To break from the general religion thing…I HAVE FINISHED ANOTHER CLASS. For those who do not know I am a “non traditional” student at University of Phoenix Online. The classes are 5 weeks long with one-week break between classes. Every 6 weeks I am one class closer to graduation. This is scheduled for 01/07, and yes, I know it is still quite some time away. However, I am getting closer.
I started at Franklin College where I met the Man of my dreams. We were engaged, I left college (and so did he), I fell in love with his family, then poof we were broken up. Now I am going back to school full time, working full time, and for some reason this does not fill up my time so I have my blog to keep me happy!
Yes, it is a sad useless life, but it is mine. So until later, just remember, press on one (or six) week(s) at a time.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
The Pope's Problems....
Let me take a moment to digress and sound very much like a consertive Catholic! As I was reading CNN I found some things that were very disturbing to me. Now please bare in mind that I am no one special and my opinion does not mean much…but here it is.
At,, there is a listing of thoughts issues the next pope will face and I find some of them to be … well a bit retarded.
“Racism is the most single issue that will confront the new pope. Hopefully the new pope will do his level best to enlighten the world that blacks are not sub-human, but equal spiritually and intellectually.George Opone; London, United Kingdom”
Well from my accounting, “Racism” has been a problem for centuries and somehow I think it will continue to be. Not just with “Blacks” vs. “Whites” but anyone against everyone… I do not feel that this will be the “Single issue” that he will have to face.
The biggest challenge facing the next pope will be to make changes concerning the role of women in the hierarchy of the church and issues concerning contraception and choices for women. He will also need to urgently address the question of the validly of celibacy as a requirement for priesthood, since this forced celibacy is, by nature an unnatural condition and has, in the past, led to deviant sexual behavior among many priests.Judith Wuarin; Geneva, Switzerland
WHAT? No! He may have to face this, but it is very challenge. I am not sure how the rules go about the secretary or the treasure of the specific locations, but as far as “office holders” and clergy goes…Men ONLY! Gee, that was hard. Yes, I am a woman, but I feel there is a place for each person and skill, I do not think that God gave women priestly powers. We will get to the contraception issue in a moment! Celibacy should remain! Ok, I’m not sure if anyone else has heard; however, there has been cases of “deviant sexual behavior” with people who are allowed to have sex as well as celibate ones. Besides, I feel that the Priest should be available 100% of the time to his Parrish and this would not allow time to take care of a wife and family has he should. Well unless you want the Priest to neglect Church or domestic duties…or better yet they could have sex outside of marriage! However, this would be, in my opinion, “deviant sexual behavior”! Yes, “our” preists are “only human”; however, I do not feel that a vow of celibacy is too much to ask. ANY unmarried person should make this same “vow”! As far as it being unnatural, I do not agree. Yes it is going against our animal instinct…but that is what our Christian lives are about Gods will not our fleshly desires.
I think the next pope will have to think about some controversial issues, such as abortion and contraceptives. The church will have to rethink if it's worth sacrificing human lives, while AIDS is not contained.Paulo; Lisboa, Portugal
The only “thinking” the Pope will have to do with this one is to figure out how to get people to adhere to God’s will. If one is a Catholic or Christian in general; God’s will should supersede what ever “human” instinct should occur. From what I understand the idea of contraceptives is an attempt to stop from obtaining the results of sexual promiscuity; pregnancy or decease. However, is it not fair to say that just saying no is also a great way to keep these things from occurring? Do we think that our “protections” are higher than God’s will? Ok, now as far as the contraception goes, I do not quite agree with the Catholics; however, if they feel that this is an attempt to stop God’s will, then it is sinful to use them.
Ok, done with this tangent…for now.
At,, there is a listing of thoughts issues the next pope will face and I find some of them to be … well a bit retarded.
