Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Motu Poroprio Summorum Pontificum

OK there seems to be many problems revolving around the new Congregation of the doctrine of the Faith or the "Motu Poroprio Summorum Pontificum". Here I will give you a few moments to go and read this document... Go ahead!

Alright now that we know what it says let us talk about it. My friend John had mentioned to me that reading the news reports are like getting information by playing telephone. One reporter reads the document and reports, the next reads the article that was written and reports, then the next reports on the reaction to the report... so on. So it seems that there are reports that clearly claim the document says things that it CLEARLY does not! Then he read a comment from a Catholic claiming due to this document she is leaving the Faith! As John stated, it is clear she read the articles, but not the document. First how can we call news "news" if it is nothing more than false reporting. News should be at least factual; however, this is not. Additionally, it is sad that we have people in the church who have such a lack of faith and knowledge to walk a way from the truth at a drop of a hat. Though I think it is more about the fact they are LOOKING for a reason to leave, not just this was the start and end of everything.

OK, here is a few links to The Cafeteria Is Closed with some great commentary on the Motu Poroprio, the Motu Poroprio
it, as well as information on the traditional Latin Mass and other items!

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