Have you ever really wanted to write… but just did not seem to have the words to say what you want? That’s how I feel right now. I have so much to say, so much to share, but there is something inside of me keeping me quite!
With my new job I have not been able to blog like I would like to. I have fallen so far behind with reading friend’s blogs, bills, learning, and life in general. I hope when I am out of training my life can get back to something of what I had before.
I am sure there are those out there that are glad I have stepped back, but then they are not reading this. Not that there really is any readers for my rambling anyway…
Well here is what has been going on in most devistaing and life changing order…
1. Seth’s job downsized him, he was on unemployment, he got a new job, company closed… all this has left me in quite a financial bind… hopefully he has another job lined up (maybe 2!).
2. My sister lost her children to CPS. Where this does not directly impact my daily life, it is there, in the back of my head at every moment…
3. One of the young people died. They have ruled it suicide… he hung himself. I pray for him. It is hard to go into work and he is missing. He was one of my 2 favorite employees. He did as I asked and was really a wonderful kid. (Not that my other associates are not, he just stood out in a very wonderful way.)
4. I feel myself being distracted from the things that I love… including God. Not that I was very good at serving him, but now it seems I do not have time to learn and study as I would like to. This would be farther up the list, but as all things in religion it seems it is not really something we think about as much as we should.
5. The financial stuff has put a terrible strain on my and Seth’s relationship. So many times I have just wanted to walk away from it all. The credit cards, auto loan, cell phones, and him. Not that I would ever do such a thing, (I could not walk away from any of it.) I just feel so trapped right now by all of it. I know I love him and I have a responsibility to it ALL. But again… there it is.
There is more on my mind, but this is neither the time nor the place to put it out there. Please everyone I want you to know I am not avoiding anyone, I just have not been at a computer with the desire to write for a bit. If you have my phone number call me. If you have my email address, send me an email. There are many I wish to hear from, but again I am sure those I wish to hear from/see will not be reading this…
Friday, December 28, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
One Month
Has it really been one entire month since I posted!!! Well I will have to write something insitful soon.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Sara Silverman
I hope this does not sound like I am complaining or venting. I am trying a new outlook on life. I wonder if it will stick.
To the point…
I know better than to watch shows by Sara Silverman, but I was drawn in by one episode and I made the mistake of watching it. It was about the abortion issue. I hope none of you saw it, if you did not, don’t go and look for it. Just take my word you do not want to see it. I wish I had not.
I wonder why she is so popular. I know of no one who thinks she is funny, this being from a group of wide religious beliefs and backgrounds. She tends to aggravate everyone I know. So why does she continue in the “comedy” field. Even articles have been written about how offensive she is. Though it never seems to matter. I am not saying comedians should be stopped from things that some find offensive, many of these jokes are the funniest. However, it is how the joke is delivered. She has a total lack of class; sense of humor, and poor mental abilities if she thinks her stuff is funny.
I am sure many disagree and I would not mind hearing alternative thoughts on the matter; however, overall I am very open-minded when it comes to the crap on TV. In fact I expect it to be just that… Crap! Though there is better crap than what she spouts and I wish someone would just take her off the air.
To the point…
I know better than to watch shows by Sara Silverman, but I was drawn in by one episode and I made the mistake of watching it. It was about the abortion issue. I hope none of you saw it, if you did not, don’t go and look for it. Just take my word you do not want to see it. I wish I had not.
I wonder why she is so popular. I know of no one who thinks she is funny, this being from a group of wide religious beliefs and backgrounds. She tends to aggravate everyone I know. So why does she continue in the “comedy” field. Even articles have been written about how offensive she is. Though it never seems to matter. I am not saying comedians should be stopped from things that some find offensive, many of these jokes are the funniest. However, it is how the joke is delivered. She has a total lack of class; sense of humor, and poor mental abilities if she thinks her stuff is funny.
I am sure many disagree and I would not mind hearing alternative thoughts on the matter; however, overall I am very open-minded when it comes to the crap on TV. In fact I expect it to be just that… Crap! Though there is better crap than what she spouts and I wish someone would just take her off the air.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
How Not to be A Gospel Coward By FR Powell, OP
Sunday, October 07, 2007
How Not to be a Gospel Coward
27th Sunday OT: Hab 1.2-3, 2.2-4; 2 Tim 1.6-8, 13-14; Luke 17.5-10
Fr. Philip N. Powell, OP
St Paul Hospital and Church of the Incarnation
Click to listen!
Are you a gospel coward? Is your heart weak and your spirit faint? Do you cringe or flinch or whine at the first sign of opposition? Do you think it always best to find a way around or between or under adversity? Do your hands and arms get rubbery at the thought of conflict, the mere mention of offense? Does your brain turn to mush and your strength drain away when the enemy approaches to confront you? Maybe you are a coward in more subtle ways—surrendering to fashion out of fear of exclusion; giving up the fight because your cause is ill-defined or poorly lead; retreating in the face of superior reason or more extensive experience? Do you abandon your gospel witness? Do you manifest cowardice when what is most needed is courage?
How easy it is for us to be ashamed of our “testimony to our Lord”! Paul admonishes Timothy “not to be ashamed” of the witness he himself makes to the gospel of Christ. Rather than being embarrassed by the prospect of telling others about the Lord’s freely given gift of forgiveness in mercy, Paul urges Timothy to “bear your share of the hardship for the gospel with the strength that comes from God.” We are either ashamed of the gospel, burdened by the adversity its preaching brings, or we are strengthened, en-joyed, made joyful by the “sound words that [we have] heard from [Paul].” The faith and love that are in Christ Jesus are our inheritance, our trust fund of grace and life, the exceedingly rich treasury of gratuitous help that we receive for no other reason than that our Father is Love and loves us always. Paul goes on to order Timothy to “[g]uard this rich trust with the help of the Holy Spirit that dwells with us.” Reminding, testifying, bearing-up-under, strengthening, hearing and seeing, guarding, and preaching—all of these we do now and tomorrow for the sake of Christ and our eternal lives with him. Thankfully, we do not do any of these alone, none without help. Our help is the Holy Spirit who dwells within us and among us.
Brothers and sisters, we have work to do. And there is no room for a coward’s heart in a soul filled with Spirit!
We have work to do. And with this work, we have the Holy Spirit filling us with the power of the Word Made Flesh, the fire of truthful witness, and the assurances of God’s promises written in stone and flesh. The Spirit dwells in me. In you. In us. Calling Timothy “beloved,” Paul reminds Timothy: “Beloved, I remind you to stir into flame the gift of God that you have through the imposition of my hands.” What is this gift? For the Church, Timothy is a bishop, ordered to apostolic authority by the imposition of Paul’s hands. His gift is the grace of leadership, the gift of standing in front, between what has gone before and what is coming. Timothy is the focal point of salvation history for his local church. He is the crux, the crossroad for what is and what is not authentic testimony, what is and what is not truthful witness. With the Church, Timothy is a man of faith, burning with courage and strength, called to service to the exhaustion of his gifts, and lifted up as one with authority to lead. Timothy is himself a gift to the Church, a grace given to serve us in peril, without profit.
With Timothy’s strength, with Paul’s strength, with all the saints living and dead, and with the unfailing help of the Holy Spirit and the whole Body of Christ, we, cannot fail in preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather one of power and love. Therefore, to be ashamed of our gospel testimony is to be ashamed of Christ himself. Why would we add this hardship to our burden? We have enough work to do in pursuing holiness, in keeping away from sin, in feeding the hungry and clothing the naked and healing the sick. Why would we do any of this and fail to claim the power and love of the Holy Spirit? Why would we do any of this and fail to dig deeply and excessively into the treasury of graces freely given to us specifically for this purpose? Why would we plow the fields of the world and tend the world’s sheep and do so without humility and eagerly welcoming hearts? Why?
Cowardice, that’s why. Fear of hardship. An aversion to difficulty. A distaste for “offending.” We might be called names. We might be ostracized. People will think we are being exclusive or discriminatory or intolerant. If we make any hard claims about the truths of the gospel, we will be seen as aggressive missionaries, or worse—missionaries of aggressive religion! Thus, we must blend in, mingle, disguise ourselves. If we stand up, stand out, or in any way distinguish ourselves as gospel witnesses, we must be claiming exclusive possession of The Truth. We must be preaching One Way, The Only Way to heaven. We must be vile little buggers who lust to see the heathens burn! If we flinch at these accusations, batting a single eye for a single second, and change one word of the gospel out of fear being called bigots, we are, in fact, cowards; cowards deserving the label.
Now, before any of you think I am calling for the reinstitution of the Inquisition or a rallying of the Crusades, let me say: we work as servants. Not inquisitors. Not soldiers. Servants. We serve. That’s what gospel people do. Secularists expect us to come charging out of Mass with swords drawn and torches lit and force them all to the baptismal font and confessional. My suspicion is that this is exactly what they want us to do, thus confirming their own bigotries and prejudices and giving them every excuse to continue their already well-oiled and ever-so-sophisticated persecution of the Church. No, I’m not being an alarmist. Nor am I issuing warnings or dire cautions against the evils of the secular world. The evil we need to be worrying about lives already in the heart of every man and woman who lays claim to the suffering, death, and resurrection of Christ. Our worst enemy is not the state, not the Supreme Court, not the ACLU, and not other religions. Our worst enemy is the weak heart of compromise, the fainting spirit of accommodation and assimilation. Our worst enemy is the Christian heart that believes its soul is impervious to charitable work. Excused from profitable service and witness. This is the restless heart of a Christian that will not search for and will not find its rest in Love. It cannot. Because it suffocates the Spirit in disobedience and fear.
Ask these hard questions this way: is the Lord to be grateful to us b/c we have done what he has commanded us to do? Is he supposed to pat us on the back and send us on permanent retreat b/c we completed the work we vowed to do at baptism? Because we have said “amen” and “thanks be to God” at Mass? Or, are we to say to our Master, “We are unprofitable servants, Lord; we have done what we were obliged to do”? Even better: we have done what we promised to do because you died for us, making us heirs to your kingdom.
We are already well-paid servants. We’ve used all of our vacation days. All of our comp time and sick days. The Christmas bonus has been given and spent. The heavenly 401K has been cashed. The time clock is still ticking and we haven’t yet punched out. If you are going to be a witness to the gospel out there, then know this: our God did not give you a spirit of cowardice but rather a spirit of power and love and self control. His Word has been proclaimed to you and his Word remains forever.
Brothers and sisters, put on your apron. We have work to do!
How Not to be a Gospel Coward
27th Sunday OT: Hab 1.2-3, 2.2-4; 2 Tim 1.6-8, 13-14; Luke 17.5-10
Fr. Philip N. Powell, OP
St Paul Hospital and Church of the Incarnation
Click to listen!
Are you a gospel coward? Is your heart weak and your spirit faint? Do you cringe or flinch or whine at the first sign of opposition? Do you think it always best to find a way around or between or under adversity? Do your hands and arms get rubbery at the thought of conflict, the mere mention of offense? Does your brain turn to mush and your strength drain away when the enemy approaches to confront you? Maybe you are a coward in more subtle ways—surrendering to fashion out of fear of exclusion; giving up the fight because your cause is ill-defined or poorly lead; retreating in the face of superior reason or more extensive experience? Do you abandon your gospel witness? Do you manifest cowardice when what is most needed is courage?
How easy it is for us to be ashamed of our “testimony to our Lord”! Paul admonishes Timothy “not to be ashamed” of the witness he himself makes to the gospel of Christ. Rather than being embarrassed by the prospect of telling others about the Lord’s freely given gift of forgiveness in mercy, Paul urges Timothy to “bear your share of the hardship for the gospel with the strength that comes from God.” We are either ashamed of the gospel, burdened by the adversity its preaching brings, or we are strengthened, en-joyed, made joyful by the “sound words that [we have] heard from [Paul].” The faith and love that are in Christ Jesus are our inheritance, our trust fund of grace and life, the exceedingly rich treasury of gratuitous help that we receive for no other reason than that our Father is Love and loves us always. Paul goes on to order Timothy to “[g]uard this rich trust with the help of the Holy Spirit that dwells with us.” Reminding, testifying, bearing-up-under, strengthening, hearing and seeing, guarding, and preaching—all of these we do now and tomorrow for the sake of Christ and our eternal lives with him. Thankfully, we do not do any of these alone, none without help. Our help is the Holy Spirit who dwells within us and among us.
Brothers and sisters, we have work to do. And there is no room for a coward’s heart in a soul filled with Spirit!
We have work to do. And with this work, we have the Holy Spirit filling us with the power of the Word Made Flesh, the fire of truthful witness, and the assurances of God’s promises written in stone and flesh. The Spirit dwells in me. In you. In us. Calling Timothy “beloved,” Paul reminds Timothy: “Beloved, I remind you to stir into flame the gift of God that you have through the imposition of my hands.” What is this gift? For the Church, Timothy is a bishop, ordered to apostolic authority by the imposition of Paul’s hands. His gift is the grace of leadership, the gift of standing in front, between what has gone before and what is coming. Timothy is the focal point of salvation history for his local church. He is the crux, the crossroad for what is and what is not authentic testimony, what is and what is not truthful witness. With the Church, Timothy is a man of faith, burning with courage and strength, called to service to the exhaustion of his gifts, and lifted up as one with authority to lead. Timothy is himself a gift to the Church, a grace given to serve us in peril, without profit.
With Timothy’s strength, with Paul’s strength, with all the saints living and dead, and with the unfailing help of the Holy Spirit and the whole Body of Christ, we, cannot fail in preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather one of power and love. Therefore, to be ashamed of our gospel testimony is to be ashamed of Christ himself. Why would we add this hardship to our burden? We have enough work to do in pursuing holiness, in keeping away from sin, in feeding the hungry and clothing the naked and healing the sick. Why would we do any of this and fail to claim the power and love of the Holy Spirit? Why would we do any of this and fail to dig deeply and excessively into the treasury of graces freely given to us specifically for this purpose? Why would we plow the fields of the world and tend the world’s sheep and do so without humility and eagerly welcoming hearts? Why?
Cowardice, that’s why. Fear of hardship. An aversion to difficulty. A distaste for “offending.” We might be called names. We might be ostracized. People will think we are being exclusive or discriminatory or intolerant. If we make any hard claims about the truths of the gospel, we will be seen as aggressive missionaries, or worse—missionaries of aggressive religion! Thus, we must blend in, mingle, disguise ourselves. If we stand up, stand out, or in any way distinguish ourselves as gospel witnesses, we must be claiming exclusive possession of The Truth. We must be preaching One Way, The Only Way to heaven. We must be vile little buggers who lust to see the heathens burn! If we flinch at these accusations, batting a single eye for a single second, and change one word of the gospel out of fear being called bigots, we are, in fact, cowards; cowards deserving the label.
Now, before any of you think I am calling for the reinstitution of the Inquisition or a rallying of the Crusades, let me say: we work as servants. Not inquisitors. Not soldiers. Servants. We serve. That’s what gospel people do. Secularists expect us to come charging out of Mass with swords drawn and torches lit and force them all to the baptismal font and confessional. My suspicion is that this is exactly what they want us to do, thus confirming their own bigotries and prejudices and giving them every excuse to continue their already well-oiled and ever-so-sophisticated persecution of the Church. No, I’m not being an alarmist. Nor am I issuing warnings or dire cautions against the evils of the secular world. The evil we need to be worrying about lives already in the heart of every man and woman who lays claim to the suffering, death, and resurrection of Christ. Our worst enemy is not the state, not the Supreme Court, not the ACLU, and not other religions. Our worst enemy is the weak heart of compromise, the fainting spirit of accommodation and assimilation. Our worst enemy is the Christian heart that believes its soul is impervious to charitable work. Excused from profitable service and witness. This is the restless heart of a Christian that will not search for and will not find its rest in Love. It cannot. Because it suffocates the Spirit in disobedience and fear.
Ask these hard questions this way: is the Lord to be grateful to us b/c we have done what he has commanded us to do? Is he supposed to pat us on the back and send us on permanent retreat b/c we completed the work we vowed to do at baptism? Because we have said “amen” and “thanks be to God” at Mass? Or, are we to say to our Master, “We are unprofitable servants, Lord; we have done what we were obliged to do”? Even better: we have done what we promised to do because you died for us, making us heirs to your kingdom.
