Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Contraception and the Trivialization of Sex Part 1 of 4

Ok, here is an artical from the CUF website. I have separated it into 4 parts for slow people like me who can only read a paragraph or 2 at a time!

Contraception and the Trivialization of Sex

Donald DeMarco .

From the Jul/Aug 1999 Issue of Lay Witness Magazine

The experience of fragmentation has shaped the artistic and moral sensibility of our age. World Wars I and II, and all the innumerable regional wars that followed, have brought to modern consciousness a world that has been shattered and ripped to pieces. Order has yielded to disorder, continuity has been replaced by discontinuity, cosmos has given way to chaos. We now live in the atomic age, the age of anxiety, a post-Christian world in which God is presumed to be dead. Families are uprooted, industrialized labor is piecemeal, ethics is devoid of universal norms. University educators routinely teach that meaning, religion, law, and morality have all been deconstructed. In the words of the Irish poet, William Butler Yeats, “Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.” Prominent psychologists speak of our “collective death wish,” while philosophers harp incessantly about the problem of alienation. And sociologists decry the rapidly diminishing number of face-to-face relationships within society. Pope John Paul II diagnoses the contemporary climate as a “culture of death.” Back in 1941, Pope Pius XII was deeply concerned about the effect a climate of fragmentation would have on attitudes toward human sexuality. In retrospect, his words were remarkably prophetic: “[T]here are two tendencies to be avoided: first, the one which, in examining the constituent elements of the act of generation, considers only the primary end of marriage, as though the secondary end did not exist, or were not the finis operis established by the Creator of nature Himself; and second, the one which gives the secondary end a place of equal principality, detaching it from its essential subordination to the primary end—a view which would lead by logical necessity to deplorable consequences.” http://www.cuf.org/LayWitness/online_view.asp?lwID=670

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