“Racism is the most single issue that will confront the new pope. Hopefully the new pope will do his level best to enlighten the world that blacks are not sub-human, but equal spiritually and intellectually.George Opone; London, United Kingdom”
Well from my accounting, “Racism” has been a problem for centuries and somehow I think it will continue to be. Not just with “Blacks” vs. “Whites” but anyone against everyone… I do not feel that this will be the “Single issue” that he will have to face.
The biggest challenge facing the next pope will be to make changes concerning the role of women in the hierarchy of the church and issues concerning contraception and choices for women. He will also need to urgently address the question of the validly of celibacy as a requirement for priesthood, since this forced celibacy is, by nature an unnatural condition and has, in the past, led to deviant sexual behavior among many priests.Judith Wuarin; Geneva, Switzerland
WHAT? No! He may have to face this, but it is very challenge. I am not sure how the rules go about the secretary or the treasure of the specific locations, but as far as “office holders” and clergy goes…Men ONLY! Gee, that was hard. Yes, I am a woman, but I feel there is a place for each person and skill, I do not think that God gave women priestly powers. We will get to the contraception issue in a moment! Celibacy should remain! Ok, I’m not sure if anyone else has heard; however, there has been cases of “deviant sexual behavior” with people who are allowed to have sex as well as celibate ones. Besides, I feel that the Priest should be available 100% of the time to his Parrish and this would not allow time to take care of a wife and family has he should. Well unless you want the Priest to neglect Church or domestic duties…or better yet they could have sex outside of marriage! However, this would be, in my opinion, “deviant sexual behavior”! Yes, “our” preists are “only human”; however, I do not feel that a vow of celibacy is too much to ask. ANY unmarried person should make this same “vow”! As far as it being unnatural, I do not agree. Yes it is going against our animal instinct…but that is what our Christian lives are about Gods will not our fleshly desires.
I think the next pope will have to think about some controversial issues, such as abortion and contraceptives. The church will have to rethink if it's worth sacrificing human lives, while AIDS is not contained.Paulo; Lisboa, Portugal
The only “thinking” the Pope will have to do with this one is to figure out how to get people to adhere to God’s will. If one is a Catholic or Christian in general; God’s will should supersede what ever “human” instinct should occur. From what I understand the idea of contraceptives is an attempt to stop from obtaining the results of sexual promiscuity; pregnancy or decease. However, is it not fair to say that just saying no is also a great way to keep these things from occurring? Do we think that our “protections” are higher than God’s will? Ok, now as far as the contraception goes, I do not quite agree with the Catholics; however, if they feel that this is an attempt to stop God’s will, then it is sinful to use them.
Ok, done with this tangent…for now.
And "We" have a new Pope!
As everyone already knows we have a new Pope! He is a Germany man, Joseph Ratzinger!
Though I must admit I know very little about him, ya know not being Cathloic my self... So here is what I found at
TRAUNSTEIN, Germany (AP) -- Students at the seminary where Joseph Ratzinger studied for the priesthood as a teenager in the 1940s erupted in cheers Tuesday at the news that their townsman had become the leader of the Roman Catholic Church.
Students at St. Michael's seminary in Traunstein pumped their hands in the air, and the schools director was in tears.
"I'm completely overwhelmed. I can't fathom what happened," said the Rev. Thomas Frauenlob.
"He eats with us. I can't grasp it. I know he's going to do a really good job."
The class then joyfully ran together into church for Mass.
"It's fantastic that it's Cardinal Ratzinger. I met him when he was here before and I found him really nice," said Lorenz Gradl, 16, who was confirmed by Ratzinger in 2003.
Ratzinger was born in the town of Marktl Am Inn, but the family moved often because of his father's job as a police office, and he wrote in his memoirs that he considered Traunstein his hometown.
He visits the town often, and stays in an apartment at the seminary.
People in Traunstein say they've seen Ratzinger's softer side, despite his reputation as a theological hard-liner.
Frauenlob said he has come home to confirm teenagers and had spent time ministering to the old and sick.
Traunstein was where Ratzinger returned after deserting the German army in 1945, and it was the place where he was taken prisoner by U.S. troops.