We are already well-paid servants. We’ve used all of our vacation days. All of our comp time and sick days. The Christmas bonus has been given and spent. The heavenly 401K has been cashed. The time clock is still ticking and we haven’t yet punched out. If you are going to be a witness to the gospel out there, then know this: our God did not give you a spirit of cowardice but rather a spirit of power and love and self control. His Word has been proclaimed to you and his Word remains forever.
Brothers and sisters, put on your apron. We have work to do!
What is fairness? I am sure everyone knows the world is not "fair". However, is anything "fair"? My response is NO. There is NOTHING that is fair. Someone will always believe something is fair if it goes in his/her favor, but unfair if it does not go in his/her favor.
Taxes: People want to pay the least amount of taxes possible. The rich are upset that they pay the largest amount of taxes of any other group of people by far, but the poor have to pay a larger % of their earnings in taxes (except for the "poverty" poor). No one will ever feel that the way the government obtains money is fair. However, no one wants to take over in personally paying for what the government does. IE it would cost less money if each person paid to plow part of the neighborhood; however, we don't want to pay for that, so we pay for the government to plow the roads for us. Then we scream that it is unfair for them to tax us so much.
Work: Everyone feels they do what they need to do to get by at work. Some people have a higher mark of what "get by" really is. At my job, most of us get paid the same amount weather we work high above or below. (far below may not get a rise so we will not count them)People think it is unfair for some who cannot work as fast and as efficient to miss out on raises, but the top producers want to make more than the slower people. We will not even get into the fairness of promotions and how they are looked at.
Employment/wages: Some are saddened that a CEO can make $1 Million/year when the entry level employee makes $8/hour. Then we see ball players getting $45 Million contracts then endorsements on top of that! Well that certainly cannot be fair. What makes one job worth $1 Million plus benefits when another is only worth $20,000 after weeks of over time, no benefits, vacations, exec. Where is the fairness that one person with a 4 year degree and smart makes $40,000 and another makes 100,000? Why do some children get to make more money as they enter the work force because the mom and/or dad have contacts? Why could I not have had contacts?
Death: Some die young (in the womb and shortly after), some die old, some die peacefully, some in pain, what is fair with this? Would it not be more fair if each of us had 80 years exactly and then expired on that day? Of course not, some people are not wanted (aborted babies, the homeless, the impoverished) and society does not want to care for them. What about the criminals, many would say it is not fair if they have as much (or more) time than an law abiding person.
Justice: In the US they try to make Justice available for all, but it does not happen. People with money still get the best lawyers, the poor still get stuck being more guilty. The famous get out of jail time due to status; however, it would be more dangerous for them inside than a nobody. The uneducated say and do things that make them seem more guilty than someone with a silver tongue and golden words. Then on both sides of the case there is unfairness vs. fairness. A person is "messing" around and hits someone with an auto. The person hit dyes. Is it fair to the person who says it was an accident (everyone makes mistakes) to do 80 years in jail. However, it is not fair for the person who lost a loved one that the person responsible should go free. The time spent in jail is also unfair. Someone with 10 pounds of weed may have to spend a considerable amount more time in jail than someone who helps to kill his/her only child! Then the woman who kills all 5 of her children is allowed less than 20 years and is pregnant again...
Looks: People who have better looks and a better outward appearance are usually considered more intelligent and better suited for the position. The better looking the waiter/waitress, the better the tip. The better looking the applicant, the better chance of the position. This does not just include nice clothing, but everything about the appearance. Therefore, if you are not attractive, you have to work 3 times harder to look presentable for a job interview or anything.
Afterlife: Then after a lifetime of things being unfair to one or both sides of the coin, we die. Here is the ultimate showing of unfair. Jesus came down, became man, and died a painful death so that we may have the option of spending an eternity with God in heaven. Then there are people who spend a life time of trying to live as God sees fit, they get the same reward as someone who, up until death, has lived in the darkest pits of sin. Some may say that is unfair. Though to look at it, we are all miserable compared to God, he gives us everything we have, he allows us to be in pain and glory. So we must accept what he gives us, work with it, and praise him. This system was not set-up to be fair. Of course there is no "fair" anyway because someone will always think it is unfair if they do not get what they desire. So since Jesus had been treated the ultimate in the unfair category, let us stop complaining and start living for him...
Taxes: People want to pay the least amount of taxes possible. The rich are upset that they pay the largest amount of taxes of any other group of people by far, but the poor have to pay a larger % of their earnings in taxes (except for the "poverty" poor). No one will ever feel that the way the government obtains money is fair. However, no one wants to take over in personally paying for what the government does. IE it would cost less money if each person paid to plow part of the neighborhood; however, we don't want to pay for that, so we pay for the government to plow the roads for us. Then we scream that it is unfair for them to tax us so much.
Work: Everyone feels they do what they need to do to get by at work. Some people have a higher mark of what "get by" really is. At my job, most of us get paid the same amount weather we work high above or below. (far below may not get a rise so we will not count them)People think it is unfair for some who cannot work as fast and as efficient to miss out on raises, but the top producers want to make more than the slower people. We will not even get into the fairness of promotions and how they are looked at.
Employment/wages: Some are saddened that a CEO can make $1 Million/year when the entry level employee makes $8/hour. Then we see ball players getting $45 Million contracts then endorsements on top of that! Well that certainly cannot be fair. What makes one job worth $1 Million plus benefits when another is only worth $20,000 after weeks of over time, no benefits, vacations, exec. Where is the fairness that one person with a 4 year degree and smart makes $40,000 and another makes 100,000? Why do some children get to make more money as they enter the work force because the mom and/or dad have contacts? Why could I not have had contacts?
Death: Some die young (in the womb and shortly after), some die old, some die peacefully, some in pain, what is fair with this? Would it not be more fair if each of us had 80 years exactly and then expired on that day? Of course not, some people are not wanted (aborted babies, the homeless, the impoverished) and society does not want to care for them. What about the criminals, many would say it is not fair if they have as much (or more) time than an law abiding person.
Justice: In the US they try to make Justice available for all, but it does not happen. People with money still get the best lawyers, the poor still get stuck being more guilty. The famous get out of jail time due to status; however, it would be more dangerous for them inside than a nobody. The uneducated say and do things that make them seem more guilty than someone with a silver tongue and golden words. Then on both sides of the case there is unfairness vs. fairness. A person is "messing" around and hits someone with an auto. The person hit dyes. Is it fair to the person who says it was an accident (everyone makes mistakes) to do 80 years in jail. However, it is not fair for the person who lost a loved one that the person responsible should go free. The time spent in jail is also unfair. Someone with 10 pounds of weed may have to spend a considerable amount more time in jail than someone who helps to kill his/her only child! Then the woman who kills all 5 of her children is allowed less than 20 years and is pregnant again...
Looks: People who have better looks and a better outward appearance are usually considered more intelligent and better suited for the position. The better looking the waiter/waitress, the better the tip. The better looking the applicant, the better chance of the position. This does not just include nice clothing, but everything about the appearance. Therefore, if you are not attractive, you have to work 3 times harder to look presentable for a job interview or anything.
Afterlife: Then after a lifetime of things being unfair to one or both sides of the coin, we die. Here is the ultimate showing of unfair. Jesus came down, became man, and died a painful death so that we may have the option of spending an eternity with God in heaven. Then there are people who spend a life time of trying to live as God sees fit, they get the same reward as someone who, up until death, has lived in the darkest pits of sin. Some may say that is unfair. Though to look at it, we are all miserable compared to God, he gives us everything we have, he allows us to be in pain and glory. So we must accept what he gives us, work with it, and praise him. This system was not set-up to be fair. Of course there is no "fair" anyway because someone will always think it is unfair if they do not get what they desire. So since Jesus had been treated the ultimate in the unfair category, let us stop complaining and start living for him...
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Here are some Lyrics... I am not sure I like them... I like the beat of the songs, but not the idea behind them. Though I must admit I have felt this way before...
"Lips Of An Angel"
Avril Lavigne
Girlfriend (Katie do not read)
"Lips Of An Angel"
Honey why you calling me so late?
It's kinda hard to talk right now.
Honey why are you crying? Is everything okay?
I gotta whisper 'cause I can't be too loud
Well, my girl's in the next room
Sometimes I wish she was you
I guess we never really moved on
It's really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words it makes me weak
And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel
It's funny that you're calling me tonight
And, yes, I've dreamt of you too
And does he know you're talking to me
Will it start a fight
No I don't think she has a clue
Well my girl's in the next room
Sometimes I wish she was you
I guess we never really moved on
It's really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words it makes me weak
And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel
It's really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words it makes me weak
And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel
And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel
Honey why you calling me so late?
Avril Lavigne
Girlfriend (Katie do not read)
Hey hey, you you
I know that you like me
No way, no way
You know it's not a secret
Hey hey, you you
I want to be your girlfriend
You're so fine
I want you mine
You're so delicious
I think about you all the time
You're so addictive
Don't you know
What I can do
To make you feel alright
( alright alright alright)
Don't pretend
I think you know
I'm damn precious
And hell yeah
I'm the mother fucking princess
I can tell you like me too
And you know I'm right
( I'm right I'm right I'm right)
She's like so whatever
You can do so much better
I think we should get together now
And that's what everyone's talking about
Hey hey, you you
I don't like your girlfriend
No way no way
I think you need a new one
Hey hey, you you
I could be your girlfriend
Hey hey, you you
I know that you like me
No way, no way
You know it's not a secret
Hey hey, you you
I want to be your girlfriend
I can see the way
I see the way you look at me
And even when you look away
I know you think of me
I know you talk about me all the time
Again and again
( Again again again)
So come over here
And tell me what I wanna hear
Better, yet, make your girlfriend disappear
I don't wanna hear you say her name
Ever again
( Ever again again again)
She's like so whatever
And you can do so much better
I think we should get together now
And that's what everyone's talking about
Hey hey, you you
I don't like your girlfriend
No way, no way
I think you need a new one
Hey hey, you you
I could be your girlfriend
Hey hey, you you
I know that you like me
No way, no way
You know it's not a secret
Hey hey, you you
I want to be your girlfriend
In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger
'Cause I can, cause I can do it better
There's no other, so when's it gonna sink in
She's so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?
In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger
'Cause I can, cause I can do it better
There's no other, so when's it gonna sink in
She's so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?
Hey hey, you you
I don't like your girlfriend
No way, no way
I think you need a new one
Hey hey, you you
I could be your girlfriend
( No way No way)
Hey hey, you you
I know that you like me
No way, no way
You know it's not a secret
Hey hey, you you
I want to be your girlfriend
Hey hey, you you
I don't like your girlfriend ( No Way!)
No way, no way
I think you need a new one (Hey!)
Hey hey, you you
I could be your girlfriend ( No Way!)
Hey hey, you you
I know that you like me ( No Way!)
No way, no way
You know it's not a secret ( Hey!)
Hey hey, you you
I want to be your girlfriend ( No Way!)
Hey Hey!
Monday, October 01, 2007
Life anyone?
I know there are those out there who are especially touched by the issue of abortion. For those of you I pray. I love you and I wish not to harm you in any way; however, I feel this must be said.
Abortion must stop because it damages our bodies, our minds, our spiritual lives. It causes us to have some of the biggest problems. We try and trick ourselves into saying, my child is better off having never been born. Sad thing is after the child exits the womb, a parent would never say such a thing!
I do not care what language you use when talking about abortion; however, there is nothing you can say that does not make it murder. When an abortion is done you are intentionally stopping a beating human heart.
Then we need to also talk about contraception. I know there are those who may still be reading this who are with me to this point and I will lose them here; however, here are some facts about contraception (especially the pill). Here it is the same as the surgical abortion and the "Plan B" pill, the mother holds the ability to have sex with whom ever she wants when ever she wants at a higher standard than her child. She feels it is her RIGHT to put herself in front of everyone and everything on the face of the earth. By doing this she loses her rights. I know that sounds silly; however, here it is.
When I was 15 I had a boyfriend that I really liked. All of his friends wanted us to have sex, so I did. It was not special, it was not magical, it was just there. In fact I still remember watching TV during the first encounter, it was a special on Rasputin (the crazy Russian guy, sorry if I misspelled it). When he and I broke-up he blamed the break-up on me. It was my fault because I said we should do this. I was hurt because I did it for him. Now he and I no longer talk, we cannot even pass a friendly hello.
At 15 what did I know about life? At 27 what do I know about life? Do I know so much as to say I want my child to die so I may live as I see fit. Will I still think it is fit in 5, 10, or 15 years? But like all decisions it is an irreversible one...
If you are still reading, I am sorry for this; however, I had to post something, here is some videos on why we must try and stop Planned Parenthood. In Indianapolis we are doing a 40 day prayer campaign, there could also be one in your area as well. Take a look at the information at http://www.40daysforlife.com/splash.cfm
Fraud in Aurora
Protecting statutory rapists and threatening a young woman
Disussion of abortion on Scrubs
PP Promote choice?
Abortion must stop because it damages our bodies, our minds, our spiritual lives. It causes us to have some of the biggest problems. We try and trick ourselves into saying, my child is better off having never been born. Sad thing is after the child exits the womb, a parent would never say such a thing!
I do not care what language you use when talking about abortion; however, there is nothing you can say that does not make it murder. When an abortion is done you are intentionally stopping a beating human heart.
Then we need to also talk about contraception. I know there are those who may still be reading this who are with me to this point and I will lose them here; however, here are some facts about contraception (especially the pill). Here it is the same as the surgical abortion and the "Plan B" pill, the mother holds the ability to have sex with whom ever she wants when ever she wants at a higher standard than her child. She feels it is her RIGHT to put herself in front of everyone and everything on the face of the earth. By doing this she loses her rights. I know that sounds silly; however, here it is.
When I was 15 I had a boyfriend that I really liked. All of his friends wanted us to have sex, so I did. It was not special, it was not magical, it was just there. In fact I still remember watching TV during the first encounter, it was a special on Rasputin (the crazy Russian guy, sorry if I misspelled it). When he and I broke-up he blamed the break-up on me. It was my fault because I said we should do this. I was hurt because I did it for him. Now he and I no longer talk, we cannot even pass a friendly hello.
At 15 what did I know about life? At 27 what do I know about life? Do I know so much as to say I want my child to die so I may live as I see fit. Will I still think it is fit in 5, 10, or 15 years? But like all decisions it is an irreversible one...
If you are still reading, I am sorry for this; however, I had to post something, here is some videos on why we must try and stop Planned Parenthood. In Indianapolis we are doing a 40 day prayer campaign, there could also be one in your area as well. Take a look at the information at http://www.40daysforlife.com/splash.cfm
Fraud in Aurora
Protecting statutory rapists and threatening a young woman
Disussion of abortion on Scrubs
PP Promote choice?
Friday, September 28, 2007
I was talking to people at work... One day I may actually work at work! Anyway, we started talking about "Fantasy Lists". Do any of you have one. I am guessing no. This list is a list of famous people that if the famous person was OK with it you could have an affair with and your significant other or spouse would not get angry, mad, or upset.
So women at work are talking about "fantasy" guys and I mention that this or that guy is good looking; however, I would not "do" them. In fact, a few years ago (after seeing a episode of "Friends")I decided such a list was stupid and retarded. It says to your loved one you are not enough. I have to live this fantasy to be fulfilled. This makes me feel that most people are more empty.
They then told me that I was silly for not having such a list. I was also told that my boyfriend has one so I should have one. Well I can tell you that any man of mine better not even think I would be OK with such a thing. Why would ANYONE go for this. It seems too close to an "open" relationship to me.
I had friends that had an "open" marriage. The rule was as long as they ended the day together in bed it did not matter who they spent the day with or what they did. This seems to be an abuse of marriage. I see this list as close to that. It also seems kind of like idolatry as well as adultery.
So many times a day I think...
