Saturday, January 13, 2007

What's in a name?

Side note, this will be short!

I looked up the "name" given for our anonymous poster! Yes, I am not up to date on my Latin, though I attend the Latin Mass... Something for the future I suppose! Anyway this is what I found from Wikipedia (so if it is not correct please let me know). It means the voice of the people and is, "Often quoted as, Vox populi, vox dei, (The voice of the people is the voice of God). This old proverb, was first quoted by William of Malmesbury in the Twelfth Century" I would say that his/her post is a voice of a person, and even of a group of people, but it is not THE voice of the people. I pray as time goes on this voice will sofen as the voice defending those whom cannot defend themselves becomes more powerful.

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