He was released from a U.S. POW camp in June of that year and hitched a ride home on a milk truck.
Then I also saw
Jurandir Arauj, of the National Conference of Bishops Afro-Brazilian Section told Reuters: "It seems that he is too conservative. Hopefully the Holy Spirit can help him change. We expected a person like John Paul. Somebody who could give the Church alternatives ... open the Church to the world, look more at reality."
Ok, it may just be me, but I feel that the more conservative the leaders are the better. We, the people of the world, have become too liberal! But that is just my opnion.
Though I must admit I know very little about him, ya know not being Cathloic my self... So here is what I found at
TRAUNSTEIN, Germany (AP) -- Students at the seminary where Joseph Ratzinger studied for the priesthood as a teenager in the 1940s erupted in cheers Tuesday at the news that their townsman had become the leader of the Roman Catholic Church.
Students at St. Michael's seminary in Traunstein pumped their hands in the air, and the schools director was in tears.
"I'm completely overwhelmed. I can't fathom what happened," said the Rev. Thomas Frauenlob.
"He eats with us. I can't grasp it. I know he's going to do a really good job."
The class then joyfully ran together into church for Mass.
"It's fantastic that it's Cardinal Ratzinger. I met him when he was here before and I found him really nice," said Lorenz Gradl, 16, who was confirmed by Ratzinger in 2003.
Ratzinger was born in the town of Marktl Am Inn, but the family moved often because of his father's job as a police office, and he wrote in his memoirs that he considered Traunstein his hometown.
He visits the town often, and stays in an apartment at the seminary.
People in Traunstein say they've seen Ratzinger's softer side, despite his reputation as a theological hard-liner.
Frauenlob said he has come home to confirm teenagers and had spent time ministering to the old and sick.
Traunstein was where Ratzinger returned after deserting the German army in 1945, and it was the place where he was taken prisoner by U.S. troops.
He was released from a U.S. POW camp in June of that year and hitched a ride home on a milk truck.
Then I also saw
Jurandir Arauj, of the National Conference of Bishops Afro-Brazilian Section told Reuters: "It seems that he is too conservative. Hopefully the Holy Spirit can help him change. We expected a person like John Paul. Somebody who could give the Church alternatives ... open the Church to the world, look more at reality."
Ok, it may just be me, but I feel that the more conservative the leaders are the better. We, the people of the world, have become too liberal! But that is just my opnion.
Monday, April 18, 2005
Am I sad?
I was told based on my blog I sounded sad! Well I am very happy...blissful in fact! If you don't believe me then leave a post and I will kick your.... I mean hug you later lol
Smiles :)
This was sent to me by a friend...not like anyone actually reads what I post...but here it is :)
In John 8:12, Jesus declared, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the lightof life." I have been thinking lately about the "disturbing" quality oflight. I don't mean that light is to be despised or that it isultimately negative in this sense. We have all had that experiencewhere we have been sleeping in a dark room and someone comes in andabruptly turns on the light. It isn't that light is bad; it is justthat the invasion of light into that which is dark can be very jarring. And yet, the necessity of a lighted room is beyond argument. If thelight is not introduced, we will fumble around in the dark, run intofurniture, or perhaps even be unaware of a dangerous situation that ishidden in the darkness.Light also serves other purposes besides meer illumination. Itis light, among other things, that encourages biological growth. Furthermore, light can also serve a healing function. Bringing afestering wound into the light and cleaning that wound accelerates thehealing of that wound. In this sense, light can serve an antisepticpurpose. Addressing the infection in a wound is an uncomfortable, evenpainful experience. No one enjoys the steps that are taken when a woundis exposed to light so that it may be cleaned. But in the long run, ofcourse, real healing will not occur without the initial discomfort.There are those times in our lives when the Lord allowsdifficult circumstances to come to light. It is natural, at thosetimes, to feel embarassed, humiliated, frightened, angry, discouraged--arange of emotions. It is also easy to conclude that things have all ofa sudden become worse because the difficult circumstance reaches a newstage of our own awareness--or perhaps becomes so public that othersknow we are having problems. But the Scriptures teach us that, justbecause the light exposes a problem that has been hidden in the dark, itdoes not mean that the problem has gotten worse. Indeed, it might meanthat, finally, a step is being taken in the right direction and healingor resolution is one step closer to being realized. Isn't it possiblethat we should be thanking God for troubles brought to light rather thandoubting His goodness in allowing a situation to become known on somelevel?Jesus told his followers in the Sermon on the Mount that theywere the light of the world. (Matthew 5:14) We are the light of theworld because we