLY. Do we really need rules to tell us that we need to dress properly for mass? No, everyone KNOWS what is right to put on before mass, but people chose not to do it. It is not that we need more laws, rules, exc. We need a conversion of heart, mind, and soul! Now this leads directly into…

If the body of Christ was not currently broken here on earth, we would not need the laws to tell us what we already know. If all were united in loving and caring for one another, then it would be fine; however, we (Roman Catholics) are SO busy trying to keep priests in their vestments and out of the newspapers that we have problems fighting the demons that are attacking the church in every way possible! The Eastern Catholics are fighting for recognition, the Protestants… well they are SO busy standing on rocks screaming that they are the only ones who are right…

Now you can say I am not being fair, because I am not. However, this is to depict what we are doing instead of praying for the end of Abortion. Instead of teaching our children right from wrong we are allowing them to do whatever under the lie of “freedom”! Why, why do we allow Christ’s body to be broken again and again? Why do we not tell the evil one to depart from us? Why do we insist in making God in our image?

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