Smiles :)
This was sent to me by a friend...not like anyone actually reads what I post...but here it is :)
In John 8:12, Jesus declared, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the lightof life." I have been thinking lately about the "disturbing" quality oflight. I don't mean that light is to be despised or that it isultimately negative in this sense. We have all had that experiencewhere we have been sleeping in a dark room and someone comes in andabruptly turns on the light. It isn't that light is bad; it is justthat the invasion of light into that which is dark can be very jarring. And yet, the necessity of a lighted room is beyond argument. If thelight is not introduced, we will fumble around in the dark, run intofurniture, or perhaps even be unaware of a dangerous situation that ishidden in the darkness.Light also serves other purposes besides meer illumination. Itis light, among other things, that encourages biological growth. Furthermore, light can also serve a healing function. Bringing afestering wound into the light and cleaning that wound accelerates thehealing of that wound. In this sense, light can serve an antisepticpurpose. Addressing the infection in a wound is an uncomfortable, evenpainful experience. No one enjoys the steps that are taken when a woundis exposed to light so that it may be cleaned. But in the long run, ofcourse, real healing will not occur without the initial discomfort.There are those times in our lives when the Lord allowsdifficult circumstances to come to light. It is natural, at thosetimes, to feel embarassed, humiliated, frightened, angry, discouraged--arange of emotions. It is also easy to conclude that things have all ofa sudden become worse because the difficult circumstance reaches a newstage of our own awareness--or perhaps becomes so public that othersknow we are having problems. But the Scriptures teach us that, justbecause the light exposes a problem that has been hidden in the dark, itdoes not mean that the problem has gotten worse. Indeed, it might meanthat, finally, a step is being taken in the right direction and healingor resolution is one step closer to being realized. Isn't it possiblethat we should be thanking God for troubles brought to light rather thandoubting His goodness in allowing a situation to become known on somelevel?Jesus told his followers in the Sermon on the Mount that theywere the light of the world. (Matthew 5:14) We are the light of theworld because we are the Body of Christ occupying a dark world until theembodiment of that light returns. Jesus encouraged His followers to lettheir light shine and not to hide it in anyway. Jesus knew that peopleliving in light would be a witness to a world where most people try tokeep their selfish desires and deeds hidden in the dark. And yet, weneed to approach those individuals, regardless of their faith life, whohave been exposed by the light of Christ with real tenderness andcompassion. Rather than pointing fingers, can we come alongside andshare our hearts and lives with those who, voluntarily or not, are nowone step closer to healing because light has invaded theircircumstances? And when the light comes into our lives in this way, canwe be thankful to God for His kindness and mercy in moving us towardhealing rather than cursing the Light for what He has exposed?Father of all light, we praise You that You will not allow us tofumble around in the dark and become lost in our own sin. Thank Youthat Your Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our paths. Andthank You for the severe mercy that exposes our diseased circumstancesand brings them to light so that they may healed. Teach us to dealtenderly with those who have been brought out of darkness into the lightof Your truth. In the name of the Light of the World we ask this,Amen.
Ok, this is am I bad because has the light becomes more intese, due to the summer solace, when I walk outside I moan and scream like a vampire or a warlock? LOL Maybe I need to spend more time in the light and lsee time in the darkenss.
Monday, April 18, 2005
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