are the Body of Christ occupying a dark world until theembodiment of that light returns. Jesus encouraged His followers to lettheir light shine and not to hide it in anyway. Jesus knew that peopleliving in light would be a witness to a world where most people try tokeep their selfish desires and deeds hidden in the dark. And yet, weneed to approach those individuals, regardless of their faith life, whohave been exposed by the light of Christ with real tenderness andcompassion. Rather than pointing fingers, can we come alongside andshare our hearts and lives with those who, voluntarily or not, are nowone step closer to healing because light has invaded theircircumstances? And when the light comes into our lives in this way, canwe be thankful to God for His kindness and mercy in moving us towardhealing rather than cursing the Light for what He has exposed?Father of all light, we praise You that You will not allow us tofumble around in the dark and become lost in our own sin. Thank Youthat Your Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our paths. Andthank You for the severe mercy that exposes our diseased circumstancesand brings them to light so that they may healed. Teach us to dealtenderly with those who have been brought out of darkness into the lightof Your truth. In the name of the Light of the World we ask this,Amen.
Ok, this is am I bad because has the light becomes more intese, due to the summer solace, when I walk outside I moan and scream like a vampire or a warlock? LOL Maybe I need to spend more time in the light and lsee time in the darkenss.
This was sent to me by a friend...not like anyone actually reads what I post...but here it is :)
In John 8:12, Jesus declared, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the lightof life." I have been thinking lately about the "disturbing" quality oflight. I don't mean that light is to be despised or that it isultimately negative in this sense. We have all had that experiencewhere we have been sleeping in a dark room and someone comes in andabruptly turns on the light. It isn't that light is bad; it is justthat the invasion of light into that which is dark can be very jarring. And yet, the necessity of a lighted room is beyond argument. If thelight is not introduced, we will fumble around in the dark, run intofurniture, or perhaps even be unaware of a dangerous situation that ishidden in the darkness.Light also serves other purposes besides meer illumination. Itis light, among other things, that encourages biological growth. Furthermore, light can also serve a healing function. Bringing afestering wound into the light and cleaning that wound accelerates thehealing of that wound. In this sense, light can serve an antisepticpurpose. Addressing the infection in a wound is an uncomfortable, evenpainful experience. No one enjoys the steps that are taken when a woundis exposed to light so that it may be cleaned. But in the long run, ofcourse, real healing will not occur without the initial discomfort.There are those times in our lives when the Lord allowsdifficult circumstances to come to light. It is natural, at thosetimes, to feel embarassed, humiliated, frightened, angry, discouraged--arange of emotions. It is also easy to conclude that things have all ofa sudden become worse because the difficult circumstance reaches a newstage of our own awareness--or perhaps becomes so public that othersknow we are having problems. But the Scriptures teach us that, justbecause the light exposes a problem that has been hidden in the dark, itdoes not mean that the problem has gotten worse. Indeed, it might meanthat, finally, a step is being taken in the right direction and healingor resolution is one step closer to being realized. Isn't it possiblethat we should be thanking God for troubles brought to light rather thandoubting His goodness in allowing a situation to become known on somelevel?Jesus told his followers in the Sermon on the Mount that theywere the light of the world. (Matthew 5:14) We are the light of theworld because we are the Body of Christ occupying a dark world until theembodiment of that light returns. Jesus encouraged His followers to lettheir light shine and not to hide it in anyway. Jesus knew that peopleliving in light would be a witness to a world where most people try tokeep their selfish desires and deeds hidden in the dark. And yet, weneed to approach those individuals, regardless of their faith life, whohave been exposed by the light of Christ with real tenderness andcompassion. Rather than pointing fingers, can we come alongside andshare our hearts and lives with those who, voluntarily or not, are nowone step closer to healing because light has invaded theircircumstances? And when the light comes into our lives in this way, canwe be thankful to God for His kindness and mercy in moving us towardhealing rather than cursing the Light for what He has exposed?Father of all light, we praise You that You will not allow us tofumble around in the dark and become lost in our own sin. Thank Youthat Your Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our paths. Andthank You for the severe mercy that exposes our diseased circumstancesand brings them to light so that they may healed. Teach us to dealtenderly with those who have been brought out of darkness into the lightof Your truth. In the name of the Light of the World we ask this,Amen.
