Let me take a moment to digress and sound very much like a consertive Catholic! As I was reading CNN I found some things that were very disturbing to me. Now please bare in mind that I am no one special and my opinion does not mean much…but here it is.
At, http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/europe/04/18/feedback.europe/index.html/, there is a listing of thoughts issues the next pope will face and I find some of them to be … well a bit retarded.
“Racism is the most single issue that will confront the new pope. Hopefully the new pope will do his level best to enlighten the world that blacks are not sub-human, but equal spiritually and intellectually.George Opone; London, United Kingdom”
Well from my accounting, “Racism” has been a problem for centuries and somehow I think it will continue to be. Not just with “Blacks” vs. “Whites” but anyone against everyone… I do not feel that this will be the “Single issue” that he will have to face.
The biggest challenge facing the next pope will be to make changes concerning the role of women in the hierarchy of the church and issues concerning contraception and choices for women. He will also need to urgently address the question of the validly of celibacy as a requirement for priesthood, since this forced celibacy is, by nature an unnatural condition and has, in the past, led to deviant sexual behavior among many priests.Judith Wuarin; Geneva, Switzerland
WHAT? No! He may have to face this, but it is very challenge. I am not sure how the rules go about the secretary or the treasure of the specific locations, but as far as “office holders” and clergy goes…Men ONLY! Gee, that was hard. Yes, I am a woman, but I feel there is a place for each person and skill, I do not think that God gave women priestly powers. We will get to the contraception issue in a moment! Celibacy should remain! Ok, I’m not sure if anyone else has heard; however, there has been cases of “deviant sexual behavior” with people who are allowed to have sex as well as celibate ones. Besides, I feel that the Priest should be available 100% of the time to his Parrish and this would not allow time to take care of a wife and family has he should. Well unless you want the Priest to neglect Church or domestic duties…or better yet they could have sex outside of marriage! However, this would be, in my opinion, “deviant sexual behavior”! Yes, “our” preists are “only human”; however, I do not feel that a vow of celibacy is too much to ask. ANY unmarried person should make this same “vow”! As far as it being unnatural, I do not agree. Yes it is going against our animal instinct…but that is what our Christian lives are about Gods will not our fleshly desires.
I think the next pope will have to think about some controversial issues, such as abortion and contraceptives. The church will have to rethink if it's worth sacrificing human lives, while AIDS is not contained.Paulo; Lisboa, Portugal
The only “thinking” the Pope will have to do with this one is to figure out how to get people to adhere to God’s will. If one is a Catholic or Christian in general; God’s will should supersede what ever “human” instinct should occur. From what I understand the idea of contraceptives is an attempt to stop from obtaining the results of sexual promiscuity; pregnancy or decease. However, is it not fair to say that just saying no is also a great way to keep these things from occurring? Do we think that our “protections” are higher than God’s will? Ok, now as far as the contraception goes, I do not quite agree with the Catholics; however, if they feel that this is an attempt to stop God’s will, then it is sinful to use them.
Ok, done with this tangent…for now.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
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