1. I am SO happy I am a Catholic!
2. What is WRONG with people?
So women at work are talking about "fantasy" guys and I mention that this or that guy is good looking; however, I would not "do" them. In fact, a few years ago (after seeing a episode of "Friends")I decided such a list was stupid and retarded. It says to your loved one you are not enough. I have to live this fantasy to be fulfilled. This makes me feel that most people are more empty.
They then told me that I was silly for not having such a list. I was also told that my boyfriend has one so I should have one. Well I can tell you that any man of mine better not even think I would be OK with such a thing. Why would ANYONE go for this. It seems too close to an "open" relationship to me.
I had friends that had an "open" marriage. The rule was as long as they ended the day together in bed it did not matter who they spent the day with or what they did. This seems to be an abuse of marriage. I see this list as close to that. It also seems kind of like idolatry as well as adultery.
So many times a day I think...
1. I am SO happy I am a Catholic!
2. What is WRONG with people?
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
The Chapter Room
Hello all! I know some may think I am crazy; however, some friends of mine and I have decided that we need to start a Catholic Utopia! If you go to the blog the Chapter Room you can see all of the wonderful discussion about this.
If you are not Catholic, but still want to give respectful advise, or to see if such a community is right for you, just come and check it out!
If you are not Catholic, but still want to give respectful advise, or to see if such a community is right for you, just come and check it out!
Friday, September 14, 2007
I am 51 and worthless!
This story is not about me... obviously for those who know me...Anyway I read this article "Why don't I ever get asked out?" Well here is her question, the rest of the page is professional and un-professional people giving advise...
Here is my response. First of all if you are 51 years of age and feel that life is ONLY worth while if some other human likes you, you are living a VERY sad life! This should be something that people learn is false earlyish in life. At 51 you should know that the best things in life would be the things that got you though the last 51 years!
Second, why would you want someone to "want" you? Why would you not want love. Sad thing is one person actually responded that she should "LOWER" her standards! I would say they are TOO low. Unless she just wants a hook-up and not a relationship then by all means drop away!
Third... Well I am just going to stop! This makes me SO angry I want to spit! Why do we tell women they are only worth what other humans think you are worth!
My entire adult life, I have gone out to all the places you're told to go to meet someone special. Nothing. I never even get asked out. It's like I'm invisible, and my life has wasted away because there's not a damn thing I can to do to 'make' someone want me. I'm no size 0, but I'm not an elephant either. I have a great personality (that one again!), but I can't get my friends to understand that I simply refuse to put myself through more pain and humiliation by going to a dance and never getting asked to dance. I feel like such a damned freak. Can you help me?" -- Shelby B., 51, Atlanta, Georgia
Here is my response. First of all if you are 51 years of age and feel that life is ONLY worth while if some other human likes you, you are living a VERY sad life! This should be something that people learn is false earlyish in life. At 51 you should know that the best things in life would be the things that got you though the last 51 years!
Second, why would you want someone to "want" you? Why would you not want love. Sad thing is one person actually responded that she should "LOWER" her standards! I would say they are TOO low. Unless she just wants a hook-up and not a relationship then by all means drop away!
Third... Well I am just going to stop! This makes me SO angry I want to spit! Why do we tell women they are only worth what other humans think you are worth!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Miami is the "Thrid World Nation"
Man or man, my job makes me wonder more and more every day how humans got to the top of the food chain! I mean really. HOW. I guess the best answer is God. If he did not put us here… well we would not have had a chance!
Today I received a complaint letter about a cable company from a woman who lives in Miami. In this letter she indicated that Miami was a “THIRD WORLD NATION”!!!! Yes folks she said it was a third world nation even though it was on the US soil.
Well I decided to get some information on what a third world nation was. According to Wikipedia… Yes I know not the most reliable; however, according to them these terms First, Second, and Third world nations is how economically developed a country or area is. Just based on that MIAMI is nowhere NEAR a third world nation!!! Who comes up with this crap? Does she really think?
OK, for the like 2 people who MAY read this? What do you think she was referring to when she said that Miami was a third world nation? A co-worked noted that she could be referring to the influx of Spanish speaking people; however, they are also from first and second classifications...
Today I received a complaint letter about a cable company from a woman who lives in Miami. In this letter she indicated that Miami was a “THIRD WORLD NATION”!!!! Yes folks she said it was a third world nation even though it was on the US soil.
Well I decided to get some information on what a third world nation was. According to Wikipedia… Yes I know not the most reliable; however, according to them these terms First, Second, and Third world nations is how economically developed a country or area is. Just based on that MIAMI is nowhere NEAR a third world nation!!! Who comes up with this crap? Does she really think?
OK, for the like 2 people who MAY read this? What do you think she was referring to when she said that Miami was a third world nation? A co-worked noted that she could be referring to the influx of Spanish speaking people; however, they are also from first and second classifications...
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Often I am amazed about how little credit we give each other and ourselves! Why do we sell short the creation of God? Are we afraid that if we push ourselves we will fail? Well here is to pushing yourself!
For example, friends have a Long Walk. Several walkers have attempted to finish a 55-mile walk in 24 hours. It has yet to be finished, but there is next year. They do not quit, they do not give up, and they do not say it is pointless they just try! Others think the pursuit is silly and just stay home. But at least they are trying.
What brought on this thought process was talking to people at work. Yes I am beginning to think this is a dangerous thing. However, this is how it goes. My good friend John wants to have more of a communal life style instead of a self-centered one. This lifestyle would include several families with like values and morals living together in one home (I guess it has to be a VERY big home). Anyway, the key would be for the men to go out and do “man work” and make all of the money. The women stay at home and do the “woman work” (I think we women have a better deal). However, instead of having personal property, everything belongs to the entire community. We would not have personal possessions to get in the way of our spiritual growth.
I know there are many things that can be argued against this way of life, including pointing out that it could seem a bit “creepy” from the outside. However, the argument my co-workers pointed out was the fact that the chances of husbands and wives cheating would be higher!
COME ON!!!! Really???? What the….
One girl stated that it is a bad idea because if my husband and I have a fight and he starts to talk to one of the other wives they will be come too close and then he would end-up sleeping with her. Or some such thing! Well that is an interesting thought. First, why would he go to one of the wives instead of one of the other husbands? Second, why would he harm his “sister,” wife, and “brother” so grievously as to sleep with her? Not to mention the harm done to the children and God! It just does not seem logical. Then my next set of issues is why would my friend, the wife of a friend, and sister have sex with my husband? Do these people think that all humans have a total lack of self-control and have to have sex with any and all two legged females?
Then I was reading in “Girls Gone Mild” about the same issue. Wendy Shalit indicated women tend to feel that all women are competition and cannot be trusted. Is this what my co-worker was referring to? Of course this gets my little head working. I surly hope that my roommate Katie would NEVER even think that I would harm her in such a way! I cannot imagine what demon possession would HAVE to have occurred before John or myself harm a family unit like that!
So why would this occur? Well because people are hateful, vengeful, and lustful. Theses types would not be allowed in the utopia of John and Katie’s world!
For example, friends have a Long Walk. Several walkers have attempted to finish a 55-mile walk in 24 hours. It has yet to be finished, but there is next year. They do not quit, they do not give up, and they do not say it is pointless they just try! Others think the pursuit is silly and just stay home. But at least they are trying.
What brought on this thought process was talking to people at work. Yes I am beginning to think this is a dangerous thing. However, this is how it goes. My good friend John wants to have more of a communal life style instead of a self-centered one. This lifestyle would include several families with like values and morals living together in one home (I guess it has to be a VERY big home). Anyway, the key would be for the men to go out and do “man work” and make all of the money. The women stay at home and do the “woman work” (I think we women have a better deal). However, instead of having personal property, everything belongs to the entire community. We would not have personal possessions to get in the way of our spiritual growth.
I know there are many things that can be argued against this way of life, including pointing out that it could seem a bit “creepy” from the outside. However, the argument my co-workers pointed out was the fact that the chances of husbands and wives cheating would be higher!
COME ON!!!! Really???? What the….
One girl stated that it is a bad idea because if my husband and I have a fight and he starts to talk to one of the other wives they will be come too close and then he would end-up sleeping with her. Or some such thing! Well that is an interesting thought. First, why would he go to one of the wives instead of one of the other husbands? Second, why would he harm his “sister,” wife, and “brother” so grievously as to sleep with her? Not to mention the harm done to the children and God! It just does not seem logical. Then my next set of issues is why would my friend, the wife of a friend, and sister have sex with my husband? Do these people think that all humans have a total lack of self-control and have to have sex with any and all two legged females?
Then I was reading in “Girls Gone Mild” about the same issue. Wendy Shalit indicated women tend to feel that all women are competition and cannot be trusted. Is this what my co-worker was referring to? Of course this gets my little head working. I surly hope that my roommate Katie would NEVER even think that I would harm her in such a way! I cannot imagine what demon possession would HAVE to have occurred before John or myself harm a family unit like that!
So why would this occur? Well because people are hateful, vengeful, and lustful. Theses types would not be allowed in the utopia of John and Katie’s world!
Monday, September 03, 2007
As my current boyfriend is playing his new video game, I have some time to write. I will steal this time from the time I SHOULD BE working on my Abba, Father newsletter! But instead I will write about why we should not need law, and how the body of Christ is Broken…
As members of the body of Christ, as a people who are required to live above the law and live in love, we should not need laws to live. I am getting frustrated at our fallen nature that commands we need laws to keep each other from killing one another, when the law of God commands that we love each other as we love ourselves… Now I understand that all are not Christians, or moral… But why can’t we be? No real need to answer that because I know the answer. But recently I have been talking to people about the “problems” with the Novas Ordo (NO). They seem to think that it lends to abuse because it is not spelled out point by point. However, I feel we should not need for someone to say we need to refrain from stepping into a Barney suit for a blessing or any such craziness. I feel that a priest should know better! A priest should not need to be told that he should stay in his vestments till mass has ended! I mean REALLY. Do we really need rules to tell us that we need to dress properly for mass? No, everyone KNOWS what is right to put on before mass, but people chose not to do it. It is not that we need more laws, rules, exc. We need a conversion of heart, mind, and soul! Now this leads directly into…
If the body of Christ was not currently broken here on earth, we would not need the laws to tell us what we already know. If all were united in loving and caring for one another, then it would be fine; however, we (Roman Catholics) are SO busy trying to keep priests in their vestments and out of the newspapers that we have problems fighting the demons that are attacking the church in every way possible! The Eastern Catholics are fighting for recognition, the Protestants… well they are SO busy standing on rocks screaming that they are the only ones who are right…
Now you can say I am not being fair, because I am not. However, this is to depict what we are doing instead of praying for the end of Abortion. Instead of teaching our children right from wrong we are allowing them to do whatever under the lie of “freedom”! Why, why do we allow Christ’s body to be broken again and again? Why do we not tell the evil one to depart from us? Why do we insist in making God in our image?
As members of the body of Christ, as a people who are required to live above the law and live in love, we should not need laws to live. I am getting frustrated at our fallen nature that commands we need laws to keep each other from killing one another, when the law of God commands that we love each other as we love ourselves… Now I understand that all are not Christians, or moral… But why can’t we be? No real need to answer that because I know the answer. But recently I have been talking to people about the “problems” with the Novas Ordo (NO). They seem to think that it lends to abuse because it is not spelled out point by point. However, I feel we should not need for someone to say we need to refrain from stepping into a Barney suit for a blessing or any such craziness. I feel that a priest should know better! A priest should not need to be told that he should stay in his vestments till mass has ended! I mean REALLY. Do we really need rules to tell us that we need to dress properly for mass? No, everyone KNOWS what is right to put on before mass, but people chose not to do it. It is not that we need more laws, rules, exc. We need a conversion of heart, mind, and soul! Now this leads directly into…
If the body of Christ was not currently broken here on earth, we would not need the laws to tell us what we already know. If all were united in loving and caring for one another, then it would be fine; however, we (Roman Catholics) are SO busy trying to keep priests in their vestments and out of the newspapers that we have problems fighting the demons that are attacking the church in every way possible! The Eastern Catholics are fighting for recognition, the Protestants… well they are SO busy standing on rocks screaming that they are the only ones who are right…
Now you can say I am not being fair, because I am not. However, this is to depict what we are doing instead of praying for the end of Abortion. Instead of teaching our children right from wrong we are allowing them to do whatever under the lie of “freedom”! Why, why do we allow Christ’s body to be broken again and again? Why do we not tell the evil one to depart from us? Why do we insist in making God in our image?
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Solo Saxophone explination
OK, again there are SO many things I want to cover with you…
1. Solo Saxophone
2. The body of Christ broken
3. Why we should not need law
At this time I will blog about #1 and hope I get time to write about the other 2 later. I guess I put them in this post so I remember I wanted to do them!
OK, the post about the solo saxophone is not really about me and any particular person, nor is it about 2 specific people. What I meant by posting it is for people to have the song for the situation it brings up.
When I listen to this song, I think of a man and a woman meeting, falling in love (love at first site is always romantic), and then holding onto each other like it is the last night they will ever have. Of course this is how we should be with our spouses! We are never guaranteed tomorrow so don’t take your love for granted. Let your spouse know you love in a very deep special way. Treat them tonight or tomorrow like it is the last night you will ever have together because you may not have tomorrow! Don’t let more than a few days go by without SHOWING how much in love you are, and take time to listen to one another.
All this coming from a single girl who never knows what end is up in a relationship. Though I have some good examples!
1. Solo Saxophone
2. The body of Christ broken
3. Why we should not need law
At this time I will blog about #1 and hope I get time to write about the other 2 later. I guess I put them in this post so I remember I wanted to do them!
OK, the post about the solo saxophone is not really about me and any particular person, nor is it about 2 specific people. What I meant by posting it is for people to have the song for the situation it brings up.
When I listen to this song, I think of a man and a woman meeting, falling in love (love at first site is always romantic), and then holding onto each other like it is the last night they will ever have. Of course this is how we should be with our spouses! We are never guaranteed tomorrow so don’t take your love for granted. Let your spouse know you love in a very deep special way. Treat them tonight or tomorrow like it is the last night you will ever have together because you may not have tomorrow! Don’t let more than a few days go by without SHOWING how much in love you are, and take time to listen to one another.
All this coming from a single girl who never knows what end is up in a relationship. Though I have some good examples!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Something from Catholics United for the Faith
Here is part of Leon Suprenant's artical on Looking for Answers. It is a great way of looking at the faith as an algebra student...
Looking for Answers
By Leon Suprenant | August 27, 2007
My algebra textbook in ninth grade had an answer key in the back that enabled me to check my answers upon completing my homework assignment. Most of the time, the answer key simply served to verify that in fact I had arrived at the correct answer.
Sometimes, however, the answer given in the book was different from my answer. What would I do then? Read the rest of this entry >>
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Solo Saxophone
The Last Night Of The World Lyrics From Miss Saigon
When I hear this song, I think of a special person. Why do I make things so complicated? Oh for just one night together with a solo saxophone...
In a place that won't let us feel
In a life where nothing seems real
I have found you
I have found you
In a world that's moving too fast
In a world where nothing can last
I will hold you
I will hold you
Our lives will change when tomorrow comes
Tonight our hearts drown the distant drums
and we have music all right
tearing the night
A song
played on a solo saxophone
A crazy sound, a lonely sound
A cry that tells us love goes on and on
played on a solo saxophone
It's telling me
to hold you tight
and dance like it's the last night of the world
On the other side of the earth
There's a place where life still has worth
I will take you
I'll go with you
You won't believe all the things you'll see
I know 'cause you'll see them all with me
If we're together that's when
we'll hear it again
A song
played on a solo saxophone
A crazy sound, a lonely sound
A cry that tells us love goes on and on
Played on a solo saxophone
It's telling me
to hold you tight
and dance like it's the last night of the world
they were all I ever knew
you won't need when I'm through
we may be
I will sing with you
a song...
A song played on a solo saxophone
So stay with me
and hold me tight
and dance
like it's the last night of the world
When I hear this song, I think of a special person. Why do I make things so complicated? Oh for just one night together with a solo saxophone...
Thursday, August 23, 2007
I have so much I want to say today, doubt I will get to all of it; however, I may address things by the end of next week! However, first I want to talk about friends.