Ok, this is am I bad because has the light becomes more intese, due to the summer solace, when I walk outside I moan and scream like a vampire or a warlock? LOL Maybe I need to spend more time in the light and lsee time in the darkenss.
Thursday, April 14, 2005
What is a girl to do?
If women are to take care of their families, what does she do if she has no children? What if there is no husband will have her, whom does she take care of? I have no "home", I have my apartment. I have no husband to take care of the bills or the house. I have to work for myself and cry as I have no one to take care of.
What are woman like me to do? What is left? I always thought the worth of the woman was her children, and the worth of a man was his wife and children. I have my job, my friends, niece, brothers, ferrets, and cat; however, it seems empty without the loving arms and strength of a man.
What are woman like me to do? What is left? I always thought the worth of the woman was her children, and the worth of a man was his wife and children. I have my job, my friends, niece, brothers, ferrets, and cat; however, it seems empty without the loving arms and strength of a man.
Ok, here is something that I never realized was a problem! There are "Human Rights" groups are demanding that the manufacture of the demolition equipment, Caterpillar to stop selling Bulldozers to a nationality of people. Now since I heard the information April 13, 2005, I thought it would be to people in the Muslim community since that is where the “hard feelings” lie. Well I was very surprised to hear that people want the US company to stop selling to the Jewish community! Wow, I did not know that was “politically” acceptable. I have found that it is death politically to deny the Jewish community. However, here they are. Now I was really surprised when I found that this was not a new issue. I found several item on the Internet about this starting in 2002! Take a look tell me what you think.
Rights Group Calls on Caterpillar to Halt Bulldozer Sales to Israel
by Jim Lobe
The bulldozers that wreck Palestinian livesCaterpillar’s weapon of destruction
Rights Group Calls on Caterpillar to Halt Bulldozer Sales to Israel
by Jim Lobe
The bulldozers that wreck Palestinian livesCaterpillar’s weapon of destruction
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Well I have decided to just relax instead of killing myself. I have been very I decided to look up the lyerics to "Underware Go Outside of The Pants." So here it is! :)
why is marijuana not legal? Why is marijuana not legal? It's a natural plant that grows in the dirt. You know whats not natural? Eighty year old dudes with hard ons. That's not natural, but we've got pills for that. We're dedicating all our medical ressources to keeping the old guyserect but were putting people in jail for smoking something that grows in the dirt? You know, we have more prescription drugs now than ever. Everycommercial on TV is a prescription drug ad. I cant't watch TV for four minutes without thinking i have five serious diseases. Like, "Do you ever wake up tired in the mornings?" Oh my god, I have this, write this down! Whatever this is, I have it! Half the time you dont even know what the commercial is, there's people running through fields, or flying kites, or swimming in the ocean. Like, that is the greatest disease ever! How do you get that? That disease comes with a hot chick and a puppy! The schools now, it's all about self-esteem in the schools. Build the kids' self-esteem, make them feel good about themselves. Ifeverybody grows up with high self esteem, whos gonna dance in our strip clubs? Whats gonna happen to our porno industry? These women don't just grow on trees! It takes lots of drunk daddies missing a lot ofdance recitals before you decide to blow a goat on the internet for fiftybucks. And if that disappears, where does that leave me on a friday with my new high speed connection...Sing sing sing... Sing your song... Sing for me...