Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Miami is the "Thrid World Nation"

Man or man, my job makes me wonder more and more every day how humans got to the top of the food chain! I mean really. HOW. I guess the best answer is God. If he did not put us here… well we would not have had a chance!

Today I received a complaint letter about a cable company from a woman who lives in Miami. In this letter she indicated that Miami was a “THIRD WORLD NATION”!!!! Yes folks she said it was a third world nation even though it was on the US soil.

Well I decided to get some information on what a third world nation was. According to Wikipedia… Yes I know not the most reliable; however, according to them these terms First, Second, and Third world nations is how economically developed a country or area is. Just based on that MIAMI is nowhere NEAR a third world nation!!! Who comes up with this crap? Does she really think?

OK, for the like 2 people who MAY read this? What do you think she was referring to when she said that Miami was a third world nation? A co-worked noted that she could be referring to the influx of Spanish speaking people; however, they are also from first and second classifications...


Anonymous said...

She probably just meant there were a lot of poor people with dark skin. Of course it is a ridiculous claim because even the poorest of our nation are rich compared to those living in 3rd world countries, but I doubt this person was too interested in being economically accurate.

Dusty M Brahlek said...

I am glad I do not have to talk to the people that write to us... now the people that call and I HAVE to talk to... Sometimes I am surprised I have mannaged to keep my job this long!