Saturday, December 17, 2005

Well I will make a post for the non-readers out there. Since my last most much and nothing has occurred all at the same time.

1. I have decided I am going Catholic. In RCIA classes the information just feels and seems so RIGHT. It seems that most of the ideas are out of my own head, or make since and covers most of the questions I had in the past. For the ones who know me Mary was my major deal breaking point, now I embrace her, as she should be, as my mother!
2. I have a new “boyfriend”. Not either of the ones above; however, he is sweet. He mostly treats me well, and I mostly treat him well (kind of). Not much to report there besides he has more feelings for me than I have for him. It could be that I blocked myself off after being hurt so many times in the past. (Maybe I should become a Nun!)
3. School is VERY hard. I have been trying for quite some time to get caught up on my schoolwork, work stuff, and the things around here… not quite working. I have found that praying the Rosary is very helpful… If I could only find the time.

Hopefully I will get some significant posts to you shortly…

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