(come on now sing)Sing sing sing... Sing your song... Sing for me...(sing sing sing...)Mastermind's not a word that comes up all the time, you keep hearingabout these, ah, these masterminds that are being killed over in the middle-east. Terrorist masterminds! Mastermind is sort of a lofty wayto describe what these guys do, don't you think? They're notmasterminds! "Okay you take bomb, right? And you put in backpack, then you get on the bus and you blow yourself up." "Why do I have to... blow myself up?" "Whos the F---ing mastermind her, me or you?!"Americans, let's face it, we've been a spoiled country for a long time, you know what the number one health risk in america is? Obesity! Obesity! They say we're in the middle of an obesity epidemic. An epidemic! Like it's Polio! Like, we'll be talking to our grandchildren about it one day, the great obesity epidemic of 2004. "How d'you get through it, grandpa?" "Oh, it was horrible, Johnny, there was cheesecake and pork chops everywhere."Nobody knows why we're getting fatter, look at our lifestyles. I'll sit at a drive-thru, I'll sit there for, I'll sit there behind fifteen other cars instead of getting up and making an eight foot walk to the totally empty counter. Everything's mega-mealed and super-sized, "Want biggie fries with that, want a jumbo-fry, wanna go large, want a biggie fry, wanna have thirty burgers for a nickel, you fat mother-f-----? There's room in the back, take it! Want a fifty-five gallon drum of coke with that? It's only three more cents!"Sing sing sing... Sing your song... Sing for me...(come on now sing)Sing sing sing... Sing your song... Sing for me...(sing sing sing...)Sometimes you've gotta suffer a little in your youth to motivate you to succeed later in life. You think if Bill Gates got laid in high school, do you think there'd be a microsoft? Of course not! You've got to spend a long time stuffed in your locker with your underwear wedged up your ass before you start thinking: "Im gonna take over the world of computers, you'll see! I'll show them!"We're in one of the richest coutries in the world and the minimum wage is lower now than it was thirty-five years ago. There are homeless people everywhere, this homeless guy asked me for money,the other day, I was about to give it to him, and I thought: he's just gonna use it on drugs or alcohol. And then I thought: That's what I'm gonna use it on! Why am I judging this poor bastard? People love to judge homeless guys. Like, you give him the money and he's just gonna waste it, he's gonna waste the money! Well he lives in a box! What do you want him to do with it, save it up and buy a wall unit? Take a little run to the store for a throw rug and a cd rack? He's homeless! I walked behind this guy the other day, a homeless guy asked him for money, he looks right at the homeless guy, he goes:"why don't you go out and get a job, you bum?"People always say that to homeless guys, get a job. Like it's always that easy. This homeless guy was wearing his underwear outside his pants. I'm guessing his resume ain't all up to date. I'm predicting some problems during the interview process. I'm pretty sure McDonalds has an 'Underwear go inside the pants' policy Not that they enforce it very strictly, but technically, i'm sure it's on the books.Sing sing sing... Sing your song... Sing for me...(come on now sing)Baby, Sing sing sing... Sing your song... Sing for me...(sing sing sing...)
