Monday, August 25, 2008

How does one get to heaven?

I am sure this is not how....

OK, Seth was right, I should have just gone to bed… now I am all sorts of upset!

I want all of you to read this and PLEASE reply. I really want help with interpretations here!
John wrote a forum post (here if you want to read all that was stated on the forum)…

Someone posted things that made it seem like she did not bother to read John’s post. She chose to pick out words that she wanted to see and then write trash about it. So I tried to kindly reply to her about what John was really saying and this is what I wrote to her…

“Wow RoS you have a real problem! No I am serious. How can you claim to love God and so HATE the Catholic Church? The body of worshipers who kept the Bible safe from people who wished to destroy it, the people who gave everything to ensure that God is glorified, people who devote everyday in prayer for those less fortunate than themselves. It really troubles me. I pray you allow God’s grace and love to work in your life. You do not have to agree with what the Pope says; I do not have to agree with what your preacher says. However, to say that members of the “American Protestant Church” have no business leading our country would be silly. I would much rather a good solid Christian be leading the country than any other religion. Please do not think this an attack. It is simply an observation on what you have freely posted.I am new to the Catholic Church. I converted because I simply could not agree that it is possible for one person to fully know the will of God simply by reading the Bible and trusting that they understand what the Holy Spirit is telling them. For it seems that we humans are not capable of fully understanding God. If we were then everyone who truly loves God and seeks Him would all have the same ideas on how to get to heaven… exc. So as a Roman Catholic I have the resources of the Church, the Pope who is our leader, and a great support group. Please try not to be so condescending about a faith that I think you may not fully understand.”

I also sent her a personal message indicating about how you get into heaven (only though God’s Grace, we obtain this grace though his Son Jesus Christ and the only way to obtain favor with Christ is to believe and follow him. I noted that this is not a onetime decision, which we have to choose each and every single moment to follow him.) She seems to think that all you have to do is accept that Christ is Christ one time at one point and all else is fine. However, as we all know God will weed out the bad from the good and He states that we can tell His people by their works. It is not that works save us; however, if we are really “saved” we will have works. If you are alive you will breath. If you do not breathe you are not alive. If you are alive in Christ you will have works. If you do not have works than you are not alive! OK, that may be a bit off for some of you, but please let me know!

Well this is what she posted in response to my comment.

“You are in league with the Anti-christ papacy,female goddess worship, witchcraft and paganism (i.e., earth-worship) on purpose.

See: (Omitted links: let me know in your comments if you want them)

name a few. But I have little hope for anyone who would supplant the finished sacrifice of Jesus Christ with idolatry on the level of Roman Catholicism knowingly. There are so many nominal Catholics who have yet to even hear the Good News! How dare you reject so free a Salvation as faith in God's Son, Jesus Christ to be saved, unless you prefer to depend on yourself? Jesus had harsh words for the Pharicees and Saducees who imagined their own "goodness" could win them a place in heaven: He called them "white-washed tombs," "dead men's graves," and even a "brood of vipers."You choose these titles when you choose to gain heaven on your own. Grace OR works? Salvation cannot be of both. (I am not here to debate you on this; I wasted three years "debating" with people of your ilk, whose commitment to a female goddess (and countless other demon-saints) proved superior to their interest in Jesus Christ. So, don't bother writing again.)Sincerely,RoS

Seriously I was hoping to NEVER encounter this kind of crap for the rest of my life. However, here it is. Please don’t be shy let me know your thoughts. I am not just looking for people to agree with me. I want you to speak-up especially if you DISAGREE with me! I want to know why you do. I also do not want anyone to “bash” this poor woman. She has obviously been under some extreme situations in order to have such hate and ignorance of the true Catholic Church. (here is where I am going to lose my protestant readers). By rejecting the Catholic Church (not just the Roman Catholic but all in union with Rome as well) you are rejecting Christ. He instituted the Catholic Church. It was HIS followers that spread the word, gospel, as well as the foundation for what we now call the Catholic Church! Here she is coming from a group of people who have not even been around as long as America! In fact I am sure that they could not even date themselves back to the American Revolution! What a bunch of crap. Anyway, I will be done with that rant. She told me never to write again. So as obedient as I am I sent her a message indicating it would be my last comment to her, but I was not going to argue with her. I am sorry for her. I will see her in heaven for I am certain I will be there and I guess she feels she will be as well. I also thanked her for not reading my messages to her for if she had read them than she would know my thoughts on how do humans get to heaven! Well I am done with this for now!


Banner Kidd said...

"I simply could not agree that it is possible for one person to fully know the will of God simply by reading the Bible and trusting that they understand what the Holy Spirit is telling them." WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!? The Scripture and the Holy Spirit is not enough?!?!?!?!?!? Do you hear what you are saying???!!??!!?

"For it seems that we humans are not capable of fully understanding God. If we were then everyone who truly loves God and seeks Him would all have the same ideas on how to get to heaven… exc. So as a Roman Catholic I have the resources of the Church, the Pope who is our leader, and a great support group. Please try not to be so condescending about a faith that I think you may not fully understand.” Aren't the men in the catholic church human? How can you trust them? By the way, the catholic church is pagan to the core. Your blind trust in them is why you don't understand. What they teach is in rebellion to the Torah of Yahweh! Rethink, reconsider, repent!!!!!

Fr. Philip Powell, OP said...


I've been dealing with people like this my whole life. The WORST thing you can do is engage them.

Truly, take off your sandals and shake off the dust.

Not worth losing sleep over. Really.

God bless, Fr. Philip, OP