This week Aug 20th -24th is "National Friendship week" according to my employer. They want everyone to write a little something about a friendship made during employment with them. At first I was stuck; however, then I remembered my good friend Justin Dixon and how much he has given to me. This is what I wrote.
Thank-you very much Dixon! Also a special thanks to my friends John and Katie Russell. They help in supporting me every day in so may ways. My life would be so different w/o them.
This in no way lessens the support I have rcv'd from other friends as well! Some of them include: David Love, Justin Gray, and Seth Livingston. The list just goes on forever! Thank-you all.
This week Aug 20th -24th is "National Friendship week" according to my employer. They want everyone to write a little something about a friendship made during employment with them. At first I was stuck; however, then I remembered my good friend Justin Dixon and how much he has given to me. This is what I wrote.
Here at Lockheed martin I have made several work friends. However, I made one friend who stands above the rest, Justin Dixon. He has helped me find find my way to the Catholic Church, challenged me to be the best I could be, and introduced me to some close friends of his. Now some of those people are now my roommates, very close personal friends, and support. though I was not top pick for a party, he was able to change the course of my entire life. Without him I would not have my friends,hope, or my faith!
Thank-you very much Dixon! Also a special thanks to my friends John and Katie Russell. They help in supporting me every day in so may ways. My life would be so different w/o them.
This in no way lessens the support I have rcv'd from other friends as well! Some of them include: David Love, Justin Gray, and Seth Livingston. The list just goes on forever! Thank-you all.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Here is a quote for today....
From Leon Suprenant of Catholics United for the Faith.
However, in the case of our perennial conflict with the forces of evil, there should be no doubt as to the justice and necessity of waging full-scale spiritual war. The Enemy has invaded our souls, our families, and our country, and we need the courage and steadfast resolve to give no ground to his advances. When it comes to salvation, pacifism is a losing proposition. Unless we proactively fight against sin, we’ll be swept aside.
While protecting ourselves and our country from physical harm is very important, Our Lord tells us to take even further precautions against those forces that can harm the soul (see Mt. 10:28).
In that light, what is our approach to the spiritual terrorism of our culture—especially as represented by the entertainment, fashion, and advertising industries? What sort of “homeland security” do we have in place to protect ourselves? Is it too much of a hassle or inconvenience to swim upstream? Do we have the resolve to wage spiritual war against the intrusive, intolerant secularism that surrounds us?
From Leon Suprenant of Catholics United for the Faith.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
My mind...

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Dearest God, strengthen me. Guide me. Love me. Help me to do as you want me to. I pray that you will take the kingdom of my life out of my hands and take it over. Help me to over come all hardships put in my way. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
BTW the wonderful picture is one of John Russell's. His wonderful wife Katie's work is also there!
Sorry for the pointless post. If you do not want to see personal information stop reading and wait till the next, non-personal post...
Life has been strange for the last month or so. My mind is tending to think of people that really have no reason to be in my mind. I neglect things I am to do. I hold to a love that falls short of my needs. But all of the things I know are wrong, I fail to fix. I miss a person who I don't know and has never been in my life. It all does not matter because no matter how I want my life to change, I will not break-up with the non-Catholic that wishes to hold me in place of God. Who demands more out of me than I can give. But because he is so sweet and loving, I do not want to hurt him. One may ask if I am "in love"? I do not know the answer to this. I do not have a clue on what this means. I care deeply about him, I love him, I want the best for him, I want to see him happy. Does it go deeper? I do not know. Will I fix it... nope. I do not break-up with people. I try to convince them to break up with me. I have spoken too much of my self... Just know to my loving boyfriend, I love you... But then again, you may never read this...
Friday, August 03, 2007
I was listening to Dr. Scott Hahn's "The Lambs Supper" Lighthouse Catholic Media and I started thinking... I know that is bad. But I was starting to wonder what people did think of when Christ said "It is Finished". I always assumed he meant his physical life because just after that he physically died. When I was older I never thought about it. I will not say what was said in this talk, but I want to know what your thoughts are.
Also, why do you believe Jesus told us to celebrate "The Lord's Supper" or the Holy Eucharist?
This will be the start of a line of thought process brought on by this talk :) I hope you will help me to learn all I can from this.
Also, why do you believe Jesus told us to celebrate "The Lord's Supper" or the Holy Eucharist?
This will be the start of a line of thought process brought on by this talk :) I hope you will help me to learn all I can from this.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Pray for Germany!
Here is an entry by our friend at The Cafeteria is Closed. There is somthing so very wrong with this!!!
German family secretary steps in
The German familiy secretary pulled the incest brochures in print and download form. But, it's been around for years, back when the Socialists ran the government, and a new edition is apparently still planned. It's still to be found in countless kindergartens and pediatricians' offices. Not to mention the parents who have it. As a reminder - the brochure encouraged, for example, fathers to rub the clitoris of their baby daughters, and stated that it's normal that a father can get aroused by the touching of a baby or toddler. It also encouraged parents to show children how to have sex and masturbate. The booklet actually lamented, "Vagina and especially clitoris are barely paid attention to by tender touch (neither by father nor mother) and therefore make it hard for girls to develop pride in her sex organs." It further says that one shouldn't stop girls from masturbating with various items it comes across. And, fathers should come up with a pet name for the clitoris of their daughters. It basically says that the parents must not get aroused by touching their children (how nice!) but that the parents stimulating the babies/toddlers is ok. The goal was to take away the taboo from early childhood sexualization.
The person in charge at the federal agency that produced the booklets said, "All of this is based on science. Of the educators we interviewed, 93% considered it helpful." He added that an updated version was in the works but that he saw no reason to change the content.
Meanwhile, a mother has filed charges against the federal agency, charging it with calling for sexual abuse of children.
The author of these booklets is a middle-aged German woman by the name of Ina-Maria Philipps. She also encourages uncles, aunts, grandparents and babysitters to pleasure the children. She wants a "condom license" for 9 year olds, where they learn how to pull one over a banana. Homosexual education is also part of the program (public schools). By the way: She works for the Evangelical (not the same as "evangelical" in the USA) church. Has since 1990. As a family and sex therapist. Along Freudian lines, she doesn't differentiate between sexuality and sensuality, she thinks that a hug is the same for a toddler as playing with its penis/vagina and therefore one should play with it. While a toddler doesn't know what sex is, an adult does know the difference between hugging someone and having sex with someone. How on earth is a child supposed to know the difference between "good touching" and "bad touching" if the parents molest it ??
Here more by this woman
Children need tender touch starting at their birth and love direct bodily contact, especially skin-to-skin. They are approachable in many sensual ways and capable of pleasure. It's been shown that children experience pleasure and that they indicate that they enjoy being petted. In this context, the genitalia, which are very sensitive, play a prominent roles. When children grow up in a home where permission to self discovery without limitations to certain regions is given and all parts of the body become a name, "processes" are described lustfully and a sympathetic climate exists within the family, it can happen that children talk with great excitement in kindergarten about kissing, rubbing, slip-sliding and squeaking. They may even talk about their father's "big dick" that they saw when they bathed together. More than once such descriptions have caused an educator to suspect child abuse.
Really ? I wonder why. Sick.
In context with my article on German theater/opera, this isn't surprising.
Sex ed in Germany...
Well, not enough that Germans barely have children, the German government wants you to molest them. From LifeSiteNews(H/T to Trish)
Booklets from a subsidiary of the German government's Ministry for Family Affairs encourage parents to sexually massage their children as young as 1 to 3 years of age. Two 40-page booklets entitled "Love, Body and Playing Doctor" by the German Federal Health Education Center (Bundeszentrale fĂ¼r gesundheitliche Aufklärung - BZgA) are aimed at parents - the first addressing children from 1-3 and the other children from 4-6 years of age.
"Fathers do not devote enough attention to the clitoris and vagina of their daughters. Their caresses too seldom pertain to these regions, while this is the only way the girls can develop a sense of pride in their sex," reads the booklet regarding 1-3 year olds. The authors rationalize, "The child touches all parts of their father's body, sometimes arousing him. The father should do the same."
The pamphlet advises parents to permit young children "unlimited masturbation" except where physical injury becomes apparent. It advises: "Children should learn that there is no such thing as shameful parts of the body. The body is a home, which you should be proud of." For ages 4-6, the booklet recommends teaching children the movements of copulation.
Another product of the BZgA is a song book aimed at children of four and slightly older which includes several songs espousing masturbation. The song-book entitled "Nose, belly and bum" includes one song with the following lyrics: "When I touch my body, I discover what I have. I have a vagina, because I am a girl. Vagina is not only for peeing. When I touch it, I feel a pleasant tingle."
According to the Polish daily newspaper Rzeczpospolita, the BZgA booklet is an obligatory read in nine German regions. It is used for training nursery, kindergarten and elementary school teachers. Ironically it is recommended by many organizations officially fighting pedophilia, such as the German Kunderschutzbund. BZgA sends out millions of copies of the booklet every year.
Rzeczpospolita reports that the Eckhardt Scheffer of BZgA claimed that before releasing the manual the organization consulted parents, educators and child psychologists. 93% of whom gave a positive evaluation.
Even for a Western nation, Germany's billboards and television ads push the limits of public pornography. Last year LifeSiteNews.com reported that a very popular teen magazine in Germany publishes nude photos of teens in sexual positions which would be in almost any other nation illegal child pornography.
Well, when you, as an adult, can legally have sex with a 14 year old it's not surprising that parents are supposed to "stimulate" their own children.
German family secretary steps in
The German familiy secretary pulled the incest brochures in print and download form. But, it's been around for years, back when the Socialists ran the government, and a new edition is apparently still planned. It's still to be found in countless kindergartens and pediatricians' offices. Not to mention the parents who have it. As a reminder - the brochure encouraged, for example, fathers to rub the clitoris of their baby daughters, and stated that it's normal that a father can get aroused by the touching of a baby or toddler. It also encouraged parents to show children how to have sex and masturbate. The booklet actually lamented, "Vagina and especially clitoris are barely paid attention to by tender touch (neither by father nor mother) and therefore make it hard for girls to develop pride in her sex organs." It further says that one shouldn't stop girls from masturbating with various items it comes across. And, fathers should come up with a pet name for the clitoris of their daughters. It basically says that the parents must not get aroused by touching their children (how nice!) but that the parents stimulating the babies/toddlers is ok. The goal was to take away the taboo from early childhood sexualization.
The person in charge at the federal agency that produced the booklets said, "All of this is based on science. Of the educators we interviewed, 93% considered it helpful." He added that an updated version was in the works but that he saw no reason to change the content.
Meanwhile, a mother has filed charges against the federal agency, charging it with calling for sexual abuse of children.
The author of these booklets is a middle-aged German woman by the name of Ina-Maria Philipps. She also encourages uncles, aunts, grandparents and babysitters to pleasure the children. She wants a "condom license" for 9 year olds, where they learn how to pull one over a banana. Homosexual education is also part of the program (public schools). By the way: She works for the Evangelical (not the same as "evangelical" in the USA) church. Has since 1990. As a family and sex therapist. Along Freudian lines, she doesn't differentiate between sexuality and sensuality, she thinks that a hug is the same for a toddler as playing with its penis/vagina and therefore one should play with it. While a toddler doesn't know what sex is, an adult does know the difference between hugging someone and having sex with someone. How on earth is a child supposed to know the difference between "good touching" and "bad touching" if the parents molest it ??
Here more by this woman
Children need tender touch starting at their birth and love direct bodily contact, especially skin-to-skin. They are approachable in many sensual ways and capable of pleasure. It's been shown that children experience pleasure and that they indicate that they enjoy being petted. In this context, the genitalia, which are very sensitive, play a prominent roles. When children grow up in a home where permission to self discovery without limitations to certain regions is given and all parts of the body become a name, "processes" are described lustfully and a sympathetic climate exists within the family, it can happen that children talk with great excitement in kindergarten about kissing, rubbing, slip-sliding and squeaking. They may even talk about their father's "big dick" that they saw when they bathed together. More than once such descriptions have caused an educator to suspect child abuse.
Really ? I wonder why. Sick.
In context with my article on German theater/opera, this isn't surprising.
Sex ed in Germany...
Well, not enough that Germans barely have children, the German government wants you to molest them. From LifeSiteNews(H/T to Trish)
Booklets from a subsidiary of the German government's Ministry for Family Affairs encourage parents to sexually massage their children as young as 1 to 3 years of age. Two 40-page booklets entitled "Love, Body and Playing Doctor" by the German Federal Health Education Center (Bundeszentrale fĂ¼r gesundheitliche Aufklärung - BZgA) are aimed at parents - the first addressing children from 1-3 and the other children from 4-6 years of age.
"Fathers do not devote enough attention to the clitoris and vagina of their daughters. Their caresses too seldom pertain to these regions, while this is the only way the girls can develop a sense of pride in their sex," reads the booklet regarding 1-3 year olds. The authors rationalize, "The child touches all parts of their father's body, sometimes arousing him. The father should do the same."
The pamphlet advises parents to permit young children "unlimited masturbation" except where physical injury becomes apparent. It advises: "Children should learn that there is no such thing as shameful parts of the body. The body is a home, which you should be proud of." For ages 4-6, the booklet recommends teaching children the movements of copulation.
Another product of the BZgA is a song book aimed at children of four and slightly older which includes several songs espousing masturbation. The song-book entitled "Nose, belly and bum" includes one song with the following lyrics: "When I touch my body, I discover what I have. I have a vagina, because I am a girl. Vagina is not only for peeing. When I touch it, I feel a pleasant tingle."
According to the Polish daily newspaper Rzeczpospolita, the BZgA booklet is an obligatory read in nine German regions. It is used for training nursery, kindergarten and elementary school teachers. Ironically it is recommended by many organizations officially fighting pedophilia, such as the German Kunderschutzbund. BZgA sends out millions of copies of the booklet every year.
Rzeczpospolita reports that the Eckhardt Scheffer of BZgA claimed that before releasing the manual the organization consulted parents, educators and child psychologists. 93% of whom gave a positive evaluation.
Even for a Western nation, Germany's billboards and television ads push the limits of public pornography. Last year LifeSiteNews.com reported that a very popular teen magazine in Germany publishes nude photos of teens in sexual positions which would be in almost any other nation illegal child pornography.
Well, when you, as an adult, can legally have sex with a 14 year old it's not surprising that parents are supposed to "stimulate" their own children.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Text Messaging Pope?
Hey, it has been TOO LONG since I posted! I have been trying to stay away from the things that make me angry. So here is somthing that makes me excited!
We can sign-up to get daily thoughts from things that the Pope says, writes, exc! Here take a look. I am sad that it costs $.30/message, that is $9-$9.30/month. I don't have that much right now! Though if I did I would SO get this. It is being offered by Verizon Wireless (that is my carrier). Lets see if I can stop myself from signing up for it even though I cannot afford it! :)
Other carriers will be following!
Here for quick reference, if you want to start this service with Verizon Wireless just text to 24444 that says "POPE ON" and to end it send one that says "POPE OFF".
We can sign-up to get daily thoughts from things that the Pope says, writes, exc! Here take a look. I am sad that it costs $.30/message, that is $9-$9.30/month. I don't have that much right now! Though if I did I would SO get this. It is being offered by Verizon Wireless (that is my carrier). Lets see if I can stop myself from signing up for it even though I cannot afford it! :)
Other carriers will be following!
Here for quick reference, if you want to start this service with Verizon Wireless just text to 24444 that says "POPE ON" and to end it send one that says "POPE OFF".
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Our Parent Who Art in Heaven?!
You HAVE to be joking me! Here is some information from our friend Dr. Marcellino D'Ambrosio.
Here is a paragraph from this story
"To call God “Father” does not mean to say, of course, that he is an old man with a white beard. Only the second person of the Blessed Trinity wedded himself to a male human nature in the womb of Mary. The Father and the Holy Spirit are pure Spirit and transcend male and female, masculine and feminine (CCC 239). This is no new insight brought to Christianity by the feminist movement. It has always been taught that the word “Father” applied to God is used by way of analogy. Analogies tell us something very true despite being imperfect. Until recently, the father was recognized by Western society as origin, head and provider of the family. To call the first person of the Trinity “Father” means that he is the origin and transcendent authority of all and cares for the needs of all."
