Tuesday, March 04, 2008


I mean really. Why do "Pro-Choice" feel that they are really on the side of "Choice?" I have yet to see a person who can truly be open to all choices without feeling that abortion is right or wrong. I am Pro-life and I stand by that. I do not feel that all choices available to the public should be available. (For example, it is a choice to shoot your boss in the head... but come on how many honestly feel that this is really a CHOICE that should be available?) I expect many will disagree with me, but here take a moment and read the “I’m Pregnant… Now What?” article on a teen site associated with Planned Parenthood. If I am reading this I would think that the only option for me to live a normal life was to have an abortion. Oh and on the same site there is this quote in the article and in a big block as if it were a bad thing… “CPCs are bringing their anti-abortion, abstinence-until-marriage message to schools.” Again this is a site for TEENS. Now I have yet to meet a parent that is HAPPY about a sexually active child. Most that have them, that I have talked to, accept the fact; however, they all claim to wish the child had waited. So why would it be BAD to teach abstinence? OK, I have heard that they should not be teaching anti-abortion…

Well here is an artical about this site. Many may have differing opions on porn and sex; however, this artical seems to be saying that it is normal for young people to enjoy porn by themselves or with a partner. Again, should this really be somthing we should be PROMOTING to teens? Sorry I will stop with this topic.

I am blogging about this because I tried to talk to Seth about it and he just shuts me down and won’t talk to me about such things. I can understand why. He is still trying to tell himself that his brother did the right thing when he and his then wife decided to KILL his niece or nephew. They see it as a good thing because if the abortion was not had then the next 2 children would not have been born. Well I say who says THAT’S true? Yes I do love the 2 younger children, I would not want them to cease to be, but I cannot say that I am happy that one had to die for the others to be born later. Of course before I knew this I asked Seth’s brother if I could take his pre-teen son to a teen pro-life event. He told me “no” because he wanted his son to make up his own mind on the subject and did not want anyone influencing his decision. Is that possible? Can a child who has never heard a pro-life message make an educated decision with pro-abortion parents?

Now I want to look at the name “Planned Parenthood” (PP).

You can stop reading if I have written on this before; however, I am going to see how PP helps people PLAN a family. I know they help to plan NOT to have a family… but then again that is not what the name states. OK after reviewing the site, I see no place to get information on how to help me PLAN to get pregnant. There is some good basic information about parenting. Some facts about adoption (that does not seem condescending) are present. However, most are about sex, “safer”-sex (I like the change in the name from when I was a teen when it was called “safe”-sex), and STDs. There was nothing about abstinence. So you can get information about how to plan to not become a parent (as long as you intend to be having sex) and some general information about what to do if you become a parent. Sad thing is this site seems a BIT less bias than the TEEN site??? I don’t quite understand that, but then again I do not make money out of young people having sex with one another.

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