why is marijuana not legal? Why is marijuana not legal? It's a natural plant that grows in the dirt. You know whats not natural? Eighty year old dudes with hard ons. That's not natural, but we've got pills for that. We're dedicating all our medical ressources to keeping the old guyserect but were putting people in jail for smoking something that grows in the dirt? You know, we have more prescription drugs now than ever. Everycommercial on TV is a prescription drug ad. I cant't watch TV for four minutes without thinking i have five serious diseases. Like, "Do you ever wake up tired in the mornings?" Oh my god, I have this, write this down! Whatever this is, I have it! Half the time you dont even know what the commercial is, there's people running through fields, or flying kites, or swimming in the ocean. Like, that is the greatest disease ever! How do you get that? That disease comes with a hot chick and a puppy! The schools now, it's all about self-esteem in the schools. Build the kids' self-esteem, make them feel good about themselves. Ifeverybody grows up with high self esteem, whos gonna dance in our strip clubs? Whats gonna happen to our porno industry? These women don't just grow on trees! It takes lots of drunk daddies missing a lot ofdance recitals before you decide to blow a goat on the internet for fiftybucks. And if that disappears, where does that leave me on a friday with my new high speed connection...Sing sing sing... Sing your song... Sing for me...(come on now sing)Sing sing sing... Sing your song... Sing for me...(sing sing sing...)Mastermind's not a word that comes up all the time, you keep hearingabout these, ah, these masterminds that are being killed over in the middle-east. Terrorist masterminds! Mastermind is sort of a lofty wayto describe what these guys do, don't you think? They're notmasterminds! "Okay you take bomb, right? And you put in backpack, then you get on the bus and you blow yourself up." "Why do I have to... blow myself up?" "Whos the F---ing mastermind her, me or you?!"Americans, let's face it, we've been a spoiled country for a long time, you know what the number one health risk in america is? Obesity! Obesity! They say we're in the middle of an obesity epidemic. An epidemic! Like it's Polio! Like, we'll be talking to our grandchildren about it one day, the great obesity epidemic of 2004. "How d'you get through it, grandpa?" "Oh, it was horrible, Johnny, there was cheesecake and pork chops everywhere."Nobody knows why we're getting fatter, look at our lifestyles. I'll sit at a drive-thru, I'll sit there for, I'll sit there behind fifteen other cars instead of getting up and making an eight foot walk to the totally empty counter. Everything's mega-mealed and super-sized, "Want biggie fries with that, want a jumbo-fry, wanna go large, want a biggie fry, wanna have thirty burgers for a nickel, you fat mother-f-----? There's room in the back, take it! Want a fifty-five gallon drum of coke with that? It's only three more cents!"Sing sing sing... Sing your song... Sing for me...(come on now sing)Sing sing sing... Sing your song... Sing for me...(sing sing sing...)Sometimes you've gotta suffer a little in your youth to motivate you to succeed later in life. You think if Bill Gates got laid in high school, do you think there'd be a microsoft? Of course not! You've got to spend a long time stuffed in your locker with your underwear wedged up your ass before you start thinking: "Im gonna take over the world of computers, you'll see! I'll show them!"We're in one of the richest coutries in the world and the minimum wage is lower now than it was thirty-five years ago. There are homeless people everywhere, this homeless guy asked me for money,the other day, I was about to give it to him, and I thought: he's just gonna use it on drugs or alcohol. And then I thought: That's what I'm gonna use it on! Why am I judging this poor bastard? People love to judge homeless guys. Like, you give him the money and he's just gonna waste it, he's gonna waste the money! Well he lives in a box! What do you want him to do with it, save it up and buy a wall unit? Take a little run to the store for a throw rug and a cd rack? He's homeless! I walked behind this guy the other day, a homeless guy asked him for money, he looks right at the homeless guy, he goes:"why don't you go out and get a job, you bum?"People always say that to homeless guys, get a job. Like it's always that easy. This homeless guy was wearing his underwear outside his pants. I'm guessing his resume ain't all up to date. I'm predicting some problems during the interview process. I'm pretty sure McDonalds has an 'Underwear go inside the pants' policy Not that they enforce it very strictly, but technically, i'm sure it's on the books.Sing sing sing... Sing your song... Sing for me...(come on now sing)Baby, Sing sing sing... Sing your song... Sing for me...(sing sing sing...)
Wow! My mind is dead...OK if you are reading this page (I doubt anyone is) then check out some Sluggy...Quick look shiny thing to distract you.
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Life has been crazy...or not
The more pressing my life becomes the more I get done. However, now that my life is not so troublesome I have little to say. I hope to have something with in the next week or so :)
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