Here is a paragraph from this story
"To call God “Father” does not mean to say, of course, that he is an old man with a white beard. Only the second person of the Blessed Trinity wedded himself to a male human nature in the womb of Mary. The Father and the Holy Spirit are pure Spirit and transcend male and female, masculine and feminine (CCC 239). This is no new insight brought to Christianity by the feminist movement. It has always been taught that the word “Father” applied to God is used by way of analogy. Analogies tell us something very true despite being imperfect. Until recently, the father was recognized by Western society as origin, head and provider of the family. To call the first person of the Trinity “Father” means that he is the origin and transcendent authority of all and cares for the needs of all."
Friday, July 27, 2007
Revisiting "Why is everyone always picking on me?"
It may be clear why everyone is picking on ME... it is because I can be short, annoying, and stupid! However, I am not sure I was these things when writting this artical. Alhough I do have to admit that I may have taken the writter's words out of context! It was SO very wonderful for a Mr. Jim Curley to post a comment defending a writer that he as published and his publishing house Requiem Press.
So I went back and read it again...
I did speak harshly about the artical, I did not ensure the link was working (fixed now BTW), I allowed my judgment on the artical to be bent by other articals I was reading, and I failed to wait to post the comments till I read more about what this newspaper puts out... So here, I am revisiting the artical in saying that I was too harsh on the artical. I also want to take a moment to indicate that I REALLY should have looked at the other articals from the site that posted this one and there would NOT have had to write this second artical! LOL The posting was from the Arlington Catholic Herald, and it is really cool. You can even order prints from pics that were placed in this newspaper!
So I went back and read it again...
I did speak harshly about the artical, I did not ensure the link was working (fixed now BTW), I allowed my judgment on the artical to be bent by other articals I was reading, and I failed to wait to post the comments till I read more about what this newspaper puts out... So here, I am revisiting the artical in saying that I was too harsh on the artical. I also want to take a moment to indicate that I REALLY should have looked at the other articals from the site that posted this one and there would NOT have had to write this second artical! LOL The posting was from the Arlington Catholic Herald, and it is really cool. You can even order prints from pics that were placed in this newspaper!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Why is everyone always picking on me?
OK, well this not not people picking on me, but my Pope! What did he ever do to them? Was it like this with JPII? It seems everything he does someone has to complain about, and complain, and complain... Do these people NOT have anything better to talk about. (I guess not since I am still blogging on it!)
Here is an article written by Russell Shaw. It seems he is freelance writer from Washington, D.C., and author of Catholic Laity in the Mission of the Church (Requiem Press). So with that information I think I will have to do additional checking before reading stuff from this Requiem Press... So here is my comments on the article!
"Benedict has taken the following steps: reversed important policy decisions of two of his predecessors, taken a big gamble aimed at healing a dangerous schism, reminded the world's bishops that he's boss, risked offending ecumenical dialogue partners — and then headed off cheerfully on vacation."
Well he reversed nothing... NOTHING I say. He, in my humble opinion, has fulfilled the true meaning and intent of these policies. Who said the schism he is trying to heal is "dangerous"? Any schism is dangerous to those in it, not really to the Pope himself. He did not remind THE World's bishops that he is boss, he just reminded the ones in the Roman Catholic church that we must stop thinking of the previous mass in a negative light. Since the council never condemned it... it is still a valid mass and should be allowed. Some Bishops have problems remembering that. So that is the Pope's job is to remind, forcefully if necessary. And I too would be cheerfully about vacation if everything I said "HI" there were 10 reporters right there to say that I was somehow trying to undermine the Church Christ set up by greeting someone on the street.
There are more, but I will not go into that again. I made my point of view quite clearly in a previous post. Maybe this should not bother me at all. It is just like when I was in High School, just like work, why should the rest of life be any different. There are things that some will take too far, others not far enough. It is only "cool" to speak out or against XY or Z and not AB or C. Then don't even THINK of talking bad about or making comments about MN or O! Here it is, even Catholics tend to think that it is OK to pick and chose. At this point I am ready to call it quits and just accept the stupidity of most... However, we all know we must keep going! The FIGHT to re-educate the masses MUST be done. For he is the Way the Truth and the Light. He is also the only way to heaven. So we must shout from the rooftops if we have to in order to get people back in line with the truth.
Here is an article written by Russell Shaw. It seems he is freelance writer from Washington, D.C., and author of Catholic Laity in the Mission of the Church (Requiem Press). So with that information I think I will have to do additional checking before reading stuff from this Requiem Press... So here is my comments on the article!
"Benedict has taken the following steps: reversed important policy decisions of two of his predecessors, taken a big gamble aimed at healing a dangerous schism, reminded the world's bishops that he's boss, risked offending ecumenical dialogue partners — and then headed off cheerfully on vacation."
Well he reversed nothing... NOTHING I say. He, in my humble opinion, has fulfilled the true meaning and intent of these policies. Who said the schism he is trying to heal is "dangerous"? Any schism is dangerous to those in it, not really to the Pope himself. He did not remind THE World's bishops that he is boss, he just reminded the ones in the Roman Catholic church that we must stop thinking of the previous mass in a negative light. Since the council never condemned it... it is still a valid mass and should be allowed. Some Bishops have problems remembering that. So that is the Pope's job is to remind, forcefully if necessary. And I too would be cheerfully about vacation if everything I said "HI" there were 10 reporters right there to say that I was somehow trying to undermine the Church Christ set up by greeting someone on the street.
There are more, but I will not go into that again. I made my point of view quite clearly in a previous post. Maybe this should not bother me at all. It is just like when I was in High School, just like work, why should the rest of life be any different. There are things that some will take too far, others not far enough. It is only "cool" to speak out or against XY or Z and not AB or C. Then don't even THINK of talking bad about or making comments about MN or O! Here it is, even Catholics tend to think that it is OK to pick and chose. At this point I am ready to call it quits and just accept the stupidity of most... However, we all know we must keep going! The FIGHT to re-educate the masses MUST be done. For he is the Way the Truth and the Light. He is also the only way to heaven. So we must shout from the rooftops if we have to in order to get people back in line with the truth.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Too much time
OK, people spend too much time commenting on things that seem to be so silly to me. For example... if a Muslim stated that Mohomed was the one true profit and the Christians and Jews were wrong... would anyone be suprised? If a head rabbi stated that Jesus was nothing more than a Prophet, would any one notice? We how about if a Christian said only salivation comes from Christ? Oh, wait, that would be VERY bad. Because then we are excluding someone from our "religion" that they have first excluded them selfs! OK, well to me it seems silly for us to be debating on weather or not the Cathoic Church should pray for the Jews, specifically the conversion of the Jews.
As Christians we are COMMANDED to pray, teach, preach for the acceptance of the TRUTH. No Truth is not realitive to time and place, it is universal. As Christians we should desire that ALL come to Christ so they can go to heaven. Is the only way though the Catholic Church, well that is the only way specified; however, God is not limited by the rules he gave us. Though there is NO way to heaven outside of Christ, even the Jews will have to acknowedge this after death.
For the second point why would ANYONE be a part of something they felt was a lie? Why would one become a Christian if you did not belive that Jesus Christ came to die for your sins? No if Jesus came to die, he would want the Truth about him to remain here so people could be lead to him. That is why he had the apostles. The apostles ordained others and we recived the Caholic Church. It is the Church that was set up directly by Christ. That is why it has the fullness of the truth!
Most of the people I am close to are not Cathoic; however, I still manage to be peaceful with them. This peace does not mean I tell them that I do not think they have something lacking. They know that I love them dearly and that is why I cannot say they do not have anything missing. People may have gone back to the Bible to guess what the early chruch did for services, but they did not bother to go back and see how these services were held because they feel that the Bible is the only source of information.
The Catholic Church has the fullness of the Truth, of course you may disagree with me... that is why you would not be Caholic. If you agree with me then you are (or should become very soon) Caholic.
Here are some people who have a bit to say that I wanted to present... That is what led me on this tangent.
First, we have a question of if the Caholic Church is the only means of salvaction. Well here we have some information about what the church teaches and why the ripples are made.
Here is one man's opinion on issues that he truly does not understand! I think he does not know what the Pope's real purpose is.
Now let us not forget this guy who seems to think that the church should not try to go back to a better time, but to more heavly address today's problems. Well I am not sure if he knows... the sins of today are the same as the ones 2000 years previous. It is not that we need to address them more, but we need to change oursleves!
Last but not least, somthing on a different note. It seems an artical about the Pope commenting on a death penalty victim. Wow! These are not seen that much.
As Christians we are COMMANDED to pray, teach, preach for the acceptance of the TRUTH. No Truth is not realitive to time and place, it is universal. As Christians we should desire that ALL come to Christ so they can go to heaven. Is the only way though the Catholic Church, well that is the only way specified; however, God is not limited by the rules he gave us. Though there is NO way to heaven outside of Christ, even the Jews will have to acknowedge this after death.
For the second point why would ANYONE be a part of something they felt was a lie? Why would one become a Christian if you did not belive that Jesus Christ came to die for your sins? No if Jesus came to die, he would want the Truth about him to remain here so people could be lead to him. That is why he had the apostles. The apostles ordained others and we recived the Caholic Church. It is the Church that was set up directly by Christ. That is why it has the fullness of the truth!
Most of the people I am close to are not Cathoic; however, I still manage to be peaceful with them. This peace does not mean I tell them that I do not think they have something lacking. They know that I love them dearly and that is why I cannot say they do not have anything missing. People may have gone back to the Bible to guess what the early chruch did for services, but they did not bother to go back and see how these services were held because they feel that the Bible is the only source of information.
The Catholic Church has the fullness of the Truth, of course you may disagree with me... that is why you would not be Caholic. If you agree with me then you are (or should become very soon) Caholic.
Here are some people who have a bit to say that I wanted to present... That is what led me on this tangent.
First, we have a question of if the Caholic Church is the only means of salvaction. Well here we have some information about what the church teaches and why the ripples are made.
Here is one man's opinion on issues that he truly does not understand! I think he does not know what the Pope's real purpose is.
Now let us not forget this guy who seems to think that the church should not try to go back to a better time, but to more heavly address today's problems. Well I am not sure if he knows... the sins of today are the same as the ones 2000 years previous. It is not that we need to address them more, but we need to change oursleves!
Last but not least, somthing on a different note. It seems an artical about the Pope commenting on a death penalty victim. Wow! These are not seen that much.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
A Return to Virginity
I ask this a lot, so what is one more time… What is wrong with this world? Why do women think men only will be interested in them if they are 5’9” weighing in at 98 lbs. Now this also includes bra cup size C and a “ghetto butte”. I am not sure how one gets this, but then again maybe silicone weighs less than fat. Women tend to believe that men will not want us unless we are quite free in giving all kinds of “pleasures”. She is also expected to be as sex-crazed as he is.
To reinforce the body shape and figure we have the marketing people at EVERY marketing company in the world! Everyone knows one of the first rules of marketing is that SEX SELLS EVERYTHING. Go ahead and tell me when the last time an ugly person sold a product? If this were true then they would not have make-up and hair designers to “fix” the person looking into the camera. Even baby products… those are never the children that “only a mother could love”. We also have the clothing designers that make clothing that make even stick figures look obese! So what chance does a 200 lb girl like me have? I guess I am not getting the guys that way!
Believe it or not there are pressures out there for ALL women in secular society to be a bit freer than she would otherwise be comfortable with. Sometimes it feels like an after school special. These situations really do happen… “Come on baby, if you loved me you would do this for me!” And then she is trapped! Of course her 15 year-old mind thinks that this feeling is “love” however, she is sadly mistaken. Then after a bit both parties move on to the next person. But why do women need to degrade her to the status of a blow-up doll? Is she just there to become a toy for the latest guy that will have her? Here is where self-knowledge and dignity come into play. I am sure if she was more confident then she could and would say NO.
So what happens? After a bit she realizes she has totally messed everything up and she turns away, or she gives in. Hopefully she has chosen to turn to something better. Now as we all know, she can never truly regain all that was lost. Once innocents are lost, it is gone. However, there is hope! We can have what is called Spiritual Virginity or is simply the idea that we are restored spiritually to the point of our innocents. How wonderful! It is not as easy as just asking for forgiveness. We have to work, with God’s Grace, to restore our mind, souls, and spirits back to a right way of thinking. This could be considered a “return to modesty.”
Here is an article by Christopher West on this topic. The topic is not exact; however, it does cover the topic at hand about restoring virginity.
To reinforce the body shape and figure we have the marketing people at EVERY marketing company in the world! Everyone knows one of the first rules of marketing is that SEX SELLS EVERYTHING. Go ahead and tell me when the last time an ugly person sold a product? If this were true then they would not have make-up and hair designers to “fix” the person looking into the camera. Even baby products… those are never the children that “only a mother could love”. We also have the clothing designers that make clothing that make even stick figures look obese! So what chance does a 200 lb girl like me have? I guess I am not getting the guys that way!
Believe it or not there are pressures out there for ALL women in secular society to be a bit freer than she would otherwise be comfortable with. Sometimes it feels like an after school special. These situations really do happen… “Come on baby, if you loved me you would do this for me!” And then she is trapped! Of course her 15 year-old mind thinks that this feeling is “love” however, she is sadly mistaken. Then after a bit both parties move on to the next person. But why do women need to degrade her to the status of a blow-up doll? Is she just there to become a toy for the latest guy that will have her? Here is where self-knowledge and dignity come into play. I am sure if she was more confident then she could and would say NO.
So what happens? After a bit she realizes she has totally messed everything up and she turns away, or she gives in. Hopefully she has chosen to turn to something better. Now as we all know, she can never truly regain all that was lost. Once innocents are lost, it is gone. However, there is hope! We can have what is called Spiritual Virginity or is simply the idea that we are restored spiritually to the point of our innocents. How wonderful! It is not as easy as just asking for forgiveness. We have to work, with God’s Grace, to restore our mind, souls, and spirits back to a right way of thinking. This could be considered a “return to modesty.”
Here is an article by Christopher West on this topic. The topic is not exact; however, it does cover the topic at hand about restoring virginity.
St. Lawrence of Brindisi
July 21
Lawrence of Brindisi, Priest and doctor of the Church
St. Lawrence of Brindisi
Caesare de Rossi was born at Brandisi, kingdom of Naples, on July 22nd. He was educated by the conventual Franciscans there and by his uncle at St. Mark's in Venice. When sixteen, he joined the Capuchins at Verona, taking the name Lawrence. He pursued his higher studies in theology, philosophy, the bible, Greek, Hebrew, and several other languages at the University of Padua. He was ordained and began to preach with great effect in Northern Italy. He became definitor general of his Order in Rome in 1596, a position he was to hold five times, was assigned to conversion work with Jews, and was sent to Germany, with Blessed Benedict of Urbino, to combat Lutheranism. They founded friaries at Prague, Vienna, and Gorizia, which were to develop into the provinces of Bohemia, Austria, and Styria. At the request of Emperor Rudolf II, Lawrence helped raise an army among the German rulers to fight against the Turks, who were threatening to conquer all of Hungary, became its chaplain, and was among the leaders in the Battle of Szekesfehevar in 1601; many attributed the ensuing victory to him. In 1602, he was elected Vicar General of the Capuchins but refused re-election in 1605. He was sent to Spain by the emperor to persuade Philip III to join the Catholic League, and while there, founded a Capuchin house in Madrid. He was then sent as papal nuncio to the court of Maximillian of Bavaria, served as peacemaker in several royal disputes, and in 1618, retired from worldly affairs to the friary at Caserta. He was recalled at the request of the rulers of Naples to go to Spain to intercede with King Philip for them against the Duke of Osuna, Spanish envoy to naples and convinced the King to recall the Duke to avert an uprising. The trip in the sweltering heat of summer exhausted him, and he died a few days after his meeting with the King at Lisbon on July 22nd. Lawrence wrote a commentary on Genesis and several treatises against Luther, but Lawrence's main writings are in the nine volumes of his sermons. He was canonized in 1881 and proclaimed a Doctor of the Church by Pope John XXIII in 1959. His feast day is July 21st.
