Wednesday, July 18, 2007

What is this prayer?

Props for tellin me what "prayer" this is...

Priest: My peeps, let's roll with the Lord, givin' Him props and love.


Yo, Bid Daddy upstairs
You be chill'
So be yo hood
You be sayin' it, i be doin' it
In this here hood and yo's
Gimme some eats
And cut me some slack,
Sos I be doin' it to dem dat diss me
Don't be pushing me into no jive
And keep dem Crips away
'fcaus you always be da man



David said...

A most liberal translation of the Noster Pater. I suppose this must be what the Methodists are using these days...

(I'm new to snarky Protestant-bashing, so that will have do, I'm afraid.)

Dusty M Brahlek said...

Actually I rcv'd this from a Sister who rcv'd it from a Priest. You have to meet him to know just how like him this is. He is a priest for the youth of the Archdiocies! :) Anyway, I will not say if you are right or wrong just yet.

I also see where you would have thuoght this was from a Methodist... It would not have suprised me to see this when I was in their church.

Dusty M Brahlek said...

OK, for all thoses in suspense, though I am assuming most got it right off... It is the "Our Father" or the Noster Pater! :)