Opening Prayer
Lord, for the glory of your name and the salvation of souls you gave lawrence of Brindisi courage and right judgment. By his prayers help us to know what we should do and give us the courage to do it.
We ask this though our Lord Jesus Christ, your son, who lives and reigns with you and the holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
Exodus 12:37-42
Psalm 136:1, 23-24, 10-15
Mathew 12: 14-21
Lawrence of Brindisi, Priest and doctor of the Church
St. Lawrence of Brindisi
Caesare de Rossi was born at Brandisi, kingdom of Naples, on July 22nd. He was educated by the conventual Franciscans there and by his uncle at St. Mark's in Venice. When sixteen, he joined the Capuchins at Verona, taking the name Lawrence. He pursued his higher studies in theology, philosophy, the bible, Greek, Hebrew, and several other languages at the University of Padua. He was ordained and began to preach with great effect in Northern Italy. He became definitor general of his Order in Rome in 1596, a position he was to hold five times, was assigned to conversion work with Jews, and was sent to Germany, with Blessed Benedict of Urbino, to combat Lutheranism. They founded friaries at Prague, Vienna, and Gorizia, which were to develop into the provinces of Bohemia, Austria, and Styria. At the request of Emperor Rudolf II, Lawrence helped raise an army among the German rulers to fight against the Turks, who were threatening to conquer all of Hungary, became its chaplain, and was among the leaders in the Battle of Szekesfehevar in 1601; many attributed the ensuing victory to him. In 1602, he was elected Vicar General of the Capuchins but refused re-election in 1605. He was sent to Spain by the emperor to persuade Philip III to join the Catholic League, and while there, founded a Capuchin house in Madrid. He was then sent as papal nuncio to the court of Maximillian of Bavaria, served as peacemaker in several royal disputes, and in 1618, retired from worldly affairs to the friary at Caserta. He was recalled at the request of the rulers of Naples to go to Spain to intercede with King Philip for them against the Duke of Osuna, Spanish envoy to naples and convinced the King to recall the Duke to avert an uprising. The trip in the sweltering heat of summer exhausted him, and he died a few days after his meeting with the King at Lisbon on July 22nd. Lawrence wrote a commentary on Genesis and several treatises against Luther, but Lawrence's main writings are in the nine volumes of his sermons. He was canonized in 1881 and proclaimed a Doctor of the Church by Pope John XXIII in 1959. His feast day is July 21st.
Opening Prayer
Lord, for the glory of your name and the salvation of souls you gave lawrence of Brindisi courage and right judgment. By his prayers help us to know what we should do and give us the courage to do it.
We ask this though our Lord Jesus Christ, your son, who lives and reigns with you and the holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
Exodus 12:37-42
Psalm 136:1, 23-24, 10-15
Mathew 12: 14-21
Friday, July 20, 2007
July 20
Apolliarnaris, Bishop and Martyr
Bishop, martyr, and possible disciple of St. Peter. Apollinaris was born in Antioch, Turkey, and became the first bishop of Ravenna, in Italy. He suffered exile because of his preaching and converts. When Emperor Vespasian banished Christians, Apollinaris was beaten by a mob and reputedly died soon after from his wounds. His shrine in the Benedictine Abbey of Classe in Ravenna was once a popular pilgrimage destination. Apollinaris was credited with many miracles. He also appeared to St. Romuald, the founder of the Camaldolese. He is patron of Ravenna, Burthscheid, Aachen, Remagen, and DĂ¼sseldorf, and he is invoked against gout, epilepsy, and diseases of the sexual organs. Apollinaris is depicted as a bishop in liturgical art. His cult was confined to local calendars in 1969.
Exodus 11:10-12:14
Palm 116:12-13, 15-18
Matthew 12:1-8
Apolliarnaris, Bishop and Martyr
Bishop, martyr, and possible disciple of St. Peter. Apollinaris was born in Antioch, Turkey, and became the first bishop of Ravenna, in Italy. He suffered exile because of his preaching and converts. When Emperor Vespasian banished Christians, Apollinaris was beaten by a mob and reputedly died soon after from his wounds. His shrine in the Benedictine Abbey of Classe in Ravenna was once a popular pilgrimage destination. Apollinaris was credited with many miracles. He also appeared to St. Romuald, the founder of the Camaldolese. He is patron of Ravenna, Burthscheid, Aachen, Remagen, and DĂ¼sseldorf, and he is invoked against gout, epilepsy, and diseases of the sexual organs. Apollinaris is depicted as a bishop in liturgical art. His cult was confined to local calendars in 1969.
Exodus 11:10-12:14
Palm 116:12-13, 15-18
Matthew 12:1-8
Thursday, July 19, 2007
What happened to Hilary?
OK, well this was going to be a harsher blog post; however, I have found "better" news. This is what is up. I was watching "So You Think You Can Dance". The July 12th 2007 episode. The singer was Hilary Duff. For those who not know her story: she is a young girl who started out with Disney! Now she is like most singers... less than concealed. I was told previously that she was not yet 18 so the dress and actions were quite bothersome to me. However, I have found she is older than 18, she is 19!!! Wow what a difference. I guess her birthday is September 28, 1987.(Man I am getting old!) Anyway, I still do not think that a young girl her age should be wondering around onstage looking and dancing like she does... I will give links to the pages showing her pics and music video. This would not be something I would recommend everyone watching! However, I think it shows something about our society. She used to be the cutest girl! I was amazed that she could keep the young beautiful look; however, it looks as if she has turned that in for something much worse! I guess it is all to sell albums. Though I was saddened to see she even has hints of "activities" in her video "Stranger". Why did it have to go there? It is a good song... but then it just goes SO wrong with the clothing and images!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
What is this prayer?
Props for tellin me what "prayer" this is...
Priest: My peeps, let's roll with the Lord, givin' Him props and love.
Yo, Bid Daddy upstairs
You be chill'
So be yo hood
You be sayin' it, i be doin' it
In this here hood and yo's
Gimme some eats
And cut me some slack,
Sos I be doin' it to dem dat diss me
Don't be pushing me into no jive
And keep dem Crips away
'fcaus you always be da man
Priest: My peeps, let's roll with the Lord, givin' Him props and love.
Yo, Bid Daddy upstairs
You be chill'
So be yo hood
You be sayin' it, i be doin' it
In this here hood and yo's
Gimme some eats
And cut me some slack,
Sos I be doin' it to dem dat diss me
Don't be pushing me into no jive
And keep dem Crips away
'fcaus you always be da man
Camillus de Lellis, Priest
July 18
Camillus de Lellis, Priest
Son of a military officer who had served both for Naples and France. His mother died when he was very young. Spent his youth as a soldier, fighting for the Venetians against the Turks, and then for Naples. Reported as a large individual, perhaps as tall as 6'6", and powerfully built, but suffered all his life from abscesses on his feet. A gambling addict, he lost so much he had to take a job working construction on a building belonging to the Capuchins; they converted him.
He entered the Capuchin noviate three times, but a nagging leg injury, received while fighting the Turks, each time forced him to give up. He went to Rome for treatment where Saint Philip Neri became his priest and confessor. He moved into San Giacomo Hospital for the incurable, and eventually became its administrator. Lacking education, he began to study with children when he was 32 years old Priest Founded the Congregation of the Servants of the Sick (the Camellians) who, naturally, care for the sick both in hospital and home. The order expanded with houses in several countries. Camillus honored the sick as living images of Christ, and hoped that the service he gave them did penance for his wayward youth. Reported to have the gifts of miraculous healing and prophecy.
Exodus 3:1-6, 9-12
Psalm 103:1-4, 6-7
Matthew 11:25-27
Camillus de Lellis, Priest
Son of a military officer who had served both for Naples and France. His mother died when he was very young. Spent his youth as a soldier, fighting for the Venetians against the Turks, and then for Naples. Reported as a large individual, perhaps as tall as 6'6", and powerfully built, but suffered all his life from abscesses on his feet. A gambling addict, he lost so much he had to take a job working construction on a building belonging to the Capuchins; they converted him.
He entered the Capuchin noviate three times, but a nagging leg injury, received while fighting the Turks, each time forced him to give up. He went to Rome for treatment where Saint Philip Neri became his priest and confessor. He moved into San Giacomo Hospital for the incurable, and eventually became its administrator. Lacking education, he began to study with children when he was 32 years old Priest Founded the Congregation of the Servants of the Sick (the Camellians) who, naturally, care for the sick both in hospital and home. The order expanded with houses in several countries. Camillus honored the sick as living images of Christ, and hoped that the service he gave them did penance for his wayward youth. Reported to have the gifts of miraculous healing and prophecy.
Exodus 3:1-6, 9-12
Psalm 103:1-4, 6-7
Matthew 11:25-27
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Blog Addiction
77%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?
Well I had to replace the cigs with something!
Free Online Dating from Mingle2
Well I had to replace the cigs with something!
Monday, July 16, 2007
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
July 16
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
This feast was established in 1726 to commemorate the apparition of the Blessed Virgin to St. Simon Stock, the Superior General of the Carmelite order, on July 16, 1251. She promised him a special blessing for everyone who wears her scapular. Since then, the Church has solemnly and repeatedly approved this devotion with began in England. For centuries, Christians have taken advantage of the protection promised by the Blessed Virgin. The devout use of the scapular shows our trust in the Blessed Virgin's motherly aid to help us at the hour of our death.
Opening Prayer
Father, may the prayers of the Virgin Mary protect us and help us to reach Christ her Son who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for every and ever.
Exodus 1:8-14, 22
Psalm 124:1-8
Matthew 10:34-11:1
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
This feast was established in 1726 to commemorate the apparition of the Blessed Virgin to St. Simon Stock, the Superior General of the Carmelite order, on July 16, 1251. She promised him a special blessing for everyone who wears her scapular. Since then, the Church has solemnly and repeatedly approved this devotion with began in England. For centuries, Christians have taken advantage of the protection promised by the Blessed Virgin. The devout use of the scapular shows our trust in the Blessed Virgin's motherly aid to help us at the hour of our death.
Opening Prayer
Father, may the prayers of the Virgin Mary protect us and help us to reach Christ her Son who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for every and ever.
Exodus 1:8-14, 22
Psalm 124:1-8
Matthew 10:34-11:1
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Lets fix what I messed up!
Ok, now when posting before I seem to have made some small errors! I am very sorry. I seem to have gotten the Saturday document and the Tuesday document merged! Though many of my statements are still true, I do want to set the record straight! I think this is how it goes... Please let me know if I am still a bit confused! I am very new at this and the terms and offices still confuse the daylights out of me!
The document released on Saturday July 7th was the Motu proprio. This was written by the Pope as an expression to the Bishops that the Pre-Vat 2 mass or the Tridentine mass can be said by local priests with out the expressed permission of the local bishop. There are ifs ands or buts about this, but that is basily it... for more please see this document
The document released on Tuesday July 9th was from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Fatih. These are responses to questions regarding church doctrines. I am not quite sure what this is or quite who releases it; however, it seems the Congregation is really a group of people! (Maybe one of you smart people could let me know.) However, here is basically what it is...
"The vastness of the subject matter and the novelty of many of the themes involved continue to provoke theological reflection. Among the many new contributions to the field, some are not immune from erroneous interpretation which in turn give rise to confusion and doubt. A number of these interpretations have been referred to the attention of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Given the universality of Catholic doctrine on the Church, the Congregation wishes to respond to these questions by clarifying the authentic meaning of some ecclesiological expressions used by the magisterium which are open to misunderstanding in the theological debate."
Ok, the full artical can be found here
and now I have a great task in reading these items and trying to make sense of them... by forgetting all that has been written about them!
The document released on Saturday July 7th was the Motu proprio. This was written by the Pope as an expression to the Bishops that the Pre-Vat 2 mass or the Tridentine mass can be said by local priests with out the expressed permission of the local bishop. There are ifs ands or buts about this, but that is basily it... for more please see this document
The document released on Tuesday July 9th was from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Fatih. These are responses to questions regarding church doctrines. I am not quite sure what this is or quite who releases it; however, it seems the Congregation is really a group of people! (Maybe one of you smart people could let me know.) However, here is basically what it is...
"The vastness of the subject matter and the novelty of many of the themes involved continue to provoke theological reflection. Among the many new contributions to the field, some are not immune from erroneous interpretation which in turn give rise to confusion and doubt. A number of these interpretations have been referred to the attention of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Given the universality of Catholic doctrine on the Church, the Congregation wishes to respond to these questions by clarifying the authentic meaning of some ecclesiological expressions used by the magisterium which are open to misunderstanding in the theological debate."
Ok, the full artical can be found here
and now I have a great task in reading these items and trying to make sense of them... by forgetting all that has been written about them!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Motu Poroprio Summorum Pontificum
OK there seems to be many problems revolving around the new Congregation of the doctrine of the Faith or the "Motu Poroprio Summorum Pontificum". Here I will give you a few moments to go and read this document... Go ahead!
Alright now that we know what it says let us talk about it. My friend John had mentioned to me that reading the news reports are like getting information by playing telephone. One reporter reads the document and reports, the next reads the article that was written and reports, then the next reports on the reaction to the report... so on. So it seems that there are reports that clearly claim the document says things that it CLEARLY does not! Then he read a comment from a Catholic claiming due to this document she is leaving the Faith! As John stated, it is clear she read the articles, but not the document. First how can we call news "news" if it is nothing more than false reporting. News should be at least factual; however, this is not. Additionally, it is sad that we have people in the church who have such a lack of faith and knowledge to walk a way from the truth at a drop of a hat. Though I think it is more about the fact they are LOOKING for a reason to leave, not just this was the start and end of everything.
OK, here is a few links to The Cafeteria Is Closed with some great commentary on the Motu Poroprio, the Motu Poroprio
it, as well as information on the traditional Latin Mass and other items!
Alright now that we know what it says let us talk about it. My friend John had mentioned to me that reading the news reports are like getting information by playing telephone. One reporter reads the document and reports, the next reads the article that was written and reports, then the next reports on the reaction to the report... so on. So it seems that there are reports that clearly claim the document says things that it CLEARLY does not! Then he read a comment from a Catholic claiming due to this document she is leaving the Faith! As John stated, it is clear she read the articles, but not the document. First how can we call news "news" if it is nothing more than false reporting. News should be at least factual; however, this is not. Additionally, it is sad that we have people in the church who have such a lack of faith and knowledge to walk a way from the truth at a drop of a hat. Though I think it is more about the fact they are LOOKING for a reason to leave, not just this was the start and end of everything.
OK, here is a few links to The Cafeteria Is Closed with some great commentary on the Motu Poroprio, the Motu Poroprio
it, as well as information on the traditional Latin Mass and other items!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
It seems many have a problem understanding what Vatican II was all about. Now I am not claiming to be a scholar on the topic, nor have I even read all of the documents; however, it seems strange that they would just assume that the meeting was to turn everything about the Catholic church on its head and make life as confusing as possible! Here we see not only the complaint that the people are trying to go back to Vat 2, but they are also claiming the Catholic Church should not proclaim they are the ultimate Church.
Here is what I think. I think that some people are too afraid to stand-up and say "These are my believes, and I am RIGHT!" I think that if more people had the conviction to stand up and fight for what they believed instead of pretending that everyone was correct life would be better.
Now I do not say that you have to believe what I do; however, I can honestly say that I know I am right and I do not believe that you are! If you are offended reading this, let me know!
Here is what I think. I think that some people are too afraid to stand-up and say "These are my believes, and I am RIGHT!" I think that if more people had the conviction to stand up and fight for what they believed instead of pretending that everyone was correct life would be better.
Now I do not say that you have to believe what I do; however, I can honestly say that I know I am right and I do not believe that you are! If you are offended reading this, let me know!
Monday, July 09, 2007
Oh My!
Do you ever come across something that just makes you wonder "WHY!!!!"? I have had one such situation today. I was talking to a woman at work, she will be getting married to a non-practicing Catholic. She is planning on also converting even though she does not have to do so. Now the issue comes with the fact that she does NOT plan to go to church regularly. In fact, she said that the grandparents will take the children! So I sit here wondering why she would even convert? What is the benefit? If she would not be practicing she would just be causing herself more problems!
It also seems the priest that will be marring them is a really good friend of her soon to be husband's family. So she hangs out with him all of the time. She is worried about the confession since she has a direct friendship with this person. It just seems to me as if it is all about the outside and not the inside... Then I wonder if there are many people who think that is all we (Catholics) are... all just for show!
Do you ever come across something that just makes you wonder "WHY!!!!"? I have had one such situation today. I was talking to a woman at work, she will be getting married to a non-practicing Catholic. She is planning on also converting even though she does not have to do so. Now the issue comes with the fact that she does NOT plan to go to church regularly. In fact, she said that the grandparents will take the children! So I sit here wondering why she would even convert? What is the benefit? If she would not be practicing she would just be causing herself more problems!
It also seems the priest that will be marring them is a really good friend of her soon to be husband's family. So she hangs out with him all of the time. She is worried about the confession since she has a direct friendship with this person. It just seems to me as if it is all about the outside and not the inside... Then I wonder if there are many people who think that is all we (Catholics) are... all just for show!
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Elizabeth of Protugal
Elizabeth of Portugal,
(1271-1336). She was the daughter of King Peter III of Aragon and was named after her great-aunt, St. Elizabeth of Hungary, whose virtues she also inherited. In her married life with King Denis of Portugal, she entered trials with heroism. On more than one occasion she went to considerable pains to bring about Peace between her children and their father. After her husband's death she became a Franciscan Tertiary and showed unfailing charity toward the poor.
(1271-1336). She was the daughter of King Peter III of Aragon and was named after her great-aunt, St. Elizabeth of Hungary, whose virtues she also inherited. In her married life with King Denis of Portugal, she entered trials with heroism. On more than one occasion she went to considerable pains to bring about Peace between her children and their father. After her husband's death she became a Franciscan Tertiary and showed unfailing charity toward the poor.
Thomas, Apostle
Again, sorry this is late... It was from July 3, 2007.
Thomas, Apostle
Among the apostles, Thomas is remembered mainly because of his doubts about the resurrection of Christ. He did not want to admit anything that went beyond the bounds of his experience and reason. Eight days after the Resurrection, he made for that unbelief with a profession of faith, "My Lord and my God" (JN 14:5-6). According to tradition, he preached the Gospel in India, where he suffered martyrdom.
Thomas, Apostle
Among the apostles, Thomas is remembered mainly because of his doubts about the resurrection of Christ. He did not want to admit anything that went beyond the bounds of his experience and reason. Eight days after the Resurrection, he made for that unbelief with a profession of faith, "My Lord and my God" (JN 14:5-6). According to tradition, he preached the Gospel in India, where he suffered martyrdom.
First Martyers of the Chruch of Rome
Sorry this is late... it was from July 1, 2007
This too came from the Daily Roman Missal!
First Martyers of the Chruch of Rome
The Chruch celebrates this feast in memory of the martyers in the persecution under Nero in about 64 A.D. Many Christians were killed with brutal torments. They were people of all professions and levels of society. This celebration reminds us that Christians should seek sanctity regardless of their social status, age, or skills.
This too came from the Daily Roman Missal!
First Martyers of the Chruch of Rome
The Chruch celebrates this feast in memory of the martyers in the persecution under Nero in about 64 A.D. Many Christians were killed with brutal torments. They were people of all professions and levels of society. This celebration reminds us that Christians should seek sanctity regardless of their social status, age, or skills.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Saints Peter and Paul Apostles
To continue with the information about the saint days I switched information sources and this came from the Daily Ropman Missal from Our Sunday Vistitor Publishing Division, huntington, IN 1998
Saints Peter and Paul Apostles
SS. Peter and Paul are the principal pillars fo the Catholic church founded by Christ. Peter was chosen by Christ to be His first Vicar on earth, endowed with powers of the keys of the kingdom of Heave (Mt. 16:13-19( and charged with the role of Shepard of Christ's flock (Jn 21:15-17). In peter and his successors, we can see a visible sign of unity and communion in faith and charity. Divine grace led Peter to profess Christ's divinity. St. Peter suffered martyrdom under Nero, in 66 or 67 A.D. he was buried at the hill of the Vatican, where recent excavations have revealed his tomb on the very site of St. Peter's Basilica.
Paul was chosen to form part of the apotolic college by Christ himself on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:1-16). An instrument selected to bring Christ's name to all peoples of the Gentiles. St. Paul was beheaded in the Tre Fontane along the Via Ostiens and buried nearby, on the site where the basilica bearing his name now stands.
Saints Peter and Paul Apostles
SS. Peter and Paul are the principal pillars fo the Catholic church founded by Christ. Peter was chosen by Christ to be His first Vicar on earth, endowed with powers of the keys of the kingdom of Heave (Mt. 16:13-19( and charged with the role of Shepard of Christ's flock (Jn 21:15-17). In peter and his successors, we can see a visible sign of unity and communion in faith and charity. Divine grace led Peter to profess Christ's divinity. St. Peter suffered martyrdom under Nero, in 66 or 67 A.D. he was buried at the hill of the Vatican, where recent excavations have revealed his tomb on the very site of St. Peter's Basilica.
Paul was chosen to form part of the apotolic college by Christ himself on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:1-16). An instrument selected to bring Christ's name to all peoples of the Gentiles. St. Paul was beheaded in the Tre Fontane along the Via Ostiens and buried nearby, on the site where the basilica bearing his name now stands.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
I need the assistance of a better Catholic than I...
OK, Now here is my problem, I was reading this article and it has several interesting things to say. It is about the Pope allowing for a wider use of the old Latin Mass. Here are some of my comments about some of their comments... Maybe you can let me know if I am on the right page or not with my thoughts.
1. "a concession to traditionalists that has caused concern among those fearing a rollback of one of the Vatican's key liberalizing reforms"
OK, I am not really down with this. How is Mass in the vernacular a liberalizing reform? I mean the Latin WAS the vernacular! However, it is nice to have the option of hearing the mass in our own language, the problem is people losing respect for the mass. If we have a few more Lain masses (like the one at Holy Rosary) and it helps build respect... GREAT!!!
2. "The decision follows months of debate. Some cardinals, bishops and Jews..."
Why are the Jews in this debate? Would it be Catholic Jews, Orthodox.... What?
3. "The decision follows months of debate. Some cardinals, bishops and Jews have opposed any change, voicing complaints about everything from the text of the old Mass to concerns that the move will lead to further changes to the reforms approved by 1962-1965 Second Vatican Council."
OK, well that is fair; however, if the reforms have caused damage, the spirit of the changes were not to cause damage, so we need to re-examine the causes of the damage and FIX it.
4. "To celebrate the old Latin Mass now, a priest must obtain permission from the local bishop."
OK, so is the reform needed because too many bishops are outright denying the Mass?
5. "Some cardinals and bishops, ... have objected to any liberalizing of the terms for using the old rite, saying its broader use could lead to divisions within the church, and could imply a rejection of other Vatican II teachings."
I can see this objection; however, again, if there has been damage done (and it is apparent we have lost some reverence for the Mass) then it MUST be fixed! See my above comment.
6. "He said bishops were also worried that any major change "could erode their ability to control how the faith is practiced.'"
Well now, how well are many of these bishops really controlling? And what power do they think this will actually get rid of? I cannot think this will make a large impact either way for I am not sure may bishops would continuously say no to a Mass now that was really wanted by the people in the diocese.
7. "Tamas Moritz, 40, visiting from Hungary, said 'it seems archaic.'"
It does seem archaic, it is from the passed, a language not used anymore besides the wonderful church prayers!
8."'I am of the opinion, to be sure, that the old rite should be granted much more generously to all those who desire it," then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger said. "It's impossible to see what could be dangerous or unacceptable about that.'"
My last comment... it is sad to Deny people the mass. When visiting a country that speaks a different language, it would be nice if we had the option of going to a mass where we could still follow along with the prayers. I may go to Canada, but not know French, I may go to Japan and not know Japanese...
1. "a concession to traditionalists that has caused concern among those fearing a rollback of one of the Vatican's key liberalizing reforms"
OK, I am not really down with this. How is Mass in the vernacular a liberalizing reform? I mean the Latin WAS the vernacular! However, it is nice to have the option of hearing the mass in our own language, the problem is people losing respect for the mass. If we have a few more Lain masses (like the one at Holy Rosary) and it helps build respect... GREAT!!!
2. "The decision follows months of debate. Some cardinals, bishops and Jews..."
Why are the Jews in this debate? Would it be Catholic Jews, Orthodox.... What?
3. "The decision follows months of debate. Some cardinals, bishops and Jews have opposed any change, voicing complaints about everything from the text of the old Mass to concerns that the move will lead to further changes to the reforms approved by 1962-1965 Second Vatican Council."
OK, well that is fair; however, if the reforms have caused damage, the spirit of the changes were not to cause damage, so we need to re-examine the causes of the damage and FIX it.
4. "To celebrate the old Latin Mass now, a priest must obtain permission from the local bishop."
OK, so is the reform needed because too many bishops are outright denying the Mass?
5. "Some cardinals and bishops, ... have objected to any liberalizing of the terms for using the old rite, saying its broader use could lead to divisions within the church, and could imply a rejection of other Vatican II teachings."
I can see this objection; however, again, if there has been damage done (and it is apparent we have lost some reverence for the Mass) then it MUST be fixed! See my above comment.
6. "He said bishops were also worried that any major change "could erode their ability to control how the faith is practiced.'"
Well now, how well are many of these bishops really controlling? And what power do they think this will actually get rid of? I cannot think this will make a large impact either way for I am not sure may bishops would continuously say no to a Mass now that was really wanted by the people in the diocese.
7. "Tamas Moritz, 40, visiting from Hungary, said 'it seems archaic.'"
It does seem archaic, it is from the passed, a language not used anymore besides the wonderful church prayers!
8."'I am of the opinion, to be sure, that the old rite should be granted much more generously to all those who desire it," then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger said. "It's impossible to see what could be dangerous or unacceptable about that.'"
My last comment... it is sad to Deny people the mass. When visiting a country that speaks a different language, it would be nice if we had the option of going to a mass where we could still follow along with the prayers. I may go to Canada, but not know French, I may go to Japan and not know Japanese...
We are doing something right!
Ok here are some daily news bits, but these are intended to show things going well. I for one am tired of bad news!!!
In my short history I have never heard of an animail being taken off of the endagnered list; however, the Eagle is making a comback and is no longer on the list!
In today's society it is sad when it is marriages that need the help. I think strong marriages help sociaety! Why then do we distroy them? Anyway, it seems the U.S. Biships are giving aid to married couples by Advertising Marriage
Last, but not least, we look at Pope Benedict XVI claiming catechists as a role model for the church and that it should address the whole person. Who is he talking about? None other than our saint from yesterday... Cyril. It is so cool how things work out.
In my short history I have never heard of an animail being taken off of the endagnered list; however, the Eagle is making a comback and is no longer on the list!
In today's society it is sad when it is marriages that need the help. I think strong marriages help sociaety! Why then do we distroy them? Anyway, it seems the U.S. Biships are giving aid to married couples by Advertising Marriage
Last, but not least, we look at Pope Benedict XVI claiming catechists as a role model for the church and that it should address the whole person. Who is he talking about? None other than our saint from yesterday... Cyril. It is so cool how things work out.
St Irenaeus, Bishop and Father of the Church
St. Irenaeus
Bishop of Lyons, Father of the Church, and Martyr?
Catholic Encyclopedia
Information as to his life is scarce, and in some measure inexact. He was born in Proconsular Asia, or at least in some province bordering thereon, in the first half of the second century; the exact date is controverted, between the years 115 and 125, according to some, or, according to others, between 130 and 142. It is certain that, while still very young, Irenaeus had seen and heard the holy Bishop Polycarp at Smyrna. During the persecution of Marcus Aurelius, Irenaeus was a priest of the Church of Lyons. The clergy of that city, many of whom were suffering imprisonment for the Faith, sent him (177 or 178) to Rome with a letter to Pope Eleutherius concerning Montanism, and on that occasion bore emphatic testimony to his merits. Returning to Gaul, Irenaeus succeeded the martyr Saint Pothinus as Bishop of Lyons. During the religious peace which followed the persecution of Marcus Aurelius, the new bishop divided his activities between the duties of a pastor and of a missionary (as to which we have but brief data, late and not very certain) and his writings, almost all of which were directed against Gnosticism, the heresy then spreading in Gaul and elsewhere. In 190 or 191 he interceded with Pope Victor to lift the sentence of excommunication laid by that pontiff upon the Christian communities of Asia Minor which persevered in the practice of the Quartodecimans in regard to the celebration of Easter. Nothing is known of the date of his death, which must have occurred at the end of the second or the beginning of the third century. In spite of some isolated and later testimony to that effect, it is not very probable that he ended his career with martyrdom. His feast is celebrated on 28 June in the Latin Church, and on 23 August in the Greek.
Irenaeus wrote in Greek many works which have secured for him an exceptional place in Christian literature, because in controverted religious questions of capital importance they exhibit the testimony of a contemporary of the heroic age of the Church, of one who had heard St. Polycarp, the disciple of St. John, and who, in a manner, belonged to the Apostolic Age. None of these writings has come down to us in the original text, though a great many fragments of them are extant as citations in later writers (Hippolytus, Eusebius, etc.). Two of these works, however, have reached us in their entirety in a Latin version:
A treatise in five books, commonly entitled Adversus haereses, and devoted, according to its true title, to the "Detection and Overthrow of the False Knowledge" (see GNOSTICISM, sub-title Refutation of Gnosticism). Of this work we possess a very ancient Latin translation, the scrupulous fidelity of which is beyond doubt. It is the chief work of Irenaeus and truly of the highest importance; it contains a profound exposition not only of Gnosticism under its different forms, but also of the principal heresies which had sprung up in the various Christian communities, and thus constitutes an invaluable source of information on the most ancient ecclesiastical literature from its beginnings to the end of the second century. In refuting the heterodox systems Irenaeus often opposes to them the true doctrine of the Church, and in this way furnishes positive and very early evidence of high importance. Suffice it to mention the passages, so often and so fully commented upon by theologians and polemical writers, concerning the origin of the Gospel according to St. John (see JOHN, GOSPEL OF SAINT), the Holy Eucharist, and the primacy of the Roman Church.
Of a second work, written after the "Adversus Haereses", an ancient literal translation in the Armenian language. This is the "Proof of the Apostolic Preaching." The author's aim here is not to confute heretics, but to confirm the faithful by expounding the Christian doctrine to them, and notably by demonstrating the truth of the Gospel by means of the Old Testament prophecies. Although it contains fundamentally, so to speak, nothing that has not already been expounded in the "Adversus Haereses", it is a document of the highest interest, and a magnificent testimony of the deep and lively faith of Irenaeus.
Of his other works only scattered fragments exist; many, indeed, are known only through the mention made of them by later writers, not even fragments of the works themselves having come down to us. These are a treatise against the Greeks entitled "On the Subject of Knowledge" (mentioned by Eusebius); a writing addressed to the Roman priest Florinus "On the Monarchy, or How God is not the Cause of Evil" (fragment in Eusebius); a work "On the Ogdoad", probably against the Ogdoad of Valentinus the Gnostic, written for the same priest Florinus, who had gone over to the sect of the Valentinians (fragment in Eusebius); a treatise on schism, addressed to Blastus (mentioned by Eusebius); a letter to Pope Victor against the Roman priest Florinus (fragment preserved in Syriac); another letter to the same on the Paschal controversies (extracts in Eusebius); other letters to various correspondents on the same subject (mentioned by Eusebius, a fragment preserved in Syriac); a book of divers discourses, probably a collection of homilies (mentioned by Eusebius); and
other minor works for which we have less clear or less certain attestations.The four fragments which Pfaff published in 1715, ostensibly from a Turin manuscript, have been proven by Funk to be apocryphal, and Harnack has established the fact that Pfaff himself fabricated them.
Bishop of Lyons, Father of the Church, and Martyr?
Catholic Encyclopedia
Information as to his life is scarce, and in some measure inexact. He was born in Proconsular Asia, or at least in some province bordering thereon, in the first half of the second century; the exact date is controverted, between the years 115 and 125, according to some, or, according to others, between 130 and 142. It is certain that, while still very young, Irenaeus had seen and heard the holy Bishop Polycarp at Smyrna. During the persecution of Marcus Aurelius, Irenaeus was a priest of the Church of Lyons. The clergy of that city, many of whom were suffering imprisonment for the Faith, sent him (177 or 178) to Rome with a letter to Pope Eleutherius concerning Montanism, and on that occasion bore emphatic testimony to his merits. Returning to Gaul, Irenaeus succeeded the martyr Saint Pothinus as Bishop of Lyons. During the religious peace which followed the persecution of Marcus Aurelius, the new bishop divided his activities between the duties of a pastor and of a missionary (as to which we have but brief data, late and not very certain) and his writings, almost all of which were directed against Gnosticism, the heresy then spreading in Gaul and elsewhere. In 190 or 191 he interceded with Pope Victor to lift the sentence of excommunication laid by that pontiff upon the Christian communities of Asia Minor which persevered in the practice of the Quartodecimans in regard to the celebration of Easter. Nothing is known of the date of his death, which must have occurred at the end of the second or the beginning of the third century. In spite of some isolated and later testimony to that effect, it is not very probable that he ended his career with martyrdom. His feast is celebrated on 28 June in the Latin Church, and on 23 August in the Greek.
Irenaeus wrote in Greek many works which have secured for him an exceptional place in Christian literature, because in controverted religious questions of capital importance they exhibit the testimony of a contemporary of the heroic age of the Church, of one who had heard St. Polycarp, the disciple of St. John, and who, in a manner, belonged to the Apostolic Age. None of these writings has come down to us in the original text, though a great many fragments of them are extant as citations in later writers (Hippolytus, Eusebius, etc.). Two of these works, however, have reached us in their entirety in a Latin version:
A treatise in five books, commonly entitled Adversus haereses, and devoted, according to its true title, to the "Detection and Overthrow of the False Knowledge" (see GNOSTICISM, sub-title Refutation of Gnosticism). Of this work we possess a very ancient Latin translation, the scrupulous fidelity of which is beyond doubt. It is the chief work of Irenaeus and truly of the highest importance; it contains a profound exposition not only of Gnosticism under its different forms, but also of the principal heresies which had sprung up in the various Christian communities, and thus constitutes an invaluable source of information on the most ancient ecclesiastical literature from its beginnings to the end of the second century. In refuting the heterodox systems Irenaeus often opposes to them the true doctrine of the Church, and in this way furnishes positive and very early evidence of high importance. Suffice it to mention the passages, so often and so fully commented upon by theologians and polemical writers, concerning the origin of the Gospel according to St. John (see JOHN, GOSPEL OF SAINT), the Holy Eucharist, and the primacy of the Roman Church.
Of a second work, written after the "Adversus Haereses", an ancient literal translation in the Armenian language. This is the "Proof of the Apostolic Preaching." The author's aim here is not to confute heretics, but to confirm the faithful by expounding the Christian doctrine to them, and notably by demonstrating the truth of the Gospel by means of the Old Testament prophecies. Although it contains fundamentally, so to speak, nothing that has not already been expounded in the "Adversus Haereses", it is a document of the highest interest, and a magnificent testimony of the deep and lively faith of Irenaeus.
Of his other works only scattered fragments exist; many, indeed, are known only through the mention made of them by later writers, not even fragments of the works themselves having come down to us. These are a treatise against the Greeks entitled "On the Subject of Knowledge" (mentioned by Eusebius); a writing addressed to the Roman priest Florinus "On the Monarchy, or How God is not the Cause of Evil" (fragment in Eusebius); a work "On the Ogdoad", probably against the Ogdoad of Valentinus the Gnostic, written for the same priest Florinus, who had gone over to the sect of the Valentinians (fragment in Eusebius); a treatise on schism, addressed to Blastus (mentioned by Eusebius); a letter to Pope Victor against the Roman priest Florinus (fragment preserved in Syriac); another letter to the same on the Paschal controversies (extracts in Eusebius); other letters to various correspondents on the same subject (mentioned by Eusebius, a fragment preserved in Syriac); a book of divers discourses, probably a collection of homilies (mentioned by Eusebius); and
other minor works for which we have less clear or less certain attestations.The four fragments which Pfaff published in 1715, ostensibly from a Turin manuscript, have been proven by Funk to be apocryphal, and Harnack has established the fact that Pfaff himself fabricated them.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Today's News
Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop and Doctor
I think I am going to start something new. I am going to start to put a little something about each of the saints that are featured in the daily readings for the Roman Cathoilc Chruch according to the Criterion. This is a newspaper for my archdiocies (Indianapolis). So our first saint that we will be looking at will be Cyril of Alexandria.
Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop and Doctor
This information comes from Catholic Encyclopedia.
found on the 9th of June, and (together with St. Athanasius) on the 18th of January.
He was from an alexandrain family and the nephew to Theophilus, Patriarch of Alexandria. For a period of time he was a monk; however, in October 15th of 412 he was named successor to his uncle as the "Synod of the Oak".
During his time he had a great deal of power that made others jelous. He also drove out the Jewish people who had been massacuring the Christians. He was also able to get 500 monks from Nitria to help defend the patriarch. During these years there were many such riots and battles. Cyril was able to honor martyers and he attempted to keep the peace the best he could.
It also seems, due to a lack of communication with Rome, he was a qersecutor of St. Chrysostom and refused to insert his name in the diptychs of his Church untill he later yielded.
He also took a stand against Antiochene Nestorius who became patriarch of Constantinople. It seems he had some heretical teachings; however, the Pope did not take sides of eather when Nestorius wrote to him. It seems the Pope did have a great deal of respect for Cyril due to him being the first prelate of the East and inheritor of the Athanasius and Pter traditions...
As a Theologian:
The principal fame of St. Cyril rests upon his defence of Catholic doctrine against Nestorius. He wished, against Apollinarius, to teach that Christ was a perfect man, and he took the denial of a human personality in Our Lord to imply an Apollinarian incompleteness in His Human Nature. The union of the human and the Divine natures was therefore to Nestorius an unspeakably close junction, but not a union in one hypostasis. St. Cyril taught the personal, or hypostatic, union in the plainest terms; and when his writings are surveyed as a whole, it becomes certain that he always held the true view, that the one Christ has two perfect and distinct natures, Divine and human. But he would not admit two physeis in Christ, because he took physis to imply not merely a nature but a subsistent (i.e. personal) nature. His opponents misrepresented him as teaching that the Divine person suffered, in His human nature; and he was constantly accused of Apollinarianism. On the other hand, after his death Monophysitism was founded upon a misinterpretation of his teaching. Especially unfortunate was the formula "one nature incarnate of God the Word" (mia physis tou Theou Logou sesarkomene), which he took from a treatise on the Incarnation which he believed to be by his great predecessor St. Athanasius. By this phrase he intended simply to emphasize against Nestorius the unity of Christ's Person; but the words in fact expressed equally the single Nature taught by Eutyches and by his own successor Diascurus. He brings out admirably the necessity of the full doctrine of the humanity to God, to explain the scheme of the redemption of man. He argues that the flesh of Christ is truly the flesh of God, in that it is life-giving in the Holy Eucharist. In the richness and depth of his philosophical and devotional treatment of the Incarnation we recognize the disciple of Athanasius. But the precision of his language, and perhaps of his thought also, is very far behind that which St. Leo developed a few years after Cyril's death.
His writings
The exegetical works of St. Cyril are very numerous. The seventeen books "On Adoration in Spirit and in Truth" are an exposition of the typical and spiritual nature of the Old Law. The Glaphyra or "brilliant", Commentaries on Pentateuch are of the same nature. Long explanations of Isaias and of the minor Prophets give a mystical interpretation after the Alexandrian manner. Only fragments are extant of other works on the Old Testament, as well as of expositions of Matthew, Luke, and some of the Epistles, but of that of St. Luke much is preserved in a Syriac version. Of St. Cyril's sermons and letters the most interesting are those which concern the Nestorian controversy. Of a great apologetic work in the twenty books against Julian the Apostate ten books remain. Among his theological treatises we have two large works and one small one on the Holy Trinity, and a number of treatises and tracts belonging to the Nestorian controversy.
The first collected edition of St. Cyril's works was by J. Aubert, 7 vols., Paris, 1638; several earlier editions of some portions in Latin only are enumerated by Fabricius. Cardinal Mai added more material in the second and third volumes of his "Bibliotheca nova Patrum", II-III, 1852; this is incorporated, together with much matter from the Catenæ published by Ghislerius (1633), Corderius, Possinus, and Cranor (1838), in Migne's reprint of Aubert's edition (P.G. LXVIII-LXVII, Paris, 1864). Better editions of single works include P. E. Pusey, "Cyrilli Alex. Epistolae tres oecumenicae, libri V c. Nestorium, XII capitum explanatio, XII capitum defensio utraque scholia de Incarnatione Unigeniti" (Oxford, 1875); "De recta fide ad principissas de recta fide ad Augustas, quad unus Christus, dialogus apologeticus ad Imp." (Oxford, 1877); "Cyrilli Alex. in XII Prophetas" (Oxford, 1868, 2 vols.); "In divi Joannis Evangelium" (Oxford, 1872, 3 vols., including the fragments on the Epistles). "Three Epistles, with revised text and English translation" (Oxford, 1872); translations in the Oxford "Library of the Fathers"; "Commentary on St. John", I (1874), II (1885); Five tomes against Nestorius" (1881); R. Payne Smith, "S. Cyrilli Alex. Comm. in Lucae evang. quae supersunt Syriace e manuscripts apud Mus. Brit." (Oxford, 1858); the same translated into English (Oxford, 1859, 2 vols.); W. Wright, "Fragments of the Homilies of Cyril of Alex. on St. Luke, edited from a Nitrian manuscript" (London, 1874); J. H. Bernard, "On Some Fragments of an Uncial manuscript of St. Cyril of Alex. Written on Papyrus" (Trans. of R. Irish Acad., XXIX, 18, Dublin, 1892); "Cyrilli Alex. librorum c. Julianum fragmenta syriaca:, ed. E. Nestle etc. in "Scriptorum grecorum, qui Christianam impugnaverunt religionem", fasc. III (Leipzig, 1880). Fragments of the "Liber Thesaurorum" in Pitra, "Analecta sacra et class.", I (Paris, 1888).
(for the full background please read the artical)
Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop and Doctor
This information comes from Catholic Encyclopedia.
found on the 9th of June, and (together with St. Athanasius) on the 18th of January.
He was from an alexandrain family and the nephew to Theophilus, Patriarch of Alexandria. For a period of time he was a monk; however, in October 15th of 412 he was named successor to his uncle as the "Synod of the Oak".
During his time he had a great deal of power that made others jelous. He also drove out the Jewish people who had been massacuring the Christians. He was also able to get 500 monks from Nitria to help defend the patriarch. During these years there were many such riots and battles. Cyril was able to honor martyers and he attempted to keep the peace the best he could.
It also seems, due to a lack of communication with Rome, he was a qersecutor of St. Chrysostom and refused to insert his name in the diptychs of his Church untill he later yielded.
He also took a stand against Antiochene Nestorius who became patriarch of Constantinople. It seems he had some heretical teachings; however, the Pope did not take sides of eather when Nestorius wrote to him. It seems the Pope did have a great deal of respect for Cyril due to him being the first prelate of the East and inheritor of the Athanasius and Pter traditions...
As a Theologian:
The principal fame of St. Cyril rests upon his defence of Catholic doctrine against Nestorius. He wished, against Apollinarius, to teach that Christ was a perfect man, and he took the denial of a human personality in Our Lord to imply an Apollinarian incompleteness in His Human Nature. The union of the human and the Divine natures was therefore to Nestorius an unspeakably close junction, but not a union in one hypostasis. St. Cyril taught the personal, or hypostatic, union in the plainest terms; and when his writings are surveyed as a whole, it becomes certain that he always held the true view, that the one Christ has two perfect and distinct natures, Divine and human. But he would not admit two physeis in Christ, because he took physis to imply not merely a nature but a subsistent (i.e. personal) nature. His opponents misrepresented him as teaching that the Divine person suffered, in His human nature; and he was constantly accused of Apollinarianism. On the other hand, after his death Monophysitism was founded upon a misinterpretation of his teaching. Especially unfortunate was the formula "one nature incarnate of God the Word" (mia physis tou Theou Logou sesarkomene), which he took from a treatise on the Incarnation which he believed to be by his great predecessor St. Athanasius. By this phrase he intended simply to emphasize against Nestorius the unity of Christ's Person; but the words in fact expressed equally the single Nature taught by Eutyches and by his own successor Diascurus. He brings out admirably the necessity of the full doctrine of the humanity to God, to explain the scheme of the redemption of man. He argues that the flesh of Christ is truly the flesh of God, in that it is life-giving in the Holy Eucharist. In the richness and depth of his philosophical and devotional treatment of the Incarnation we recognize the disciple of Athanasius. But the precision of his language, and perhaps of his thought also, is very far behind that which St. Leo developed a few years after Cyril's death.
His writings
The exegetical works of St. Cyril are very numerous. The seventeen books "On Adoration in Spirit and in Truth" are an exposition of the typical and spiritual nature of the Old Law. The Glaphyra or "brilliant", Commentaries on Pentateuch are of the same nature. Long explanations of Isaias and of the minor Prophets give a mystical interpretation after the Alexandrian manner. Only fragments are extant of other works on the Old Testament, as well as of expositions of Matthew, Luke, and some of the Epistles, but of that of St. Luke much is preserved in a Syriac version. Of St. Cyril's sermons and letters the most interesting are those which concern the Nestorian controversy. Of a great apologetic work in the twenty books against Julian the Apostate ten books remain. Among his theological treatises we have two large works and one small one on the Holy Trinity, and a number of treatises and tracts belonging to the Nestorian controversy.
The first collected edition of St. Cyril's works was by J. Aubert, 7 vols., Paris, 1638; several earlier editions of some portions in Latin only are enumerated by Fabricius. Cardinal Mai added more material in the second and third volumes of his "Bibliotheca nova Patrum", II-III, 1852; this is incorporated, together with much matter from the Catenæ published by Ghislerius (1633), Corderius, Possinus, and Cranor (1838), in Migne's reprint of Aubert's edition (P.G. LXVIII-LXVII, Paris, 1864). Better editions of single works include P. E. Pusey, "Cyrilli Alex. Epistolae tres oecumenicae, libri V c. Nestorium, XII capitum explanatio, XII capitum defensio utraque scholia de Incarnatione Unigeniti" (Oxford, 1875); "De recta fide ad principissas de recta fide ad Augustas, quad unus Christus, dialogus apologeticus ad Imp." (Oxford, 1877); "Cyrilli Alex. in XII Prophetas" (Oxford, 1868, 2 vols.); "In divi Joannis Evangelium" (Oxford, 1872, 3 vols., including the fragments on the Epistles). "Three Epistles, with revised text and English translation" (Oxford, 1872); translations in the Oxford "Library of the Fathers"; "Commentary on St. John", I (1874), II (1885); Five tomes against Nestorius" (1881); R. Payne Smith, "S. Cyrilli Alex. Comm. in Lucae evang. quae supersunt Syriace e manuscripts apud Mus. Brit." (Oxford, 1858); the same translated into English (Oxford, 1859, 2 vols.); W. Wright, "Fragments of the Homilies of Cyril of Alex. on St. Luke, edited from a Nitrian manuscript" (London, 1874); J. H. Bernard, "On Some Fragments of an Uncial manuscript of St. Cyril of Alex. Written on Papyrus" (Trans. of R. Irish Acad., XXIX, 18, Dublin, 1892); "Cyrilli Alex. librorum c. Julianum fragmenta syriaca:, ed. E. Nestle etc. in "Scriptorum grecorum, qui Christianam impugnaverunt religionem", fasc. III (Leipzig, 1880). Fragments of the "Liber Thesaurorum" in Pitra, "Analecta sacra et class.", I (Paris, 1888).
(for the full background please read the artical)
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